
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-23 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns an adjusted copy of this time.

This returns a new LocalTime, based on this one, with the time adjusted. The adjustment takes place using the specified adjuster strategy object. Read the documentation of the adjuster to understand what adjustment will be made.

A simple adjuster might simply set the one of the fields, such as the hour field. A more complex adjuster might set the time to the last hour of the day.

The result of this method is obtained by invoking the TemporalAdjuster#adjustInto(Temporal) method on the specified adjuster passing this as the argument.

This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium

 * Get the ISO 8601 formatted representation of the given {@link java.sql.Time}, which contains time but no date or timezone
 * information.
 * @param time the JDBC time value; may not be null
 * @param zoneId the timezone identifier or offset where the time is defined
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the ISO 8601 formatted string
public static String toIsoString(java.sql.Time time, ZoneId zoneId, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime localTime = time.toLocalTime();
  if (adjuster != null) {
    localTime = localTime.with(adjuster);
  ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(Conversions.EPOCH, localTime, zoneId);
  return zdt.format(FORMATTER);

代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium

 * Get the ISO 8601 formatted representation of the given {@link java.sql.Time}, which contains time but no date or timezone
 * information.
 * @param time the JDBC time value
 * @param zoneId the timezone identifier or offset where the time is defined
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the ISO 8601 formatted string
public static String toIsoString(java.sql.Time time, ZoneId zoneId, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime localTime = time.toLocalTime();
  if (adjuster != null) {
    localTime = localTime.with(adjuster);
  ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(Conversions.EPOCH, localTime, zoneId);
  return zdt.format(FORMATTER);

代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium

 * Get the number of nanoseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the nanoseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static long toNanoOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster !=null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  return time.toNanoOfDay();

代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium

 * Get the number of milliseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the milliseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static int toMilliOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster != null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  long micros = Math.floorDiv(time.toNanoOfDay(), Conversions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
  assert Math.abs(micros) < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  return (int) micros;

代码示例来源:origin: debezium/debezium

 * Get the number of microseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the microseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static long toMicroOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster != null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  return Math.floorDiv(time.toNanoOfDay(), Conversions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MICROSECOND);

代码示例来源:origin: lesfurets/dOOv

Function<LocalTime, LocalTime> withFunction(TemporalAdjuster ajuster) {
  return time -> time.with(ajuster);

代码示例来源:origin: tec.uom/uom-se

 * Creates the {@link Quantity<Time>} based in the {@link Temporal} with {@link Supplier<TemporalAdjuster>}
 * @param localTimeA
 * @see {@link LocalTime}
 * @param supplier
 *          he adjust @see {@link TemporalAdjuster}
 * @return The Quantity based in Temporal with TemporalAdjuster in {@link Units#DAY}.
 * @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
 *           if some temporal doesn't support {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS}
public static Quantity<Time> getQuantity(LocalTime localTimeA, Supplier<TemporalAdjuster> supplier) {
 LocalTime localTimeB = localTimeA.with(supplier.get());
 return getQuantity(localTimeA, localTimeB);

代码示例来源:origin: tec.units/indriya

 * Creates the {@link Quantity<Time>} based in the {@link Temporal} with {@link Supplier<TemporalAdjuster>}
 * @param localTimeA
 * @see {@link LocalTime}
 * @param supplier
 *          he adjust @see {@link TemporalAdjuster}
 * @return The Quantity based in Temporal with TemporalAdjuster in {@link Units#DAY}.
 * @throws java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException
 *           if some temporal doesn't support {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS}
public static Quantity<Time> getQuantity(LocalTime localTimeA, Supplier<TemporalAdjuster> supplier) {
 LocalTime localTimeB = localTimeA.with(supplier.get());
 return getQuantity(localTimeA, localTimeB);

