
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Tracer implementation based on the Google Dapper paper:

Instead using a data store to record the tracing information, SLF4J is used. The results will be logged and a separate process on the machine can be used to extract the tracing information from the logs and send it to a collector/data store/log aggregator/etc (if desired). This is consistent with the behavior described in the Google Dapper paper. Valid distributed trace spans will be logged to a SLF4J logger named #VALID_WINGTIPS_SPAN_LOGGER_NAME so you can pipe them to their own log file if desired. Similarly, invalid spans (where this class has detected incorrect usage and knows that the spans have invalid timing info, for example) will be logged to a SLF4J logger named #INVALID_WINGTIPS_SPAN_LOGGER_NAME. These specially-named loggers will not be used for any other purpose.

Sampling is determined using #rootSpanSamplingStrategy which defaults to sampling everything. You can override this by calling #setRootSpanSamplingStrategy(RootSpanSamplingStrategy).

You can be notified of span lifecycle events (i.e. for metrics counting) by adding a listener to #addSpanLifecycleListener(SpanLifecycleListener). NOTE: It's important that any SpanLifecycleListener you add is extremely lightweight or you risk distributed tracing becoming a major bottleneck for high throughput services. If any expensive work needs to be done in a SpanLifecycleListener then it should be done asynchronously on a thread or threadpool separate from the application worker threads.

The format of the logging output when a span is completed is determined by #spanLoggingRepresentation, which can be set by calling #setSpanLoggingRepresentation(SpanLoggingRepresentation). The default is SpanLoggingRepresentation#JSON, which causes the log messages to use Span#toJSON() to represent the span.

The span information is associated with a thread and is modeled as a stack, so it's possible to have nested spans inside an overall request span. These nested spans are referred to as "sub-spans" in this class. Sub-spans are started via #startSubSpan(String,SpanPurpose) and completed via #completeSubSpan(). See the recommended usage section below for more information.

RECOMMENDED USAGE: In a typical usage scenario you'll want to call one of the startRequest...() methods as soon as possible when a request enters your application, and you'll want to call #completeRequestSpan() as late as possible in the request/response cycle (ideally after the last of the response has been sent to the user, although some frameworks don't let you hook in that late). In between these two calls the span that was started (the "overall-request-span") is considered the "current span" for this thread and can be retrieved if necessary by calling #getCurrentSpan().

NOTE: Given the thread-local nature of this class you'll want to make sure the completion call is in a finally block or otherwise guaranteed to be called no matter what (even if the request fails with an error) to prevent problems when subsequent requests are processed on the same thread. This class does its best to recover from incorrect thread usage scenarios and log information about what happened but the best solution is to prevent the problems from occurring in the first place.

ALSO NOTE: Spans support Java try-with-resources statements to help guarantee proper usage in blocking/non-async scenarios (for asynchronous scenarios please refer to the asynchronous usage section of the Wingtips readme). Here are some examples.

Overall request span using try-with-resources:

try(Span requestSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWith*(...)) { 
// Traced blocking code for overall request (not asynchronous) goes here ... 
// No finally block needed to properly complete the overall request span

Subspan using try-with-resources:

try (Span subspan = Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan(...)) { 
// Traced blocking code for subspan (not asynchronous) goes here ... 
// No finally block needed to properly complete the subspan

The "request span" described above is intended to track the work done for the overall request. If you have work inside the request that you want tracked as a separate nested span with the overall-request-span as its parent you can do so via the "sub-span" methods: #startSubSpan(String,SpanPurpose) and #completeSubSpan(). These nested sub-spans are pushed onto the span stack associated with the current thread and you can have them as deeply nested as you want, but just like with the overall-request-span you'll want to make sure the completion method is called in a finally block or otherwise guaranteed to be executed even if an error occurs. Each call to #startSubSpan(String,SpanPurpose) causes the "current span" to be the new sub-span's parent, and causes the new sub-span to become the "current span" by pushing it onto the span stack. Each call to #completeSubSpan() does the reverse by popping the current span off the span stack and completing and logging it, thus causing its parent to become the current span again.

One common use case for sub-spans is to track downstream calls separately from the overall request (e.g. HTTP calls to another service, database calls, or any other call that crosses network or application boundaries). Start a sub-span immediately before a downstream call and complete it immediately after the downstream call returns. You can inspect the sub-span to see how long the downstream call took from this application's point of view. If you do this around all your downstream calls you can subtract the total time spent for all downstream calls from the time spent for the overall-request-span to determine time spent in this application vs. time spent waiting for downstream calls to finish. And if the downstream service also performs distributed tracing and has an overall-request-span for its service call then you can subtract the downstream service's request-span time from this application's sub-span time around the downstream call to determine how much time was lost to network lag or any other bottlenecks between the services.

