
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]A set of messages forming an application protocol.

A protocol consists of:

  • a name for the protocol;

  • an optional namespace, further qualifying the name;

  • a list of types, or named Schema;

  • a list of errors, or named Schema for exceptions;

  • a list of named messages, each of which specifies,

  • request, the parameter schemas;

    • one of either;
  • one-way

  • response, the response schema;
    * errors, an optional list of potential error schema names.



代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avro/avro

/** Return the protocol for a Java interface. */
public Protocol getProtocol(Class iface) {
 try {
  Protocol p = (Protocol)(iface.getDeclaredField("PROTOCOL").get(null));
  if (!p.getNamespace().equals(iface.getPackage().getName()))
   // HACK: protocol mismatches iface. maven shade plugin? try replacing.
   p = Protocol.parse(p.toString().replace(p.getNamespace(),
  return p;
 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
  throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a Specific protocol: "+iface);
 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
  throw new AvroRuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

public void testEcho() throws IOException {
 GenericRecord record =
  new GenericData.Record(PROTOCOL.getType("TestRecord"));
 record.put("name", new Utf8("foo"));
 record.put("kind", new GenericData.EnumSymbol
       (PROTOCOL.getType("Kind"), "BAR"));
 record.put("hash", new GenericData.Fixed
       new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5}));
 GenericRecord params =
  new GenericData.Record(PROTOCOL.getMessages().get("echo").getRequest());
 params.put("record", record);
 Object echoed = requestor.request("echo", params);
 assertEquals(record, echoed);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

private Protocol addStringType(Protocol p) {
 if (stringType != StringType.String)
  return p;
 Protocol newP = new Protocol(p.getName(), p.getDoc(), p.getNamespace());
 Map<Schema,Schema> types = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 for (Map.Entry<String, Object> a : p.getObjectProps().entrySet()) {
  newP.addProp(a.getKey(), a.getValue());
 // annotate types
 Collection<Schema> namedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
 for (Schema s : p.getTypes())
  namedTypes.add(addStringType(s, types));
 // annotate messages
 Map<String,Message> newM = newP.getMessages();
 for (Message m : p.getMessages().values())
  newM.put(m.getName(), m.isOneWay()
       ? newP.createMessage(m,
                 addStringType(m.getRequest(), types))
       : newP.createMessage(m,
                 addStringType(m.getRequest(), types),
                 addStringType(m.getResponse(), types),
                 addStringType(m.getErrors(), types)));
 return newP;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

 * Constructs a similar Protocol instance with the same {@code name}, {@code doc}, and {@code namespace} as {code p}
 * has. It also copies all the {@code props}.
public Protocol(Protocol p) {
 this(p.getName(), p.getDoc(), p.getNamespace());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

 * Provides a a unique gRPC service name for Avro RPC interface or its subclass Callback
 * Interface.
 * @param iface Avro RPC interface.
 * @return unique service name for gRPC.
public static String getServiceName(Class iface) {
 Protocol protocol = getProtocol(iface);
 return protocol.getNamespace() + "." + protocol.getName();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

private static Protocol parse(JsonParser parser) {
 try {
  Protocol protocol = new Protocol();
  return protocol;
 } catch (IOException e) {
  throw new SchemaParseException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

@Test public void testP2() throws Exception {
 Schema e1 = ReflectData.get().getSchema(E1.class);
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, e1.getType());
 Field message = e1.getField("detailMessage");
 assertNotNull("field 'detailMessage' should not be null", message);
 Schema messageSchema = message.schema();
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, messageSchema.getType());
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, messageSchema.getTypes().get(0).getType());
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, messageSchema.getTypes().get(1).getType());
 Protocol p2 = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P2.class);
 Protocol.Message m = p2.getMessages().get("error");
 // check error schema is union
 Schema response = m.getErrors();
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, response.getType());
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, response.getTypes().get(0).getType());
 assertEquals(e1, response.getTypes().get(1));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

/** Test that Responder ignores one-way with stateless transport. */
@Test public void testStatelessOneway() throws Exception {
 // a version of the Simple protocol that doesn't declare "ack" one-way
 Protocol protocol = new Protocol("Simple", "org.apache.avro.test");
 Protocol.Message message =
  protocol.createMessage("ack", null,
              Schema.createRecord(new ArrayList<>()),
              Schema.createUnion(new ArrayList<>()));
 protocol.getMessages().put("ack", message);
 // call a server over a stateless protocol that has a one-way "ack"
 GenericRequestor requestor =
  new GenericRequestor(protocol, createTransceiver());
 requestor.request("ack", new GenericData.Record(message.getRequest()));
 // make the request again, to better test handshakes w/ differing protocols
 requestor.request("ack", new GenericData.Record(message.getRequest()));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

for (Field f : PROTOCOL.getType("TestRecord").getFields())
 fields.add(new Field(, f.schema(), null, null));
fields.add(new Field("extra", Schema.create(Schema.Type.BOOLEAN),
           null, true));
Schema record =
 Schema.createRecord("TestRecord", null, "org.apache.avro.test", false);
Protocol protocol = new Protocol("Simple", "org.apache.avro.test");
List<Field> params = new ArrayList<>();
params.add(new Field("record", record, null, null));
 protocol.createMessage("echo", null, Schema.createRecord(params),
             Schema.createUnion(new ArrayList<>()));
protocol.getMessages().put("echo", message);
Transceiver t
 = new SocketTransceiver(new InetSocketAddress(server.getPort()));
try {
 GenericRequestor r = new GenericRequestor(protocol, t);
 GenericRecord args = new GenericData.Record(message.getRequest());
 GenericRecord rec = new GenericData.Record(record);
 rec.put("name", new Utf8("foo"));
 rec.put("kind", new GenericData.EnumSymbol
     (PROTOCOL.getType("Kind"), "BAR"));
 rec.put("hash", new GenericData.Fixed
      new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5}));
 rec.put("extra", Boolean.TRUE);

