
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]A Node is a Fqn logical grouping of data in the JBoss Cache. A node should be used to contain data for a single data record, for example information about a particular person or account.

One purpose of grouping cache data into separate nodes is to minimize transaction locking interference, and increase concurrency. So for example, when multiple threads or possibly distributed caches are acccessing different accounts simultaneously.

Another is that when making changes to this node, its data might be kept in a single database row or file on disk. (Persisted via the use of a org.jboss.cache.loader.CacheLoader.)

A node has references to its children, parent (each node except the root - defined by Fqn#ROOT - has a single parent) and data contained within the node (as key/value pairs). The data access methods are similar to the collections Map interface, but some are read-only or return copies of the underlying the data.
一个节点引用了它的子节点、父节点(除根节点(由Fqn#root定义)外的每个节点都有一个父节点)和节点中包含的数据(作为键/值对)。数据访问方法与collections Map接口类似,但有些是只读的,或者返回基础数据的副本。


代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

public V get(Object arg0)
  Node child = node.getChild(arg0);
  if (child == null)
   return null;
  return (V) child.get(KEY);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

public V put(K arg0, V arg1)
  return (V) node.addChild(Fqn.fromElements(arg0)).put(KEY, arg1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache

public static Set getChildrenNames(Cache cache, Fqn fqn) {
  Node node = cache.getRoot().getChild(fqn);
  return (node != null) ? node.getChildrenNames() : Collections.emptySet();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

public void clear()
  for (Object o : node.getChildrenNames())

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

public V remove(Object arg0)
  Node child = node.getChild(arg0);
  if (child == null)
   return null;
  V o = (V) child.remove(KEY);
  return o;

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.servlet.sip.containers/sip-servlets-jboss5-ha-server-cache

public Map<String, String> getSipSessionKeys() {
  Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
  Fqn<String> sipappFqn = getSipappFqn();
  Node<Object, Object> bbRoot = jBossCacheService.getCache().getRoot()
  if (bbRoot != null) {
    Set<Node<Object, Object>> owners = bbRoot.getChildren();
    if (owners != null) {
      for (Node<Object, Object> owner : owners) {
        Node sipRoot = owner.getChild(sipappFqn);
        if (sipRoot != null) {
          Set<String> ids = sipRoot.getChildrenNames();
          storeSipSessionOwners(ids, (String) owner.getFqn()
              .getLastElement(), result);
  storeSipSessionOwners(jBossCacheService.getChildrenNames(sipappFqn), null,
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache

added = root.addChild( fqn );
  added = root.getChild(fqn);
return added;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache

regionRoot = jbcCache.getRoot().getChild( regionFqn );
if (regionRoot == null || !regionRoot.isValid()) {
if (!regionRoot.isResident()) {

代码示例来源:origin: Verigreen/verigreen

private void populateValues(Node<String, Object> cache, ArrayList<V> list) {
  Set<Node<String, Object>> children = cache.getChildren();
  for (Node<String, Object> node : children) {
    Iterator<String> iterator = node.getKeys().iterator();
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
      String key =;
      V value = RuntimeUtils.<V> cast(node.get(key));

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.servlet.sip.containers/sip-servlets-jboss5-ha-server-cache

public Map<String, Object> getSipSessionAttributes(
    String sipApplicationSessionKey,
    String sipSessionKey) {
  if (sipSessionKey == null) {
    Map<String, Object> empty = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
    return empty;
  Fqn<String> fqn = delegate.getSipSessionFqn(combinedPath_,
      sipApplicationSessionKey, sipSessionKey);
  Node<Object, Object> node = getCache().getRoot().getChild(Fqn.fromString(fqn.toString() + "/" + AbstractJBossCacheService.ATTRIBUTE_KEY));
  Map<Object, Object> rawData = node.getData();
  return getSessionAttributes(null, rawData);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

private Node getInternalNode(Node parentNode, Fqn internalFqn)
 Fqn parentFqn = parentNode.getFqn();
 Object name = internalFqn.get(parentFqn.size());
 Node result = parentNode.getChild(name);
 if (result != null && internalFqn.size() < result.getFqn().size())
   // need to recursively walk down the tree
   result = getInternalNode(result, internalFqn);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.servlet.sip.containers/sip-servlets-jboss5-ha-server-cache

public Set<String> getSipApplicationSessionAttributeKeys(
    String sipApplicationSessionKey) {
  Set keys = null;
  Fqn<String> fqn = delegate.getSipApplicationSessionFqn(combinedPath_,
  try {
    Node<Object, Object> node = getCache().getRoot().getChild(Fqn.fromString(fqn.toString() + "/" + AbstractJBossCacheService.ATTRIBUTE_KEY));
    if (node != null) {
      keys = node.getKeys();
  } catch (CacheException e) {
        "getAttributeKeys(): Exception getting keys for session "
            + sipApplicationSessionKey, e);
  return keys;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache2

if (regionRoot != null && regionRoot.isValid()) {
  regionRoot = jbcCache.getRoot().getChild( regionFqn );
   newRoot = jbcCache.getRoot().getChild( regionFqn );
   if (newRoot == null || !newRoot.isValid()) {                

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

if (trace) log.trace("Found node " + actualNode.getFqn() + " but it is not valid. Returning 'no data found'", e);
return GravitateResult.noDataFound();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

private Fqn getFqn(Object o)
 if (o instanceof Node) return ((Node) o).getFqn();
 if (o instanceof InternalNode) return ((InternalNode) o).getFqn();
 throw new IllegalArgumentException();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jasig.cas/cas-server-integration-jboss

public Collection<Ticket> getTickets() {
  try {
    final Node<String, Ticket> node = this.cache.getNode(FQN_TICKET);
    if (node == null) {
      return Collections.emptyList();
    final Set<String> keys = node.getKeys();
    final List<Ticket> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final String key : keys) {
      /**  Returns null if the node contains no mapping for this key. **/
      final Ticket ticket = node.get(key);
      if (ticket != null) {
    return list;
  } catch (final CacheException e) {
    return Collections.emptyList();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

 * getData returns a snapshot of the data.
public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet()
  return node.getData().entrySet();

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip/restcomm-jain-sip-jboss5

public void start() throws SipCacheException {
  try {
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new SipCacheException("Couldn't start JBoss Cache", e);
  dialogRootNode = cache.getRoot().getChild(SipCache.DIALOG_PARENT_FQN_ELEMENT);
  if(dialogRootNode == null) {
    dialogRootNode = cache.getRoot().addChild(Fqn.fromElements(SipCache.DIALOG_PARENT_FQN_ELEMENT));	
  if(clusteredSipStack.getReplicationStrategy() == ReplicationStrategy.EarlyDialog) {
    serverTxRootNode = cache.getRoot().getChild(SipCache.SERVER_TX_PARENT_FQN_ELEMENT);
    if(serverTxRootNode == null) {
      serverTxRootNode = cache.getRoot().addChild(Fqn.fromElements(SipCache.SERVER_TX_PARENT_FQN_ELEMENT));	

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.core/mobicents-core-jar

Map profiles = childNode.getChildren();
if (profiles != null) {
  Iterator profilesIt = profiles.values().iterator();
    String profileName = profileNode.getFqn()
            (profileManager.getRootFqn() + "/profile:"

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.cache/jbosscache-core

public V get(Object key)
  return node.get((K) key);
