Thymeleaf系列二 简单表达式: 变量、消息、Literals、文本、算术、比较和条件表达式

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1. 概述


  • 变量表达式:Variable Expressions
  • 消息表达式:Message Expressions
  • Literals
  • 文本操作符: Text operations
  • 算术表达式:Arithmetic operations
  • 比较操作符:Comparisons and equality
  • 条件操作符: Conditional operators

2. 例子

2.1 公共类


public class User {
    private String name;
    private boolean isAdmin;
    private String other;
    private int age;
// set/get 略


public class Family {
    private User father;
    private List<User> childList;
    // set/get 略


public class ExpressionsCtl {

    /** * 简单表达式 */
    public String simpleExpressions(ModelMap map){
        // 变量表达式:Variable Expressions
        User user = new User("simple_name");
        user.setAge(new Random().nextInt(100));
        map.put("user", user);
        return "expressions/simple";


2.2 变量表达式(Variable Expressions)


  • 简单的表达式
  • 变量值和字符串拼接
==================== 变量表达式(Variable Expressions) ===============================<br/>
<!-- 变量表达式(Variable Expressions)-->
${} --> <input type="text" name="userName" value="James Carrot" th:value="${}" /> <br />
<!-- 变量值和字符串拼接 -->
'The name of the user is ' + ${} --> <span th:text="'The name of the user is ' + ${}" ></span> <br />
<br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

==================== 变量表达式(Variable Expressions) ===============================
${} --> simple_name

'The name of the user is ' + ${} --> The name of the user is simple_name

2.3 消息表达式:Message Expressions


  • 直接从属性文件中获取值
  • 从属性文件中获取值,并替换占位符
<!-- 消息表达式:Message Expressions -->
<!-- 直接从属性文件中获取值 -->
#{home.welcome} --> <span th:text="#{home.welcome}">Welcome to our grocery store!</span> <br />
<!-- 从属性文件中获取值,并替换占位符 -->
#{home.welcome.replace(${})} --> <span th:text="#{home.welcome.replace(${})}"></span> <br />
<br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

=====================消息表达式:Message Expressions ================================= #{home.welcome} --> welcome thymeleaf 
#{home.welcome.replace(${})} --> welcome thymeleaf, simple_name!

2.4 Literals


  • 文本 Text literals
  • 数字 Number literals
  • 布尔值
  • Null值
========================== Literals =======================================<br/>
<!-- 文本 Text literals: Text literals are just character strings specified between single quotes -->
  Now you are looking at a <span th:text="'working web application'">template file</span>.

<!-- 数字 Number literals: 0, 34, 3.0, 12.3,… -->
<div>仅仅输出数字 th:text="2013" --> <span th:text="2013">1492</span>.</div>
<div>数字计算 th:text="2013 + 2" --> <span th:text="2013 + 2">1494</span>.</div>

<!-- 布尔值: Boolean literals: true, false -->
${user.isAdmin()} == false --> <span th:if="${user.isAdmin()} == false"> false </span> <br />

<!-- Null值: Null literal: null -->
${user.other} == null --> <span th:if="${user.other} == null"> null</span>
<br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

========================== Literals =======================================
Now you are looking at a working web application.
仅仅输出数字 th:text="2013" --> 2013.
数字计算 th:text="2013 + 2" --> 2015.
${user.isAdmin()} == false --> false 
${user.other} == null --> null

2.5 文本操作符: Text operations


  • +:字符串拼接字体串
  • 简化字符中拼接操作: Literal substitutions(使用”|”包围字符串,不需要对字符串使用”’”)
<!-- +:字符串拼接字体串 -->
'The name of the user is ' + ${} + '_' + ${user.age} --> <span th:text="'The name of the user is ' + ${} + '_' + ${user.age}"> </span> <br/>
<!-- 简化字符中拼接操作: Literal substitutions(使用"|"包围字符串,不需要对字符串使用"'") -->
|Welcome to our application, ${}!| --> <span th:text="|Welcome to our application, ${}!|"></span> <br />
等价于这条语句:<br />
'Welcome to our application, ' + ${} + '!' --> <span th:text="'Welcome to our application, ' + ${} + '!'"> </span>
<br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

========================== 文本操作符: Text operations: ==================================
'The name of the user is ' + ${} + '_' + ${user.age} --> The name of the user is simple_name_52 
|Welcome to our application, ${}!| --> Welcome to our application, simple_name! 
'Welcome to our application, ' + ${} + '!' --> Welcome to our application, simple_name!

2.6 算术表达式:Arithmetic operations


  • 二进制运算符: Binary operators: +, -, *, /, %
  • Boolean operations: true,false, !, not
  • Binary operators: and, or
<!-- 二进制运算符: Binary operators: +, -, *, /, % -->
${user.age} % 2 == 0 --> <span th:text="${user.age} % 2 == 0"> </span> <br />

<!-- Boolean operations: true,false, !, not -->
true --> <span th:text="true"> </span> <br />
!(${user.age} % 2 == 0 --> <span th:text="!(${user.age} % 2 == 0)"> </span> <br />

<!-- Binary operators: and, or -->
(${user.age} % 2 == 0) and true --> <span th:text="(${user.age} % 2 == 0) and true"> </span><br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

========================== 算术表达式:Arithmetic operations ==================================
${user.age} % 2 == 0 --> true 
true --> true 
!(${user.age} % 2 == 0 --> false 
(${user.age} % 2 == 0) and true --> true

2.7 比较操作符:Comparisons and equality


  • 比较符号Comparators: >, <, >=, <= (gt, lt, ge, le)
  • Equality operators: ==, != (eq, ne)
========================== 比较操作符:Comparisons and equality ==================================<br/>
<!-- Comparators: >, <, >=, <= (gt, lt, ge, le) -->
${user.age} &gt; 18 --> <span th:if="${user.age} &gt; 18"> 大人 </span> <br />
<!-- Equality operators: ==, != (eq, ne) -->
${user.age} != 18 --> <span th:if="${user.age} != 18"> 大人_no_equality </span> <br />
<br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

========================== 比较操作符:Comparisons and equality ==================================
${user.age} > 18 --> 大人 
${user.age} != 18 --> 大人_no_equality

2.8 条件操作符: Conditional operators


  • If-then: (if) ? (then)
  • If-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else)
  • 如果null值,则使用?:后面的值: Default: (value) ?: (defaultvalue)
<!-- If-then: (if) ? (then) -->
${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even' --> <span th:text="${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even'"> </span> <br />
<!-- If-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else) -->
${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even' : 'odd' --> <span th:text="${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even' : 'odd'"> </span> <br />
<!-- 如果null值,则使用?:后面的值: Default: (value) ?: (defaultvalue) -->
${user.age} ?:'18' --> <span th:text="${user.age} ?:'18'"> </span> <br />

输出: “–>”的左边是语法,右边是对应的输出

========================== 条件操作符: Conditional operators ==================================
${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even' --> even 
${user.age}%2==0 ? 'even' : 'odd' --> even 
${user.age} ?:'18' --> 52

3. 代码

