
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Log for H2O. This class should be loaded before we start to print as it wraps around System.{out,err}. There are three kinds of message: INFO, WARN and ERRR, for general information, events that look wrong, and runtime exceptions. WARN messages and uncaught exceptions are printed on Standard output. Some INFO messages are also printed on standard output. Many more messages are printed to the log file in the ice directory and to the K/V store. Messages can come from a number of subsystems, Sys.RANDF for instance denotes the Random forest implementation. Subsystem names are five letter mnemonics to keep formatting nicely even. To print messages from a subsystem to the log file, set a property on the command line -Dlog.RANDF=true -Dlog.RANDF=false // turn off or call the API function Log.setFlag(Sys.RANDF); Log.unsetFlag(Sys.RANDF); // turn off OOME: when the VM is low on memory, OutOfMemoryError can be thrown in the logging framework while it is trying to print a message. In this case the first message that fails is recorded for later printout, and a number of messages can be discarded. The framework will attempt to print the recorded message later, and report the number of dropped messages, but this done in a best effort and lossy manner. Basically when an OOME occurs during logging, no guarantees are made about the messages.


代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

/** Temporary log statement. Search for references to make sure they have been removed. */
static public void tmp(Object... objects) {
public static String fixedLength(String s, int length) {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

/** Record an exception to the log file and store. */
static public <T extends Throwable> T err(Sys t, T exception) {
 return err(t, "", exception);
/** Record an exception to the log file and store. */

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

static int print( String msg, H2ONode h2os[], String msg2 ) {
  return 0;                   // handy flow-coding return

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected void init() {
 // Initialize local variables
 _mtry = (mtries==-1) ? // classification: mtry=sqrt(_ncols), regression: mtry=_ncols/3
   ( classification ? Math.max((int)Math.sqrt(_ncols),1) : Math.max(_ncols/3,1))  : mtries;
 if (!(1 <= _mtry && _mtry <= _ncols)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Computed mtry should be in interval <1,#cols> but it is " + _mtry);
 if (!(0.0 < sample_rate && sample_rate <= 1.0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sample rate should be interval (0,1> but it is " + sample_rate);
 if (DEBUG_DETERMINISTIC && seed == -1) _seed = 0x1321e74a0192470cL; // fixed version of seed
 else if (seed == -1) _seed = _seedGenerator.nextLong(); else _seed = seed;
 if (sample_rate==1f && validation!=null)
  Log.warn(Sys.DRF__, "Sample rate is 100% and no validation dataset is specified. There are no OOB data to compute out-of-bag error estimation!");
 if (!classification && do_grpsplit) {
  Log.info(Sys.DRF__, "Group splitting not supported for DRF regression. Forcing group splitting to false.");
  do_grpsplit = false;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

static public Iced newInstance(int id) {
 if( id >= CLAZZES.length || CLAZZES[id] == null ) loadId(id);
 Iced f = (Iced) GOLD[id];
 if( f == null ) {
  try { GOLD[id] = f = (Iced) Class.forName(CLAZZES[id]).newInstance(); }
  catch( Exception e ) { Log.err("Failed newinstance for class "+className(id)); throw Log.errRTExcept(e); }
 return f.newInstance();

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

static void initializeLicenseManager() {
 licenseManager = new LicenseManager();
 if (OPT_ARGS.license != null) {
  LicenseManager.Result r = licenseManager.readLicenseFile(OPT_ARGS.license);
  if (r == LicenseManager.Result.OK) {
   Log.info("Successfully read license file ("+ OPT_ARGS.license + ")");
  else {
   Log.err("readLicenseFile failed (" + r + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

/** Log a warning to standard out, the log file and the store. */
static public Throwable warn(Sys t, String msg) {
 return warn(t, msg, null);
/** Log a warning to standard out, the log file and the store. */

