
7ajki6be  于 2021-06-18  发布在  Mysql


create procedure `InsertTranslatedString`(in stringId int(10) unsigned, in translationSource tinyint(3) unsigned, in translationLanguageId int(10) unsigned, 
    in translatedString mediumtext, out insertedTranslatedStringId int(10) unsigned, out returnValue int(10))
reads sql data
modifies sql data
    -- if the string id does not exists
    if (select count(1) from `Strings` where `stringId` = stringId) = 0
        -- return error code
        set returnValue = -1;
        set insertedTranslatedStringId = 0;

    -- if the language id does not exists
    elseif (select count(1) from `Languages` where `languageId` = translationLanguageId) = 0
        -- return error code
        set returnValue = -2;
        set insertedTranslatedStringId = 0;

    -- if the translated string already exists
    elseif (select count(1) from `TranslatedStrings` where `stringId` = stringId and `languageId` = translationLanguageId) > 0
        -- return error code
        set returnValue = -3;
        set insertedTranslatedStringId = 0;

    -- if we are ready to go
        -- insert the actual translated string
        insert into TranslatedStrings (`stringId`, `languageId`, `value`, `translationSource`, `createdDateTime`)
        values (stringId, translationLanguageId, translatedString, translationSource, now());
        select @newTranslatedStringId := last_insert_id();

        -- give back output parameters
        set insertedTranslatedStringId = @newTranslatedStringId;
        set returnValue = 0;
    end if;
end $$

我把这个过程称为 call InsertTranslatedString(76, 0, 1, 'German (Germany)', @insertedTranslatedStringId, @returnValue); stringid 76和languageid 1都不存在。
当我打这个电话时,我注意到 if-elseif-elseif-else 方块跳过第一个 if (stringid检查)即使它应该输入 then 阻止。然而,程序进入第一个阶段 elseif (语言ID检查)效果很好。
我也尝试过这样的检查: if not exists (select 1 from 'Strings' where 'stringId' = stringId) 但是有一个 exists() 函数似乎总是返回true,不管 select 返回一行或无行;然后程序将直接跳到第二个 elseif 就因为我用了 elseif exists (select... 在那里。实际的 select 但是,如果单独运行它,则不会返回任何行。非常混乱。

CREATE TABLE `Languages` (
`languageId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`nameStringId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`languageCode` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
`hiddenInSettings` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`languageId`),
KEY `FK_Languages_nameStringId` (`nameStringId`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_Languages_nameStringId` FOREIGN KEY (`nameStringId`) REFERENCES `Strings` (`stringId`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='contains all supported and automatically translated languages'

CREATE TABLE `Strings` (
`stringId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`originalValue` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`originalLanguageId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`stringId`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='contains all language-independent strings instances'

CREATE TABLE `TranslatedStrings` (
`stringId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`languageId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`value` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`translationSource` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
`createdDateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`lastModifiedDateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`incorrectTranslationState` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
`incorrectTranslationReporterId` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`incorrectTranslationReportedDateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`stringId`,`languageId`),
KEY `FK_TranslatedStrings_languageId` (`languageId`),
KEY `FK_TranslatedStrings_incorrectTranslationReporterId` (`incorrectTranslationReporterId`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_TranslatedStrings_incorrectTranslationReporterId` FOREIGN KEY (`incorrectTranslationReporterId`) REFERENCES `Users` (`userId`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `FK_TranslatedStrings_languageId` FOREIGN KEY (`languageId`) REFERENCES `Languages` (`languageId`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `FK_TranslatedStrings_stringId` FOREIGN KEY (`stringId`) REFERENCES `Strings` (`stringId`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='contains all localized and automatically translated strings'

当我创建表时,我没有创建这些表 KEY 顺便说一下,它们是由mysql服务器创建的。奇怪的是它们只和 CONSTRAINT 不是全部。


