
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]The UNO IDL type any is mapped to java type java.lang.Object.

In special cases it is necessary to have an explicit any to additionally transport an exact type. For instance if you want to pass an object reference via an interprocess connection using an any, you should use this class to add an explicit interface type, so the remote counterpart doesn't need to invoke a queryInterface).
[中]UNO IDL类型any映射到java类型java.lang.Object


代码示例来源:origin: com.haulmont.yarg/yarg

public static Any createAny(Object o) {
    return new Any(new Type(o.getClass()), o);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/ridl

if (a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE) {
  object = a.getObject();
if (object instanceof Any) {
  Any a = (Any) object;
  object = a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE
    ? a.getObject() : null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/juh

boolean bAnyVal= setVal instanceof Any;
if (bAnyVal)
  bVoidValue= ((Any) setVal).getObject() == null;
  bVoidValue= setVal == null;
        convObj= new Any(new Type(XInterface.class), xint);
        convObj= new Any(new Type(), null);
        convObj= new Any( ((Any)curVal[0]).getType(), null);
      convObj= new Any(new Type(setVal.getClass()), setVal);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/ridl

Any a1 = Any.complete(any1);
Any a2 = Any.complete(any2);
Type t = a1.getType();
if (!a2.getType().equals(t)) {
  return false;
Object v1 = a1.getObject();
Object v2 = a2.getObject();
switch (t.getTypeClass().getValue()) {
case TypeClass.VOID_value:

代码示例来源:origin: cuba-platform/yarg

public static XTextTable getTableByName(XComponent xComponent, String tableName) throws NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException {
  XNameAccess tables = as(XTextTablesSupplier.class, xComponent).getTextTables();
  return (XTextTable) ((Any) tables.getByName(tableName)).getObject();

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/juh

boolean bAnyVal= setVal instanceof Any;
if (bAnyVal)
  bVoidValue= ((Any) setVal).getObject() == null;
  bVoidValue= setVal == null;
        convObj= new Any(new Type(XInterface.class), xint);
        convObj= new Any(new Type(), null);
        convObj= new Any( ((Any)curVal[0]).getType(), null);
      convObj= new Any(new Type(setVal.getClass()), setVal);

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/ridl

Any a1 = Any.complete(any1);
Any a2 = Any.complete(any2);
Type t = a1.getType();
if (!a2.getType().equals(t)) {
  return false;
Object v1 = a1.getObject();
Object v2 = a2.getObject();
switch (t.getTypeClass().getValue()) {
case TypeClass.VOID_value:

代码示例来源:origin: com.haulmont.yarg/yarg

public static XTextTable getTableByName(XComponent xComponent, String tableName) throws NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException {
  XNameAccess tables = as(XTextTablesSupplier.class, xComponent).getTextTables();
  return (XTextTable) ((Any) tables.getByName(tableName)).getObject();

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/ridl

if (a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE) {
  object = a.getObject();
if (object instanceof Any) {
  Any a = (Any) object;
  object = a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE
    ? a.getObject() : null;

代码示例来源:origin: cuba-platform/yarg

public static Any createAny(Object o) {
    return new Any(new Type(o.getClass()), o);

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/juh

if (obj == null || (obj instanceof Any && ((Any) obj).getObject() == null))
else if(cl.equals(Object.class))
    obj= ((Any) obj).getObject();
  retVal= obj;

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/jurt

private void writeAnyValue(Object value) {
  TypeDescription type;
  if (value == null || value instanceof XInterface) {
    type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(XInterface.class);
  } else if (value instanceof Any) {
    Any any = (Any) value;
    try {
      type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(any.getType());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
    value = any.getObject();
  } else if (value.getClass() == Object.class) {
    // Avoid StackOverflowError:
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      "Object instance does not represent UNO value");
  } else {
    type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(value.getClass());
  writeValue(type, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/ridl

  Complete a UNO <code>ANY</code> (make sure it is wrapped up as an
  <code>Any</code> instance).
  @param any a Java value representing a UNO <code>ANY</code> value.
  @return a complete Java value (that is, an <code>Any</code> instance)
  representing the same UNO <code>ANY</code> value as the given argument.
  @since UDK 3.2.3
public static final Any complete(Object any) {
  return any instanceof Any
    ? (Any) any
    : new Any(
      new Type(any == null ? XInterface.class : any.getClass()), any);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/juh

if (obj == null || (obj instanceof Any && ((Any) obj).getObject() == null))
  retVal= null;
else if(cl.equals(Object.class))
    obj= ((Any) obj).getObject();
  retVal= obj;

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/jurt

private void writeAnyValue(Object value) throws ClassNotFoundException {
  TypeDescription type;
  if (value == null || value instanceof XInterface) {
    type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(XInterface.class);
  } else if (value instanceof Any) {
    Any any = (Any) value;
    type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(any.getType());
    value = any.getObject();
  } else if (value.getClass() == Object.class) {
    // Avoid StackOverflowError:
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      "Object instance does not represent UNO value");
  } else {
    type = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(value.getClass());
  writeValue(type, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/ridl

 * Complete a UNO <code>ANY</code> (make sure it is wrapped up as an
 * <code>Any</code> instance).
 * @param any a Java value representing a UNO <code>ANY</code> value.
 * @return a complete Java value (that is, an <code>Any</code> instance)
 * representing the same UNO <code>ANY</code> value as the given argument.
 * @since UDK 3.2.3
public static final Any complete(Object any) {
  return any instanceof Any
    ? (Any) any
    : new Any(
      new Type(any == null ? XInterface.class : any.getClass()), any);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/juh

bVoidValue= ((Any) value).getObject() == null;
  bVoidValue= value == null;
  bValueOk= checkType(((Any) value).getObject());
  bValueOk= checkType(value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openoffice/jurt

/** Determines the type of an any object.
  @param object any object
  @return type object
static public Type getType( Object object )
  Type t;
  if (null == object)
    t = m_XInterface_type;
  else if (object instanceof Any)
    t = ((Any)object).getType();
    // nested any
    if (TypeClass.ANY_value == t.getTypeClass().getValue())
      return getType( ((Any)object).getObject() );
    t = new Type( object.getClass() );
  return t;

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/officebean

 * Returns an Any containing a sequences of One NamedValue
 * contains the name "WINDOW" and the value is a Long representing the window handle.
 * The second NamedValue  has the name "XEMBED" and the value is true, when the XEmbed
 * protocol shall be used fore embedding the native Window.
protected Any getWrappedWindowHandle()
  NamedValue window = new NamedValue(
    "WINDOW", new Any(new Type(Long.class), Long.valueOf(getNativeWindow())));
  NamedValue xembed = new NamedValue(
    "XEMBED", new Any(new Type(Boolean.class), Boolean.FALSE));
  if (getNativeWindowSystemType() == SystemDependent.SYSTEM_XWINDOW )
    String vendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor");
    if ((vendor.equals("Sun Microsystems Inc.") || vendor.equals("Oracle Corporation"))
      && Boolean.getBoolean("sun.awt.xembedserver"))
      xembed = new NamedValue(
        new Any(new Type(Boolean.class), Boolean.TRUE));
  return new Any(
    new Type("[]"),
    new NamedValue[] {window, xembed});

代码示例来源:origin: org.libreoffice/juh

bVoidValue= ((Any) value).getObject() == null;
  bVoidValue= value == null;
  bValueOk= checkType(((Any) value).getObject());
  bValueOk= checkType(value);