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

private boolean canLoadAll(final Frame fr, ChunkAllocInfo cai) {
 int nchks = fr.anyVec().nChunks();
 long localBytes = 0l;
 for (int i = 0; i < nchks; ++i) {
  Key k = fr.anyVec().chunkKey(i);
  if (k.home()) {
   localBytes += fr.anyVec().chunkForChunkIdx(i).byteSize();
 long memForNonLocal = fr.byteSize() - localBytes;
 // Also must add in the RF internal data structure overhead
 memForNonLocal += fr.numRows() * fr.numCols();
 for(int i = 0; i < H2O.CLOUD._memary.length; i++) {
  HeartBeat hb = H2O.CLOUD._memary[i]._heartbeat;
  long nodeFreeMemory = (long)(hb.get_max_mem() * 0.8); // * OVERHEAD_MAGIC;
  Log.debug(Log.Tag.Sys.RANDF, i + ": computed available mem: " + PrettyPrint.bytes(nodeFreeMemory));
  Log.debug(Log.Tag.Sys.RANDF, i + ": remote chunks require: " + PrettyPrint.bytes(memForNonLocal));
  if (nodeFreeMemory - memForNonLocal <= 0 || (nodeFreeMemory <= TWO_HUNDRED_MB && memForNonLocal >= ONE_FIFTY_MB)) {
   Log.info("Node free memory raw: "+nodeFreeMemory);
   cai.node = H2O.CLOUD._memary[i];
   cai.availableMemory = nodeFreeMemory;
   cai.requiredMemory = memForNonLocal;
   return false;
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

private boolean loadNextData() {
  // FIXME: just replace data
  byte[] nextChunk = this.din.getChunkData(this.startCidx + chunkCnt + 1);
  if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.length > 0) {
   this.data = ArrayUtils.append(this.data, nextChunk);
   Log.trace(String.format("Avro stream wrapper - loading another chunk: StartChunkIdx: %d, LoadedChunkCnt: %d",  startCidx, chunkCnt));
   return true;
  } else {
   return false;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

static private StringBuilder p(StringBuilder sb, String s, int w) {
 return sb.append(Log.fixedLength(s,w));
static private StringBuilder p(StringBuilder sb, double d, int w) {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

 * Helper to compute the initial value for Bernoulli for offset != 0
private double getInitialValueBernoulliOffset(Frame train) {
 Log.info("Running Newton-Raphson iteration to find the initial value since offsets are specified.");
 double delta;
 int count = 0;
 double tol = 1e-4;
 //From R GBM vignette:
 //For speed, gbm() does only one step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm
 //rather than iterating to convergence. No appreciable loss of accuracy
 //since the next boosting iteration will simply correct for the prior iterations
 int N = 1; //one step is enough - same as R
 double init = 0; //start with initial value of 0 for convergence
 do {
  double newInit = new NewtonRaphson(frameMap, new Distribution(_parms), init).doAll(train).value();
  delta = Math.abs(init - newInit);
  init = newInit;
  Log.info("Iteration " + (++count) + ": initial value: " + init);
 } while (count < N && delta >= tol);
 if (delta > tol) Log.warn("Not fully converged.");
 Log.info("Newton-Raphson iteration ran for " + count + " iteration(s). Final residual: " + delta);
 return init;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

/** Log a warning to standard out, the log file and the store. */
static public Throwable warn(String msg) {
 return warn(Sys.WATER, msg, null);
/** Log an information message to standard out, the log file and the store. */

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

Log.trace(String.format("Avro: ChunkIdx: %d read %d records, start at %d off, block count: %d, block size: %d", cidx, cnt, din.getChunkDataStart(cidx), dataFileReader.getBlockCount(), dataFileReader.getBlockSize()));

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

static private StringBuilder p(StringBuilder sb, String s, int w) {
 return sb.append(Log.fixedLength(s,w));
static private StringBuilder p(StringBuilder sb, long l, int w) {

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public static void setMemLow() {
 if( !CAN_ALLOC ) return;
 synchronized(_lock) { CAN_ALLOC = false; }
 Log.info(Sys.CLEAN,"Pausing to swap to disk; more memory may help");
public static boolean canAlloc() { return CAN_ALLOC; }