In addition to the logs this class outputs for spans it puts the trace ID and span JSON for the "current" span into the SLF4J MDC so that all your logs can be tagged with the current span's trace ID and/or full JSON. To utilize this you would need to add %X{traceId}} and/or %X{spanJson}} to your log pattern (NOTE: this only works with SLF4J frameworks that support MDC, e.g. logback and log4j). This causes all log messages, including ones that come from third party libraries and have no knowledge of distributed tracing, to be output with the current span's tracing information.

NOTE: Due to the thread-local nature of this class it is more effort to integrate with reactive (asynchronous non-blocking) frameworks like Netty or actor frameworks than with thread-per-request frameworks. But it is not terribly difficult and the benefit of having all your log messages tagged with tracing information is worth the effort. This class provides the following methods to help integrate with reactive frameworks:

  • #registerWithThread(Deque)
  • #unregisterFromThread()
  • #getCurrentSpanStackCopy()
    See the javadocs on those methods for more detailed information, but the general pattern would be to call the #registerWithThread(Deque) with the request's span stack whenever a thread starts to do some chunk of work for that request, and call #unregisterFromThread() when that chunk of work is done and the thread is about to be freed up to work on a different request. The span stack would need to follow the request no matter what thread was processing it, but assuming you can solve that problem in a reactive framework then the general pattern should work fine.

The asynchronous usage section of the Wingtips readme contains further details on asynchronous Wingtips usage, including helper classes and methods to automate or ease the handling of these scenarios. Please refer to that section of the readme if you have any asynchronous use cases.
[中]基于Google Dapper paper的Tracer实现:
使用SLF4J代替使用数据存储记录跟踪信息。结果将被记录,机器上的一个单独进程可用于从日志中提取跟踪信息,并将其发送给收集器/数据存储/日志聚合器/etc(如果需要)。这与Google Dapper论文中描述的行为一致。有效的分布式跟踪范围将被记录到名为#Valid_WINGTIPS_SPAN_logger_NAME的SLF4J记录器中,因此,如果需要,您可以通过管道将它们记录到自己的日志文件中。类似地,无效跨距(例如,此类检测到不正确的使用,并且知道跨距具有无效的计时信息)将被记录到名为#invalid_WINGTIPS_SPAN_logger_NAME的SLF4J记录器。这些特别命名的伐木工人不得用于任何其他用途。
还要注意:Spans支持Java try with resources语句,以帮助确保在阻塞/非异步场景中正确使用(有关异步场景,请参阅the asynchronous usage section of the Wingtips readme)。下面是一些例子。
使用try with resources的总体请求范围:

try(Span requestSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWith*(...)) { 
// Traced blocking code for overall request (not asynchronous) goes here ... 
// No finally block needed to properly complete the overall request span


try (Span subspan = Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan(...)) { 
// Traced blocking code for subspan (not asynchronous) goes here ... 
// No finally block needed to properly complete the subspan

除了为span输出的日志之外,这个类还将“当前”span的跟踪ID和span JSON放入SLF4JMDC,这样所有日志都可以用当前span的跟踪ID和/或完整JSON进行标记。要利用这一点,您需要将%X{traceId}和/或%X{spanJson}添加到日志模式中(注意:这只适用于支持MDC的SLF4J框架,例如logback和log4j)。这会导致all日志消息(包括来自第三方库且不了解分布式跟踪的消息)与当前span的跟踪信息一起输出。
asynchronous usage section of the Wingtips readme包含关于异步翼尖使用的更多详细信息,包括帮助器类和方法,以自动化或简化这些场景的处理。如果您有任何异步用例,请参阅自述文件的该部分。


代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private void clearTracerSpanLifecycleListeners() {
  List<SpanLifecycleListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(Tracer.getInstance().getSpanLifecycleListeners());
  for (SpanLifecycleListener listener : listeners) {

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private HttpEntity getHttpEntityWithUserIdHeader() {
  HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
  String userId = Tracer.getInstance().getCurrentSpan().getUserId();
  if (userIdHeaderKeys == null || userIdHeaderKeys.isEmpty() || userId == null) {
    return new HttpEntity(headers);
  headers.set(userIdHeaderKeys.get(0), userId);
  return new HttpEntity(headers);

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

 * Constructor that extracts the current tracing and MDC information from the current thread using {@link
 * Tracer#getCurrentSpanStackCopy()} and {@link MDC#getCopyOfContextMap()}, and forwards the information to
 * the {@link SuccessCallbackWithTracing#SuccessCallbackWithTracing(SuccessCallback, Deque, Map)}
 * constructor. That tracing and MDC information will be associated with the thread when the given operation is
 * executed.
 * <p>The operation you pass in cannot be null (an {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown if you pass in
 * null for the operation).
public SuccessCallbackWithTracing(SuccessCallback<T> origSuccessCallback) {
  this(origSuccessCallback, Tracer.getInstance().getCurrentSpanStackCopy(), MDC.getCopyOfContextMap());

