
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]List of BasicBlock instances.


代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/dexmaker

BasicBlockList toBasicBlocks() {
  if (!localsInitialized) {
  BasicBlockList result = new BasicBlockList(labels.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) {
    result.set(i, labels.get(i).toBasicBlock());
  return result;


 * Gets the element at the given index. It is an error to call
 * this with the index for an element which was never set; if you
 * do that, this will throw {@code NullPointerException}.
 * @param n {@code >= 0, < size();} which index
 * @return {@code non-null;} element at that index
public BasicBlock get(int n) {
  return (BasicBlock) get0(n);


 * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that
 * the registers in each instruction are offset by the given
 * amount. Mutability of the result is inherited from the
 * original.
 * @param delta the amount to offset register numbers by
 * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance
public BasicBlockList withRegisterOffset(int delta) {
  int sz = size();
  BasicBlockList result = new BasicBlockList(sz);
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = (BasicBlock) get0(i);
    if (one != null) {
      result.set(i, one.withRegisterOffset(delta));
  if (isImmutable()) {
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param method {@code non-null;} the method being represented by this instance
public LocalVariableInfo(RopMethod method) {
  if (method == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("method == null");
  BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks();
  int maxLabel = blocks.getMaxLabel();
  this.regCount = blocks.getRegCount();
  this.emptySet = new RegisterSpecSet(regCount);
  this.blockStarts = new RegisterSpecSet[maxLabel];
  this.insnAssignments =
    new HashMap<Insn, RegisterSpec>(blocks.getInstructionCount());

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Extracts the resulting {@link RopMethod} from the instance.
 * @return {@code non-null;} the method object
private RopMethod getRopMethod() {
  // Construct the final list of blocks.
  int sz = result.size();
  BasicBlockList bbl = new BasicBlockList(sz);
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    bbl.set(i, result.get(i));
  // Construct the method object to wrap it all up.
   * Note: The parameter assignment block is always the first
   * that should be executed, hence the second argument to the
   * constructor.
  return new RopMethod(bbl, getSpecialLabel(PARAM_ASSIGNMENT));


 * Visits each instruction of each block in the list, in order.
 * @param visitor {@code non-null;} visitor to use
public void forEachInsn(Insn.Visitor visitor) {
  int sz = size();
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = get(i);
    InsnList insns = one.getInsns();

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Gets the total instruction count for this instance. This is the
 * sum of the instruction counts of each block.
 * @return {@code >= 0;} the total instruction count
public int getInstructionCount() {
  int sz = size();
  int result = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = (BasicBlock) getOrNull0(i);
    if (one != null) {
      result += one.getInsns().size();
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

int bsz = blocks.size();
int maxInsns = (bsz * 3) + blocks.getInstructionCount();
this.regCount = blocks.getRegCount()
    + (paramsAreInOrder ? 0 : this.paramSize);

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param ropMethod {@code non-null;} the original rop-form method that
 * this instance is based on
 * @param paramWidth the total width, in register-units, of the
 * method's parameters
 * @param isStatic {@code true} if this method has no {@code this}
 * pointer argument
private SsaMethod(RopMethod ropMethod, int paramWidth, boolean isStatic) {
  this.paramWidth = paramWidth;
  this.isStatic = isStatic;
  this.backMode = false;
  this.maxLabel = ropMethod.getBlocks().getMaxLabel();
  this.registerCount = ropMethod.getBlocks().getRegCount();
  this.spareRegisterBase = registerCount;

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

final int paramSize) {
final boolean[] paramsAreInOrder = { true };
final int initialRegCount = method.getBlocks().getRegCount();
method.getBlocks().forEachInsn(new Insn.BaseVisitor() {
  public void visitPlainCstInsn(PlainCstInsn insn) {

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Returns a mutable copy of this list.
 * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance
public BasicBlockList getMutableCopy() {
  return new BasicBlockList(this);