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

/** Record a message to the log file and store. */
static public void err(String msg) {
 err(Sys.WATER, msg);
/** Record an exception to the log file and store. */

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

 * Internal helper to create a native backend, and fill its state
 * @param network user-given network topology
 * @param parameters user-given network state (weights/biases)
private void javaToNative(byte[] network, byte[] parameters) {
 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
 //existing state is fine
 if (_backend !=null
     // either not overwriting with user-given (new) state, or we already are in sync
     && (network == null || Arrays.equals(network,_network))
     && (parameters == null || Arrays.equals(parameters,_modelparams))) {
  Log.warn("No need to move the state from Java to native.");
 if (_backend ==null) {
  _backend = createDeepWaterBackend(get_params()._backend.toString()); // new ImageTrain(_width, _height, _channels, _deviceID, (int)parameters.getOrMakeRealSeed(), _gpu);
  if (_backend == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No backend found. Cannot build a Deep Water model.");
 if (network==null) network = _network;
 if (parameters==null) parameters= _modelparams;
 if (network==null || parameters==null) return;
 Log.info("Java state -> native backend.");
 initModel(network, parameters);
 long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
 Log.info("Took: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(time, true));

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

public static void ignore(Throwable e, String msg, boolean printException) { Log.debug(Sys.WATER, msg + (printException? e.toString() : "")); }

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-3

boolean cleanupBadClusters( LloydsIterationTask task, final Vec[] vecs, final double[][] centers, final double[] means, final double[] mults, final int[] modes ) {
 // Find any bad clusters
 int clu;
 for( clu=0; clu<centers.length; clu++ )
  if( task._size[clu] == 0 ) break;
 if( clu == centers.length ) return false; // No bad clusters
 long row = task._worst_row;
 Log.warn("KMeans: Re-initializing cluster " + clu + " to row " + row);
 data(centers[clu] = task._cMeans[clu], vecs, row, means, mults, modes);
 task._size[clu] = 1; //FIXME: PUBDEV-871 Some other cluster had their membership count reduced by one! (which one?)
 // Find any MORE bad clusters; we only fixed the first one
 for( clu=0; clu<centers.length; clu++ )
  if( task._size[clu] == 0 ) break;
 if( clu == centers.length ) return false; // No MORE bad clusters
 // If we see 2 or more bad rows, just re-run Lloyds to get the
 // next-worst row.  We don't count this as an iteration, because
 // we're not really adjusting the centers, we're trying to get
 // some centers *at-all*.
 Log.warn("KMeans: Re-running Lloyds to re-init another cluster");
 if (_reinit_attempts++ < centers.length) {
  return true;  // Rerun Lloyds, and assign points to centroids
 } else {
  _reinit_attempts = 0;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: h2oai/h2o-2

@Override protected Response serve() {
  if ((node_idx.value() < 0) || (node_idx.value() >= H2O.CLOUD.size())) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal node_idx for this H2O cluster (must be from 0 to " + H2O.CLOUD.size() + ")");
  H2ONode node = H2O.CLOUD._memary[node_idx.value()];
  GetTicksTask ppt = new GetTicksTask();
  Log.trace("GetTicksTask starting to node " + node_idx.value() + "...");
  // Synchronous RPC call to get ticks from remote (possibly this) node.
  new RPC<GetTicksTask>(node, ppt).call().get();
  Log.trace("GetTicksTask completed to node " + node_idx.value());
  long[][] cpuTicks = ppt._cpuTicks;
  // Stuff tick information into json response.
  JsonArray j = new JsonArray();
  for (long[] arr : cpuTicks) {
   JsonArray j2 = new JsonArray();
   j2.add(new JsonPrimitive(arr[0]));
   j2.add(new JsonPrimitive(arr[1]));
   j2.add(new JsonPrimitive(arr[2]));
   j2.add(new JsonPrimitive(arr[3]));
  JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
  o.add("cpuTicks", j);
  return Response.done(o);



