
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void deferredResultSubscriberWithError() throws Exception {
  IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException();
  // Mono
  MonoProcessor<String> mono = MonoProcessor.create();
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(mono, Mono.class, forClass(String.class), () -> mono.onError(ex), ex);
  // RxJava 1 Single
  AtomicReference<SingleEmitter<String>> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
  Single<String> single = Single.fromEmitter(ref::set);
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(single, Single.class, forClass(String.class), () -> ref.get().onError(ex), ex);
  // RxJava 2 Single
  AtomicReference<io.reactivex.SingleEmitter<String>> ref2 = new AtomicReference<>();
  io.reactivex.Single<String> single2 = io.reactivex.Single.create(ref2::set);
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(single2, io.reactivex.Single.class, forClass(String.class),
      () -> ref2.get().onError(ex), ex);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void deferredResultSubscriberWithOneValue() throws Exception {
  // Mono
  MonoProcessor<String> mono = MonoProcessor.create();
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(mono, Mono.class, forClass(String.class), () -> mono.onNext("foo"), "foo");
  // Mono empty
  MonoProcessor<String> monoEmpty = MonoProcessor.create();
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(monoEmpty, Mono.class, forClass(String.class), monoEmpty::onComplete, null);
  // RxJava 1 Single
  AtomicReference<SingleEmitter<String>> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
  Single<String> single = Single.fromEmitter(ref::set);
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(single, Single.class, forClass(String.class),
      () -> ref.get().onSuccess("foo"), "foo");
  // RxJava 2 Single
  AtomicReference<io.reactivex.SingleEmitter<String>> ref2 = new AtomicReference<>();
  io.reactivex.Single<String> single2 = io.reactivex.Single.create(ref2::set);
  testDeferredResultSubscriber(single2, io.reactivex.Single.class, forClass(String.class),
      () -> ref2.get().onSuccess("foo"), "foo");

代码示例来源:origin: couchbase/java-dcp-client

private <R> Single<R> doRequest(final Callable<DcpRequestBuilder> requestBuilder, final Func1<ByteBuf, R> resultExtractor) {
  return Single.fromEmitter(new Action1<SingleEmitter<R>>() {
    public void call(final SingleEmitter<R> singleEmitter) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.hal/hal-dmr

 * Executes the composite operation until the operation successfully returns and the precondition is met.
 * The precondition receives the composite result of the operation.
public static Completable repeatCompositeUntil(Dispatcher dispatcher, int timeout, Composite composite,
    @Nullable Predicate<CompositeResult> until) {
  logger.debug("Repeat {} using {} seconds as timeout", composite, timeout);
  Single<CompositeResult> execution = Single.fromEmitter(em -> dispatcher.execute(composite, em::onSuccess,
      (op, fail) -> em.onSuccess(compositeFailure("Dispatcher failure: " + fail)),
      (op, ex) -> em.onSuccess(compositeFailure("Dispatcher exception: " + ex.getMessage()))));
  if (until == null) {
    until = r -> r.stream().noneMatch(ModelNode::isFailure); // default: until success
  return Observable
      .interval(INTERVAL, MILLISECONDS) // execute a operation each INTERVAL millis
      .doOnEach(n -> logger.debug("#{}: execute {}", n.getValue(), composite))
      .flatMapSingle(n -> execution, false, 1)
      .takeUntil(until::test) // until succeeded
      .toCompletable().timeout(timeout, SECONDS); // wait succeeded or stop after timeout seconds

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.hal/hal-dmr

private Single<ModelNode> uploadFormData(FormData formData, Operation operation) {
  return Single.fromEmitter(emitter -> {
    XMLHttpRequest xhr = newDmrXhr(endpoints.upload(), POST, operation, new UploadPayloadProcessor(),
        (op, fail) -> emitter.onError(new DispatchFailure(fail, operation)),
        (op, error) -> emitter.onError(error));
    // Uploads are not supported in macros!

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.hal/hal-dmr

 * Executes the operation until the operation successfully returns and the precondition is met. The precondition
 * receives the result of the operation.
public static Completable repeatOperationUntil(Dispatcher dispatcher, int timeout, Operation operation,
    @Nullable Predicate<ModelNode> until) {
  logger.debug("Repeat {} using {} seconds timeout", operation.asCli(), timeout);
  Single<ModelNode> execution = Single.fromEmitter(em -> dispatcher.execute(operation, em::onSuccess,
      (op, fail) -> em.onSuccess(operationFailure("Dispatcher failure: " + fail)),
      (op, ex) -> em.onSuccess(operationFailure("Dispatcher exception: " + ex.getMessage()))));
  if (until == null) {
    until = r -> !r.isFailure(); // default: until success
  return Observable
      .interval(INTERVAL, MILLISECONDS) // execute a operation each INTERVAL millis
      .doOnEach(n -> logger.debug("#{}: execute {}", n.getValue(), operation.asCli()))
      .flatMapSingle(n -> execution, false, 1)
      .takeUntil(until::test) // until succeeded
      .toCompletable().timeout(timeout, SECONDS); // wait succeeded or stop after timeout seconds

代码示例来源:origin: hubrick/vertx-rest-client

   * Creates Single based on emitter object. Emitter activated on subscribe() call and then configured to:
   * - produce event+complete on successful execution of REST call
   * - produce error if something goes wrong during construction OR call execution
   * Also RestClientRequest is wrapped in custom class that denies override of exception handler
   * to make sure error is handled in rx way
   * @return "cold" Single that emits rest call result
  public <T> Single<RestClientResponse<T>> request(HttpMethod method, String uri, Class<T> responseClass, Action1<RestClientRequest<T>> requestBuilder) {
    return Single.fromEmitter(emitter -> {
      final RestClientRequest<T> callbackRequest = restClient.request(method, uri, responseClass, restClientResponse -> emitter.onSuccess(new DefaultRxRestClientResponse<>(restClientResponse)))
      try {
        final DefaultRxRestClientRequest<T> rxDecoratedRequest = new DefaultRxRestClientRequest<>(callbackRequest);
      } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.hal/hal-dmr

private Single<ModelNode> dmr(Operation operation) {
  Operation dmrOperation = runAs(operation); // runAs might mutate the operation, so do it synchronously
  boolean get = GetOperation.isSupported(dmrOperation.getName());
  String url = get ? operationUrl(dmrOperation) : endpoints.dmr();
  HttpMethod method = get ? GET : POST;
  // ^-- those eager fields are useful if we don't want to evaluate it on each Single subscription
  return Single.fromEmitter(emitter -> {
    // in general, code inside the RX type should be able to be executed multiple times and always returns
    // the same result, so we need to be careful to not mutate anything (like the operation). This is useful
    // for example if we want to use the retry operator which will try again (subscribe again) if it fails.
    XMLHttpRequest xhr = newDmrXhr(url, method, dmrOperation, new DmrPayloadProcessor(), emitter::onSuccess,
        (op, fail) -> emitter.onError(new DispatchFailure(fail, operation)),
        (op, error) -> emitter.onError(error));
    xhr.setRequestHeader(ACCEPT.header(), APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED);
    xhr.setRequestHeader(CONTENT_TYPE.header(), APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED);
    if (get) {
    } else {
