
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]A timing source that can be used to access the current wall time as well as a high resolution monotonic time to measuring elapsed times. Most of the time the #SYSTEM implementation that calls the builtin java methods is probably the right one to use. Other implementations would typically only get used for unit tests or other cases where precise control of the clock is needed.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicecomb-java-chassis

public PolledEvent poll(long secondInterval) {
  long msNow = clock.wallTime();
  List<Meter> meters = new ArrayList<>();
  List<Measurement> measurements = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Registry registry : registries) {

   for (Meter meter : registry) {
    if (meter instanceof PeriodMeter) {
     ((PeriodMeter) meter).calcMeasurements(msNow, secondInterval);


  return new PolledEvent(meters, measurements);

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

private List<InfluxDbResult> queryInfluxdb(InfluxDbRemoteService remoteService, String metricSetName, String query) {
 long startTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
 List<InfluxDbResult> influxDbResults;
 try {
  influxDbResults = remoteService.query(metricSetName, query);
 } finally {
  long endTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
  Id influxDbFetchTimerId = registry.createId("influxdb.fetchTime");
  registry.timer(influxDbFetchTimerId).record(endTime - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
 return influxDbResults;

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

/** Create a new instance. */
AtlasMeter(Id id, Clock clock, long ttl) { = id;
 this.clock = clock;
 this.ttl = ttl;
 lastUpdated = clock.wallTime();

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

long startTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
List<PrometheusResults> prometheusResultsList;
} finally {
 long endTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

 * Updates the last updated timestamp for the meter to indicate it is active and should
 * not be considered expired.
void updateLastModTime() {
 lastUpdated = clock.wallTime();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

 public long monotonicTime() {
  return impl.monotonicTime();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

/** Create a new instance. */
StatelessMeter(Id id, Clock clock, long ttl) { = id;
 this.clock = clock;
 this.ttl = ttl;
 lastUpdated = clock.wallTime();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

private long getLatency() {
 if (startNanos >= 0L && latency < 0L) {
  // If latency was not explicitly set but the start time was, then compute the
  // time since the start. The field is updated so subsequent calls will return
  // a consistent value for the latency.
  latency = clock.monotonicTime() - startNanos;
 return latency;

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

 * Updates the last updated timestamp for the meter to indicate it is active and should
 * not be considered expired.
void updateLastModTime() {
 lastUpdated = clock.wallTime();

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

long startTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
ListTimeSeriesResponse response;
 response = list.execute();
} finally {
 long endTime = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
 Id stackdriverFetchTimerId = registry.createId("stackdriver.fetchTime").withTag("project", projectId);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicecomb-java-chassis

public void onInvocationFinish(InvocationFinishEvent event) {
 lastUpdated = registry.clock().wallTime();
 InvocationStageTrace stageTrace = event.getInvocation().getInvocationStageTrace();
 totalTimer.record((long) stageTrace.calcTotalTime());
 handlersRequestTimer.record((long) stageTrace.calcHandlersRequestTime());
 handlersResponseTimer.record((long) stageTrace.calcHandlersResponseTime());
 prepareTimer.record((long) stageTrace.calcInvocationPrepareTime());

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.metrics/spring-metrics

 public long monotonicTime() {
  return impl.monotonicTime();

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

 * Return the number of seconds since the last time the counter was incremented.
public double secondsSinceLastUpdate() {
 final long now = clock.wallTime();
 return  (now - lastUpdated.get()) / MILLIS_PER_SECOND;

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

String isoStep = Duration.of(atlasCanaryScope.getStep(), SECONDS) + "";
long start = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
List <AtlasResults> atlasResultsList;
try {
} finally {
 long end = registry.clock().monotonicTime();
 registry.timer("atlas.fetchTime").record(end - start, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);


 * Return the number of seconds since the last time the counter was incremented.
public double secondsSinceLastUpdate() {
 final long now = clock.wallTime();
 return  (now - lastUpdated.get()) / MILLIS_PER_SECOND;

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

@Override public long duration() {
 long now = clock.monotonicTime();
 long sum = 0L;
 for (long startTime : tasks.values()) {
  sum += now - startTime;
 return sum;

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

/** Create a new instance. */
public StepLong(long init, Clock clock, long step) {
 this.init = init;
 this.clock = clock;
 this.step = step;
 previous = init;
 current = new AtomicLong(init);
 lastInitPos = new AtomicLong(clock.wallTime() / step);


@Override public long duration() {
 long now = clock.monotonicTime();
 long sum = 0L;
 for (long startTime : tasks.values()) {
  sum += now - startTime;
 return sum;


/** Create a new instance. */
public StepLong(long init, Clock clock, long step) {
 this.init = init;
 this.clock = clock;
 this.step = step;
 previous = init;
 current = new AtomicLong(init);
 lastInitPos = new AtomicLong(clock.wallTime() / step);

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

@Override public long start() {
 long task = nextTask.getAndIncrement();
 tasks.put(task, clock.monotonicTime());
 return task;