 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param method {@code non-null;} the method to have block addresses for
public BlockAddresses(RopMethod method) {
  BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks();
  int maxLabel = blocks.getMaxLabel();
  this.starts = new CodeAddress[maxLabel];
  this.lasts = new CodeAddress[maxLabel];
  this.ends = new CodeAddress[maxLabel];

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

   * Replaces one of a block's successors with a different label. Constructs
   * an updated BasicBlock instance and places it in {@code newBlocks}.
   * @param block block to replace
   * @param oldLabel label of successor to replace
   * @param newLabel label of new successor
  private void replaceSucc(BasicBlock block, int oldLabel, int newLabel) {
    IntList newSuccessors = block.getSuccessors().mutableCopy();
    int newPrimarySuccessor;

    newSuccessors.set(newSuccessors.indexOf(oldLabel), newLabel);
    newPrimarySuccessor = block.getPrimarySuccessor();

    if (newPrimarySuccessor == oldLabel) {
      newPrimarySuccessor = newLabel;


    BasicBlock newBB = new BasicBlock(block.getLabel(),
        block.getInsns(), newSuccessors, newPrimarySuccessor);

    newBlocks.set(newBlocks.indexOfLabel(block.getLabel()), newBB);

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Constructs instance. Call {@code process()} to run.
 * @param rm {@code non-null;} instance to process
public IdenticalBlockCombiner(RopMethod rm) {
  ropMethod = rm;
  blocks = ropMethod.getBlocks();
  newBlocks = blocks.getMutableCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: nikita36078/J2ME-Loader

 * Returns how many registers this method requires. This is simply
 * the maximum of register-number-plus-category referred to by this
 * instance's instructions (indirectly through {@link BasicBlock}
 * instances).
 * @return {@code >= 0;} the register count
public int getRegCount() {
  if (regCount == -1) {
    RegCountVisitor visitor = new RegCountVisitor();
    regCount = visitor.getRegCount();
  return regCount;


 * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that
 * the registers in each instruction are offset by the given
 * amount. Mutability of the result is inherited from the
 * original.
 * @param delta the amount to offset register numbers by
 * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance
public BasicBlockList withRegisterOffset(int delta) {
  int sz = size();
  BasicBlockList result = new BasicBlockList(sz);
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = (BasicBlock) get0(i);
    if (one != null) {
      result.set(i, one.withRegisterOffset(delta));
  if (isImmutable()) {
  return result;


 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param method {@code non-null;} the method being represented by this instance
public LocalVariableInfo(RopMethod method) {
  if (method == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("method == null");
  BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks();
  int maxLabel = blocks.getMaxLabel();
  this.regCount = blocks.getRegCount();
  this.emptySet = new RegisterSpecSet(regCount);
  this.blockStarts = new RegisterSpecSet[maxLabel];
  this.insnAssignments =
    new HashMap<Insn, RegisterSpec>(blocks.getInstructionCount());


 * Extracts the resulting {@link RopMethod} from the instance.
 * @return {@code non-null;} the method object
private RopMethod getRopMethod() {
  // Construct the final list of blocks.
  int sz = result.size();
  BasicBlockList bbl = new BasicBlockList(sz);
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    bbl.set(i, result.get(i));
  // Construct the method object to wrap it all up.
   * Note: The parameter assignment block is always the first
   * that should be executed, hence the second argument to the
   * constructor.
  return new RopMethod(bbl, getSpecialLabel(PARAM_ASSIGNMENT));


 * Visits each instruction of each block in the list, in order.
 * @param visitor {@code non-null;} visitor to use
public void forEachInsn(Insn.Visitor visitor) {
  int sz = size();
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = get(i);
    InsnList insns = one.getInsns();


 * Gets the total instruction count for this instance. This is the
 * sum of the instruction counts of each block.
 * @return {@code >= 0;} the total instruction count
public int getInstructionCount() {
  int sz = size();
  int result = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
    BasicBlock one = (BasicBlock) getOrNull0(i);
    if (one != null) {
      result += one.getInsns().size();
  return result;
