
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]The interface to be satisfied by implementations maintaining collections of RDF triples. The core interface is small (add, delete, find, contains) and is augmented by additional classes to handle more complicated matters such as event management.


代码示例来源:origin: org.spdx/spdx-tools

public String getComment() {
  if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
    Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT).asNode();
    Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
    ExtendedIterator<Triple> tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);	
    while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
      this.comment =;
  return this.comment;

代码示例来源:origin: vivo-project/Vitro

private void stageAddition(Triple t) {
  if(removalsGraph.contains(t)) {
    removalsGraph.remove(t.getSubject(), t.getPredicate(), t.getObject());
  } else {


public static boolean exists(Graph graph) {
  if(graph instanceof OptimizedMultiUnion) {
    return ((OptimizedMultiUnion)graph).getIncludesSHACL();
  else {
    return graph != null &&
        SH.NS.equals(graph.getPrefixMapping().getNsPrefixURI(SH.PREFIX)) && 
        graph.contains(SH.Shape.asNode(), RDF.type.asNode(), Node.ANY);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

 * Remove the triple, ie, remove it from the adds, add it to the removals.
public void performDelete(Triple t)
  additions.delete(t) ;
  if (base.contains(t))
    deletions.add(t) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

protected final long writeOutput(Writer writer) {
  if (this.g.size() == 0)
    return 0;
  RDFDataMgr.write(writer, this.g, this.getRdfLanguage());
  return this.g.size();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

  public boolean doCheck( Node n, EnhGraph g ) {
    return n.equals( RDF.nil.asNode() )  ||
    g.asGraph().contains( n, RDF.type.asNode(), RDF.List.asNode() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

 * Test case for a bug in retrieving a value like 3.00 from
 * a probe like 3.0
public void testDecimalFind() {
  RDFDatatype dt = XSDDatatype.XSDdecimal;
  Node ns = NodeFactory.createURI("x") ;
  Node np = NodeFactory.createURI("p") ;
  Node nx1 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("0.50", dt) ;
  Node nx2 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("0.500", dt) ;
  Graph graph = Factory.createDefaultGraph() ;
  graph.add(new Triple(ns, np, nx1)) ;
  assertTrue( graph.find(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, nx2).hasNext() );  

代码示例来源:origin: org.spdx/spdx-tools

public List<SpdxPackage> findAllPackages() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
  Node rdfTypePredicate = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDF_NAMESPACE, 
  Node packageTypeObject = model.createResource(SPDX_NAMESPACE + CLASS_SPDX_PACKAGE).asNode();
  Triple m = Triple.createMatch(null, rdfTypePredicate, packageTypeObject);
  List<SpdxPackage> retval = Lists.newArrayList();
  ExtendedIterator<Triple> tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);	
  while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
  return retval;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

@Test public void rdfjson_escapes()
  Graph g = GraphFactory.createGraphMem();
  Node s = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
  Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate");
  g.add(new Triple(s, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("quote \" character")));
  g.add(new Triple(s, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("new \n\r lines")));
  g.add(new Triple(s, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("tab \t character")));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

static private void findContainers(Collection<Node> acc, Graph graph, Node typeNode)
  ExtendedIterator<Triple> iter = graph.find(Node.ANY, RDF.type.asNode(), typeNode) ;
    Triple t =;
    Node containerNode = t.getSubject() ;
    acc.add(containerNode) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

@Test public void sparql5()
  Dataset dataset = create() ;
  String graphName = "http://example/" ;
  Triple triple = SSE.parseTriple("(<x> <y> 123)") ;
  Graph g2 = dataset.asDatasetGraph().getGraph(NodeFactory.createURI(graphName)) ;
  // Graphs only exists if they have a triple in them
  g2.add(triple) ;
  Query query = QueryFactory.create("ASK { GRAPH <"+graphName+"> {} }") ;
  boolean b = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset).execAsk() ;
  assertEquals(true, b) ;

代码示例来源:origin: org.spdx/spdx-tools

 * @param id
 * @return true if the license ID is already in the model as an extracted license info
 * @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException 
protected boolean extractedLicenseExists(String id) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
  Node p = model.getProperty(SPDX_NAMESPACE, PROP_LICENSE_ID).asNode();
  Node o = NodeFactory.createLiteral(id);
  Triple m = Triple.createMatch(null, p, o);
  ExtendedIterator<Triple> tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);	
  return tripleIter.hasNext();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

@Test public void graph_02()
  Node g = NodeFactory.createURI("g") ;
  DatasetGraph dsg = emptyDataset() ;
  assertNotNull(dsg) ;
  Quad quad = SSE.parseQuad("(quad <g> <s> <p> <o>)") ;
  dsg.add(quad) ;
  Triple t = SSE.parseTriple("(<s> <p> <o>)") ;
  dsg.getGraph(g).delete(t) ;
  assertTrue(dsg.getDefaultGraph().isEmpty()) ;
  assertTrue(dsg.getGraph(NodeFactory.createURI("g")).isEmpty()) ;
  assertFalse(dsg.find(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY).hasNext()) ; 

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

  public boolean doCheck( Node n, EnhGraph g ) {
    return n.isBlank()  &&
        g.asGraph().contains( n, RDF.type.asNode(), OWL.DataRange.asNode() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public Model add( Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o )  {
  modelReifier.noteIfReified( s, p, o );
  graph.add( Triple.create( s.asNode(), p.asNode(), o.asNode() ) );
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.aksw.jena-sparql-api/jena-sparql-api-mapper

public void writeValue(Object value, Node subject, Node predicate,
    Graph outputGraph) {
  if(value != null) {
    // value must be a string
    String iri = value.toString();
    Node o = NodeFactory.createURI(iri);
    Triple t = new Triple(subject, predicate, o);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void runBare()
  Graph g = graphWith( graph );
  Node literal = NodeCreateUtils.create( search );
  assertEquals( "graph has wrong size", size, g.size() );
  Set<Node> got = g.find( Node.ANY, Node.ANY, literal ).mapWith( t -> t.getObject() ).toSet();
  assertEquals( nodeSet( results ), got );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public Model remove( Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o ) {
  graph.delete( Triple.create( s.asNode(), p.asNode(), o.asNode() ) );
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

@Test public void quad_02()
  DatasetGraph dsg = emptyDataset() ;
  assertNotNull(dsg) ;
  Quad quad = SSE.parseQuad("(quad <g> <s> <p> <o>)") ;
  dsg.add(quad) ;
  dsg.containsGraph(NodeFactory.createURI("g")) ;
  dsg.delete(quad) ;
  assertTrue(dsg.isEmpty()) ;
  assertTrue(dsg.getDefaultGraph().isEmpty()) ;
  assertTrue(dsg.getGraph(NodeFactory.createURI("g")).isEmpty()) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public void setUp() throws Exception {
  baseGraph = createGraph();
  baseGraph.remove(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY);
  securedGraph = org.apache.jena.permissions.Factory
          "", baseGraph);
  s = NodeFactory.createURI("");
  p = NodeFactory.createURI("");
  o = NodeFactory.createURI("");
  t = new Triple(s, p, o);
