
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]The qualified name of the implicit fault bean of this web fault, or null if this web fault does not define an implicit faul bean.
[中]此web错误的隐式错误bean的限定名,如果此web错误未定义隐式faul bean,则为null。


代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-jaxws

 * Validates a web fault.
 * @param webFault       The web fault to validate.
 * @param alreadyVisited The bean names that have alrady been visited.
 * @return The validation result.
public ValidationResult validateWebFault(WebFault webFault, Set<String> alreadyVisited) {
 AnnotationProcessorEnvironment ape = Context.getCurrentEnvironment();
 ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult();
 if (webFault.isImplicitSchemaElement()) {
  String faultBeanFQN = webFault.getImplicitFaultBeanQualifiedName();
  if (!alreadyVisited.add(faultBeanFQN)) {
   result.addError(webFault, faultBeanFQN + " conflicts with another generated bean name.  Please use the @WebFault annotation " +
    "to customize the fault bean name.");
  else if (ape.getTypeDeclaration(faultBeanFQN) != null) {
   result.addError(webFault, faultBeanFQN + " is an existing class.  Either move it, or customize the fault bean name with the " +
    "@WebFault annotation.");
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-full

 * Validates a web fault.
 * @param webFault       The web fault to validate.
 * @param alreadyVisited The bean names that have alrady been visited.
 * @return The validation result.
public ValidationResult validateWebFault(WebFault webFault, Set<String> alreadyVisited) {
 AnnotationProcessorEnvironment ape = Context.getCurrentEnvironment();
 ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult();
 if (webFault.isImplicitSchemaElement()) {
  String faultBeanFQN = webFault.getImplicitFaultBeanQualifiedName();
  if (!alreadyVisited.add(faultBeanFQN)) {
   result.addError(webFault.getPosition(), faultBeanFQN + " conflicts with another generated bean name.  Please use the @WebFault annotation " +
    "to customize the fault bean name.");
  else if (ape.getTypeDeclaration(faultBeanFQN) != null) {
   result.addError(webFault.getPosition(), faultBeanFQN + " is an existing class.  Either move it, or customize the fault bean name with the " +
    "@WebFault annotation.");
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-full

String faultClass = classnameFor.convert(webFault);
boolean implicit = webFault.isImplicitSchemaElement();
String faultBean = implicit ? getBeanName(classnameFor, webFault.getImplicitFaultBeanQualifiedName()) : classnameFor.convert(webFault.getExplicitFaultBean());

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-xfire-client

String faultClass = classnameFor.convert(webFault);
boolean implicit = webFault.isImplicitSchemaElement();
String faultBean = implicit ? getBeanName(classnameFor, webFault.getImplicitFaultBeanQualifiedName()) : classnameFor.convert(webFault.getExplicitFaultBeanType());

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-java-client

String faultBean = implicit ? getBeanName(classnameFor, webFault.getImplicitFaultBeanQualifiedName()) : classnameFor.convert(webFault.getExplicitFaultBeanType());