代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core

 * Get the ISO 8601 formatted representation of the given {@link java.sql.Time}, which contains time but no date or timezone
 * information.
 * @param time the JDBC time value; may not be null
 * @param zoneId the timezone identifier or offset where the time is defined
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the ISO 8601 formatted string
public static String toIsoString(java.sql.Time time, ZoneId zoneId, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime localTime = time.toLocalTime();
  if (adjuster != null) {
    localTime = localTime.with(adjuster);
  ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(Conversions.EPOCH, localTime, zoneId);
  return zdt.format(FORMATTER);

代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core

 * Get the ISO 8601 formatted representation of the given {@link java.sql.Time}, which contains time but no date or timezone
 * information.
 * @param time the JDBC time value
 * @param zoneId the timezone identifier or offset where the time is defined
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the ISO 8601 formatted string
public static String toIsoString(java.sql.Time time, ZoneId zoneId, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime localTime = time.toLocalTime();
  if (adjuster != null) {
    localTime = localTime.with(adjuster);
  ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(Conversions.EPOCH, localTime, zoneId);
  return zdt.format(FORMATTER);

代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core

 * Get the number of nanoseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the nanoseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static long toNanoOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster !=null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  return time.toNanoOfDay();

代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core

 * Get the number of milliseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the milliseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static int toMilliOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster != null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  long micros = Math.floorDiv(time.toNanoOfDay(), Conversions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
  assert Math.abs(micros) < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  return (int) micros;

代码示例来源:origin: io.debezium/debezium-core

 * Get the number of microseconds past midnight of the given {@link java.time.LocalDateTime}, {@link java.time.LocalDate},
 * {@link java.time.LocalTime}, {@link java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time}, or
 * {@link java.sql.Timestamp}, ignoring any date portions of the supplied value.
 * @param value the local or SQL date, time, or timestamp value; may not be null
 * @param adjuster the optional component that adjusts the local date value before obtaining the epoch day; may be null if no
 * adjustment is necessary
 * @return the microseconds past midnight
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not an instance of the acceptable types
public static long toMicroOfDay(Object value, TemporalAdjuster adjuster) {
  LocalTime time = Conversions.toLocalTime(value);
  if (adjuster != null) {
    time = time.with(adjuster);
  return Math.floorDiv(time.toNanoOfDay(), Conversions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MICROSECOND);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport

public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(TemporalField field, long newValue) {
  if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
    if (field.isTimeBased()) {
      return with(date, time.with(field, newValue));
    } else {
      return with(date.with(field, newValue), time);
  return date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDateTime(field.adjustInto(this, newValue));

代码示例来源:origin: fbacchella/LogHub

if (ta.isSupported(cf)) {
  logger.trace("{} {}", () -> cf, () -> ta.getLong(cf));
  lt = lt.with(cf, ta.getLong(cf));
if (ta.isSupported(cf)) {
  logger.trace("{} {}", () -> cf, () -> ta.getLong(cf));
  lt = lt.with(cf, ta.getLong(cf));

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport

if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
  if (field.isTimeBased()) {
    return with(date, time.with(field, newValue));
  } else {
    return with(date.with(field, newValue), time);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport

return with(time, ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(f.checkValidIntValue(newValue)));
return with(time.with(field, newValue), offset);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/wicket

public void convertInput()
  Integer hours = hoursField.getConvertedInput();
  Integer minutes = minutesField.getConvertedInput();
  AM_PM amOrPmInput = amOrPmChoice.getConvertedInput();
  LocalTime localTime;
  if (hours == null && minutes == null)
    localTime = null;
  else if (hours != null && minutes != null)
    // Use the input to create a LocalTime object
    localTime = LocalTime.of(hours, minutes);
    // Adjust for halfday if needed
    if (use12HourFormat())
      int halfday = (amOrPmInput == AM_PM.PM ? 1 : 0);
      localTime = localTime.with(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY, halfday);
    error(newValidationError(new ConversionException("Cannot parse time").setTargetType(getType())));
