使用php foreach处理电子邮件中的数据

jslywgbw  于 2021-06-25  发布在  Mysql


<table class="list">
        <th>Username </th>
        <th> Most Steps</th>
        <th> Average Steps </th>
        <th> Total Steps </th>

        <?php //get info for scores in the league
         if ($result = $link->query("SELECT SUM(DISTINCT step_count.steps) as total,  logins.nickname, MAX(step_count.steps) as maxsteps, ROUND(AVG (DISTINCT step_count.steps)) as average, logins.Email as email
            FROM step_count
            INNER JOIN logins on
            INNER JOIN leagues ON
          WHERE step_count.date BETWEEN '$info[start_date]' AND '$info[end_date]'
            GROUP BY logins.unique_id
            ORDER BY `total` DESC
          ", MYSQLI_USE_RESULT))
          $rank = 1;

          //add data to an arry for email use
          $leaguedata = array();

          while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
              $leaguedata[] = $row; ?>

           <td><?php echo $rank++; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo $row['nickname']; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo $row['maxsteps']; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo $row['average']; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo $row['total']; ?></td>

                <?php }  $result->close(); ?>



<?php //if admin and the date has past, change active to 0
       if ($info['role'] == "ADMIN") {
         if ($info['end_date'] < date("Y-m-d")) {

         $endleague = "UPDATE leagues SET active = 0
          WHERE joincode='$joincode'";


          echo "<h3><br/>This league has now ended, results will be sent to everyone via email!</h3>";

          //send league ending information
          $endrank = 1;

          $subject = "$league_name has ended!";
            $body="Results are in and these were the final scores:".PHP_EOL;

            $headers = "From: localhost";

          foreach ($leaguedata as $email){
                    mail($email['email'], $subject, $body, $headers); }

          } ?>




你的 endrank 行可以是:

$subject = "$league_name has ended!";
$body="Results are in and these were the final scores:".PHP_EOL;

至于 foreach 语句中,假设要从行中添加一些数据:

// Keep anything static between all emails outside of your loop
$endrank = 1;
$subject = "$league_name has ended!";
$headers = "From: localhost";

// For your big array of all your rows ($leaguedata), do something for each row
foreach ($leaguedata as $row){

    // Initialise your new text body

    // Access anything from each row as $row['something']
    $body .= "Hello, $row['nickname']".PHP_EOL;

    // Pop in the league results which are common to all the emails
    $body .="Results are in and these were the final scores:".PHP_EOL;
    $body .=$endrank.PHP_EOL;

    // Send the email
    mail($row['email'], $subject, $body, $headers);
