
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Abstract class used for checking if a selected value is inside the selected Range. All the methods throw an UnsupportedOperationExceptionbut for every subclass one of these methods is overridden with the correct functionality. These 6 methods are different only for the data type used. In this way it is possible to reach a better performance by using primitive variables than generic. All the subclasses can contain a Range composed by a minimum and a maximum or a single-point Range. For Double and Float data type the NaN data can be used only with a single-point Range.


代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

public boolean intersects(Range other) {
  // Check if one of them is contained into the other
  if (this.contains(other) || other.contains(this)) {
    return true;
  double min1 = this.getMin().doubleValue();
  double max1 = this.getMax().doubleValue();
  double min2 = other.getMin().doubleValue();
  double max2 = other.getMax().doubleValue();
  // Check the bounds
  boolean minCheck = this.isMinIncluded() && other.isMaxIncluded() ? min1 <= max2
      : min1 < max2;
  boolean maxCheck = this.isMaxIncluded() && other.isMinIncluded() ? max1 >= min2
      : max1 > min2;
  return minCheck && maxCheck;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

public int hashCode() {
  int result = 37;
    result += getDataType().getClass().hashCode();
    result = hash(isMaxIncluded, result);
    result = hash(isMinIncluded, result);
    result = hash(getMax().doubleValue(), result);
    result = hash(getMin().doubleValue(), result);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.piecewise/jt-piecewise

public static boolean equals(Range outputRange, Range outputRange2) {
    return outputRange.equals(outputRange2);


public void clauseMinMax(String format, Range r) {
 if (r != null) {
   builder.clause(String.format(format, r.getMin(), r.getMax()));

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

double sampleDouble = iter.getSampleDouble(band);
if (hasNoData && !nodata.contains(sampleDouble)) {
  nodLine[i] = true;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

public Range intersection(Range other) {
  if (other.getDataType() == getDataType()) {
    if (other.contains(this)) {
      return this;
    } else if (this.contains(other)) {
  float minOther = other.getMin().floatValue();
  float maxOther = other.getMax().floatValue();
    return new RangeFloat(minOther, other.isMinIncluded, maxOther, other.isMaxIncluded, other.isNanIncluded());
    minIncluded = other.isMinIncluded();
  } else if (minOther == minValue) {
    minIncluded &= other.isMinIncluded();
    maxIncluded = other.isMaxIncluded();
  } else if (maxOther == maxValue) {
    maxIncluded &= other.isMaxIncluded();
  boolean isNaNIncluded = this.isNaN() && other.isNaN() && this.isNanIncluded()
      && other.isNanIncluded();

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

/** Method for checking if a Generic value is contained inside the Range */
public <T extends Number> boolean containsN(T value) {
  if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Wrong data type tested: Input: " + value.getClass()
        + ", output: " + this.getDataType().getClassValue());
  int dataType = this.getDataType().getDataType();
  switch (dataType) {
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
    return contains(value.byteValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
    return contains(value.shortValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
    return contains(value.intValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
    return contains(value.floatValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
    return contains(value.doubleValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE + 1:
    return contains(value.longValue());
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong data type");

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

if (r1.getDataType() != this.getDataType()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isPoint() != this.isPoint()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isMaxIncluded() != this.isMaxIncluded()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isPoint() != this.isMinIncluded()) {
  return false;
if (r1.getMin().doubleValue() != this.getMin().doubleValue()) {
  return false;
if (r1.getMax().doubleValue() != this.getMax().doubleValue()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isNanIncluded() != this.isNanIncluded()) {
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.classifier/jt-classifier

 * This method is responsible for performing a few checks on the provided range in order to make sure we are talking about a valid range for
 * building an {@link IndexColorModel}.
 * @param numberRange the range to use for mapping values to colors.
 * @return the input {@link NumberRange} if everything goes well.
 * @see IndexColorModel
private static Range checkSampleRange(Range numberRange) {
  if (numberRange == null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  final Class<?> elementClass = numberRange.getDataType().getClassValue();
  if (!elementClass.equals(Integer.class) && !elementClass.equals(Byte.class)
      && !elementClass.equals(Short.class))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "The following Range cannot be used for mapping value to colours");
  if (numberRange.getMin().intValue() < 0 || numberRange.getMax().intValue() > 65535)
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
        "Input Range bounds are outside the available color representation");
  return numberRange;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

double destinationNoData =
    nodata != null
        ? nodata.getMin().doubleValue()
        : (background != null && background.length > 0)
            ? background[0]