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private void resetTracing() {

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

 * Initialize configuration.
 * Add Zipkin listener if our {@link WingtipsZipkinProperties} indicates it has the necessary properties specified.
private void init() {
  if (wingtipsZipkinProperties.shouldApplyWingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener()) {
      new WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener(

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private Pair<Deque<Span>, Map<String, String>> setupCurrentThreadWithTracingInfo() {
  Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("request-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
  return Pair.of(Tracer.getInstance().getCurrentSpanStackCopy(), MDC.getCopyOfContextMap());

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void handleSpanCloseMethod_completes_the_span_as_expected_subspan() {
  // given
  Span parentSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("root");
  Span subspan = Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan("subspan", SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY);
  // when
  // then

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void removeSpanLifecycleListener_should_work_as_advertised() {
  // given
  SpanLifecycleListener listener = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  // when
  boolean result = Tracer.getInstance().removeSpanLifecycleListener(listener);
  // then

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void addSpanLifecycleListener_should_work_as_advertised() {
  // given
  SpanLifecycleListener listener = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  // when
  // then

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private void resetTracing() {
  List<SpanLifecycleListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(Tracer.getInstance().getSpanLifecycleListeners());
  for (SpanLifecycleListener listener : listeners) {

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private void resetTracer() {
  Tracer.getInstance().setRootSpanSamplingStrategy(new SampleAllTheThingsStrategy());
  for (SpanLifecycleListener listener : new ArrayList<>(Tracer.getInstance().getSpanLifecycleListeners())) {

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void getCurrentSpan_should_return_current_span() throws Exception {
  // given
  Tracer tracer = Tracer.getInstance();
  // when
  Span span = tracer.getCurrentSpan();
  // then

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/riposte

public static ChannelHandlerContextMocks mockChannelHandlerContextWithTraceInfo(String userId) {
  if (Tracer.getInstance().getCurrentSpan() == null) {
    Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("mockChannelHandlerContext", userId);
  ChannelHandlerContextMocks channelHandlerMocks = mockChannelHandlerContext();
  return channelHandlerMocks;

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

private TracingState generateTracingStateOnCurrentThread() {
  Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), Span.SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY);
  return TracingState.getCurrentThreadTracingState();

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void spanLifecycleListener_spanStarted_is_called_when_subspan_is_started() {
  // given
  SpanLifecycleListener listener1 = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  SpanLifecycleListener listener2 = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  Tracer tracer = Tracer.getInstance();
  // when
  Span subspan = tracer.startSubSpan("subspan", SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY);
  // then
  verify(listener1, times(0)).spanCompleted(subspan);
  verify(listener2, times(0)).spanCompleted(subspan);

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/riposte

private void resetTracing() {
  spanRecorder = new SpanRecorder();

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void spanLifecycleListener_spanStarted_is_called_when_new_request_span_is_started() {
  // given
  SpanLifecycleListener listener1 = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  SpanLifecycleListener listener2 = mock(SpanLifecycleListener.class);
  Tracer tracer = Tracer.getInstance();
  // when
  Span span = tracer.startRequestWithRootSpan("newspan");
  // then
  verify(listener1, times(0)).spanCompleted(span);
  verify(listener2, times(0)).spanCompleted(span);

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void getCurrentManagedStatusForSpan_works_as_expected_for_managed_noncurrent() {
  // given
  Span nonCurrentRootSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("root");
  Span nonCurrentSubspan = Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan("subspan1", SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY);
  Span currentSubspan = Tracer.getInstance().startSubSpan("subspan2", SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY);
  // expect

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/riposte

private Pair<Deque<Span>, Map<String, String>> setupStateWithNewSpan(String spanName) {
  Deque<Span> origSpanInfo = Tracer.getInstance().unregisterFromThread();
  Map<String, String> origMdcInfo = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
  Pair<Deque<Span>, Map<String, String>> infoForStatePair = AsyncNettyHelper.linkTracingAndMdcToCurrentThread(origSpanInfo, origMdcInfo);
  return infoForStatePair;

代码示例来源:origin: Nike-Inc/wingtips

public void constructor_does_not_register_WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener_when_props_shouldApplyWingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener_returns_false() {
  // given
  WingtipsZipkinProperties props = mock(WingtipsZipkinProperties.class);
  // when
  new WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration(props, null);
  // then