代码示例来源:origin: jingwei/krati

public String getProperty(String key) throws Exception {
  if(key == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("key");
  Schema schema = _protocol.getMessages().get(ProtocolConstants.MSG_META).getRequest();
  GenericRecord req = new GenericData.Record(schema);
  req.put("src", _sourceUtf8);
  req.put("opt", ProtocolConstants.OPT_GET_PROPERTY_UTF8);
  req.put("key", new Utf8(key));
  Utf8 res = (Utf8)send(ProtocolConstants.MSG_META, req);
  return res == null ? null : res.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

Annotation annotation = annotations[i][j];
  if (annotation instanceof AvroSchema)     // explicit schema
   paramSchema = Schema.parse(((AvroSchema)annotation).value());
  else if (annotation instanceof Union)     // union
   paramSchema = getAnnotatedUnion(((Union)annotation), names);
  : paramSchema.getName()+i;
 fields.add(new Schema.Field(paramName, paramSchema,
Schema request = Schema.createRecord(fields);
  errs.add(getSchema(err, names));
Schema errors = Schema.createUnion(errs);
return protocol.createMessage(method.getName(), null /* doc */, request, response, errors);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

public void testHello() throws IOException {
 GenericRecord params =
  new GenericData.Record(PROTOCOL.getMessages().get("hello").getRequest());
 params.put("greeting", new Utf8("bob"));
 Utf8 response = (Utf8)requestor.request("hello", params);
 assertEquals(new Utf8("goodbye"), response);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

public Object respond(Message message, Object request)
 throws AvroRemoteException {
 GenericRecord params = (GenericRecord)request;
 if ("hello".equals(message.getName())) {"hello: "+params.get("greeting"));
  return new Utf8("goodbye");
 if ("echo".equals(message.getName())) {
  Object record = params.get("record");"echo: "+record);
  return record;
 if ("echoBytes".equals(message.getName())) {
  Object data = params.get("data");"echoBytes: "+data);
  return data;
 if ("error".equals(message.getName())) {
  if (throwUndeclaredError) throw new RuntimeException("foo");
  GenericRecord error =
   new GenericData.Record(PROTOCOL.getType("TestError"));
  error.put("message", new Utf8("an error"));
  throw new AvroRemoteException(error);
 throw new AvroRuntimeException("unexpected message: "+message.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search

public void addIdAsDouble(double id) {
  this.idRecord = new GenericData.Record( protocol.getType( "Id" ) );
  idRecord.put( "value", id );

代码示例来源:origin: commercehub-oss/gradle-avro-plugin

private void processProtoFile(File sourceFile) {
    getLogger().info("Processing {}", sourceFile);
    try {
      Protocol protocol = Protocol.parse(sourceFile);
      for (Schema schema : protocol.getTypes()) {
        String path = schema.getNamespace().replaceAll(Pattern.quote("."), "/");
        File schemaFile = new File(getOutputDir(), path + "/" + schema.getName() + "." + SCHEMA_EXTENSION);
        String schemaJson = schema.toString(true);
        FileUtils.writeJsonFile(schemaFile, schemaJson);
        getLogger().debug("Wrote {}", schemaFile.getPath());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new GradleException(String.format("Failed to process protocol definition file %s", sourceFile), ex);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

@Test public void testP4() throws Exception {
 Protocol p = ReflectData.get().getProtocol(P4.class);
 Protocol.Message message = p.getMessages().get("foo");
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, message.getResponse().getType());
 Field field = message.getRequest().getField("x");
 assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, field.schema().getType());

代码示例来源:origin: jingwei/krati

Schema schemaKV = _protocol.getType(ProtocolConstants.TYPE_KeyValue);
Schema schema = _protocol.getMessages().get(ProtocolConstants.MSG_MPUT).getRequest();
GenericRecord req = new GenericData.Record(schema);
GenericArray<GenericRecord> array = new GenericData.Array<GenericRecord>(map.size(), schema.getField("kvList").schema()); 
  GenericRecord item = new GenericData.Record(schemaKV);
  K key = e.getKey();
  V value = e.getValue();
  item.put("key", serializeKey(key));
  item.put("value", value == null ? null : serializeValue(value));
req.put("src", _sourceUtf8);
req.put("kvList", array);

代码示例来源:origin: jingwei/krati

public boolean delete(Collection<K> keys) throws Exception {
  if(keys == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("keys");
  Schema schema = _protocol.getMessages().get(ProtocolConstants.MSG_MDEL).getRequest();
  GenericRecord req = new GenericData.Record(schema);
  GenericArray<ByteBuffer> array = new GenericData.Array<ByteBuffer>(keys.size(), schema.getField("keys").schema()); 
  for(K key : keys) {
    if(key != null) {
  if(array.size() == 0) {
    return false;
  req.put("src", _sourceUtf8);
  req.put("keys", array);
  return (Boolean)send(ProtocolConstants.MSG_MDEL, req);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

} else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

Schema errors = Schema.createUnion(errorSchemata);
if (oneWay && response.getType() != Type.NULL)
 {if (true) throw error("One-way message'"+name+"' must return void", token);}
{if (true) return oneWay
? p.createMessage(name, msgDoc, props, request)
: p.createMessage(name, msgDoc, props, request, response, errors);}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