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.piecewise/jt-piecewise

public Range getApproximateDomainRange() {
  synchronized (elements) {
    // @todo TODO should I include the NaN value?
    if (range == null) {
      Range range = null;
      for (E element : elements) {
        final Range extent = element.getRange();
        if (!Double.isNaN(extent.getMin().doubleValue())
            && !Double.isNaN(extent.getMax().doubleValue())) {
          if (range != null) {// TODO FIXME ADD RANGE UNION
            range = range.union(extent);
          } else {
            range = extent;
      this.range = range;
    return range;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

|| (oldNoData != null
            && nodata != null
            && oldNoData.equals(nodata));
if (((property == null)
    || property.equals(java.awt.Image.UndefinedProperty)
            && sBgValues.length > 0
            && sBgValues[0]
                == this.nodata.getMin().doubleValue());
          && this.nodata != null
          && sBgValues.length > 0
          && sBgValues[0] == this.nodata.getMin().doubleValue());

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools


代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

public static Range convert(Range input, int dataType) {
  if (input == null) {
    return null;
  // If already double do nothing
  if (input.getDataType().getDataType() == dataType) {
    return input;
  switch (dataType) {
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
    return RangeByte.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
    return RangeUshort.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
    return RangeShort.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
    return RangeInt.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
    return RangeFloat.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
    return RangeDouble.FULL_RANGE.intersection(input);
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

float sampleFloat = iter.getSampleFloat(band);
if (hasNoData && !nodata.contains(sampleFloat)) {
  nodLine[i] = true;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.utilities/jt-utilities

public Range intersection(Range other) {
  if (other.getDataType() == getDataType()) {
    if (other.contains(this)) {
      return this;
    } else if (this.contains(other)) {
  double minOther = other.getMin().doubleValue();
  double maxOther = other.getMax().doubleValue();
    return new RangeDouble(minOther, other.isMinIncluded, maxOther, other.isMaxIncluded, other.isNanIncluded());
    minIncluded = other.isMinIncluded();
  } else if (minOther == minValue) {
    minIncluded &= other.isMinIncluded();
    maxIncluded = other.isMaxIncluded();
  } else if (maxOther == maxValue) {
    maxIncluded &= other.isMaxIncluded();
  boolean isNaNIncluded = this.isNaN() && other.isNaN() && this.isNanIncluded()
      && other.isNanIncluded();

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

/** Method for checking if a Generic value is contained inside the Range */
public <T extends Number> boolean containsN(T value) {
  if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Wrong data type tested: Input: " + value.getClass()
        + ", output: " + this.getDataType().getClassValue());
  int dataType = this.getDataType().getDataType();
  switch (dataType) {
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
    return contains(value.byteValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
    return contains(value.shortValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
    return contains(value.intValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
    return contains(value.floatValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
    return contains(value.doubleValue());
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE + 1:
    return contains(value.longValue());
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong data type");

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

if (r1.getDataType() != this.getDataType()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isPoint() != this.isPoint()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isMaxIncluded() != this.isMaxIncluded()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isPoint() != this.isMinIncluded()) {
  return false;
if (r1.getMin().doubleValue() != this.getMin().doubleValue()) {
  return false;
if (r1.getMax().doubleValue() != this.getMax().doubleValue()) {
  return false;
if (r1.isNanIncluded() != this.isNanIncluded()) {
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

new DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement[] {p0}, 11);
Assert.assertEquals(piecewise.getApproximateDomainRange().getMin().doubleValue(), 0.0, 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals(piecewise.getApproximateDomainRange().getMax().doubleValue(), 1.0, 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals(piecewise.transform(0.5), 0.5, 0.0);

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

 * This method is responsible for performing a few checks on the provided range in order to make sure we are talking about a valid range for
 * building an {@link IndexColorModel}.
 * @param numberRange the range to use for mapping values to colors.
 * @return the input {@link NumberRange} if everything goes well.
 * @see IndexColorModel
private static Range checkSampleRange(Range numberRange) {
  if (numberRange == null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  final Class<?> elementClass = numberRange.getDataType().getClassValue();
  if (!elementClass.equals(Integer.class) && !elementClass.equals(Byte.class)
      && !elementClass.equals(Short.class))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "The following Range cannot be used for mapping value to colours");
  if (numberRange.getMin().intValue() < 0 || numberRange.getMax().intValue() > 65535)
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
        "Input Range bounds are outside the available color representation");
  return numberRange;
