
niwlg2el  于 2021-06-29  发布在  Java


public class Main extends JavaPlugin{

    //filename of the yml file that contains all of the materials and quantities
    final String itemsYmlFileName = "items.yml";
    //file that stores the items to be used all throughout this plugin
    final ItemsFile itemsFile = new ItemsFile(this, itemsYmlFileName);

     * This function executes when the plugin is loaded/enabled,
     * due to the server starting, after a restart, or after a
     * plugin reload, etc.
    public void onEnable() {
        //this will be the inventoryChecker object passed to ContainerScanner and playerScanner. It's
        //best to get this here because it can be initialized with the itemsFile
        InventoryChecker inventoryChecker = new InventoryChecker(itemsFile);

        //register containerScanner event because it uses InventoryCloseEvent from bukkit.
        getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new ContainerScanner(inventoryChecker), this);

        //Register PlayerScanner as a bukkit task so that it will execute the run() function on 
        //regular intervals. This is a synchronous task.
        BukkitTask playerScan = new PlayerScanner(inventoryChecker).runTaskTimer(this, 500L, 100L);

        //set AddItem as the executor for this command so that it's onCommand() function is used
        //when a player types a command.
        this.getCommand("addItem").setExecutor(new AddItem(itemsFile));

     * This function executes when the plugin is disabled due to
     * the server shutting down, restarting, reloading plugins, etc.
    public void onDisable() {
        //save any changes to the items Yml file


public class InventoryChecker {

    private HashMap<Material, Integer> itemList;

    //prevent default constructor from being used:
    private InventoryChecker() {}

     * This constructor accepts a items file object, and will use that to read the Yml file that
     * contains all of the items and quantities to check for, and that will be used to check
     * inventories.
    public InventoryChecker(ItemsFile itemsFile) {
        itemList = itemsFile.getItemsList();

     * This constructor accepts a hashmap of Materials and Integers. The keys in this map
     * (materials) will be what the inventorychecker will check for in the inventory. The
     * values (integers) in this map will be the quantities that set off alerts. 
    public InventoryChecker(HashMap<Material, Integer> items) {
        itemList = items;

     * This function checks the inventory passed as a parameter to see if it contains any
     * materials over the set quantities, and returns true if so. The materials and quantities
     * to check for were passed during construction either as a itemsfile or a regular HashMap.
    public boolean checkInventory(Inventory inv) {
        //cannot check inventory if it is null
        if(inv == null)
            return false;

        //tally all of the items in the inventory, and put them in the hashmap
        HashMap<Material, Integer> inventoryItems = tallyItems(inv);

        //loop through every entry in the itemList (hashmap of items to be checked)
        //and see if the player has any of the materials in a quantity that is 
        //greater than the value set in the config file
        for(Entry<Material, Integer> itemListEntry : itemList.entrySet()) {
            //this will be equal to null if the item is not in their inventory
            Integer i = inventoryItems.get(itemListEntry.getKey());

            //if it's equal to null, go on to the next item
            if(i == null)

            //if an item is found, return true, they have a material in greater
            //quantity than listed in the config file.
            if(i > itemListEntry.getValue())
                return true;            

        //return false, nothing was found
        return false;

     * This function will accept an Inventory, and it will return a HashMap containing
     * each unique material found in the inventory as the keys, and the total amount of
     * the material in the inventory as the value:
    private HashMap<Material, Integer> tallyItems(Inventory inv){
        //omitted to shorten post


public class PlayerScanner extends BukkitRunnable{

    private InventoryChecker inventoryChecker;

    //prevent usage of the default constructor, this class depends on
    //a valid InventoryChecker being passed
    private PlayerScanner() {}

    public PlayerScanner(InventoryChecker inventoryChecker) {
        this.inventoryChecker = inventoryChecker;

    public void run() {
        for(Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
            //get their inventory/echest and have the inventorychecker
            //see if there are any suspicious quantities of materials in it
            boolean inv = false;
            boolean ender = false;
            inv = inventoryChecker.checkInventory(player.getInventory());
            ender = inventoryChecker.checkInventory(player.getEnderChest());

            if(inv || ender) {
                utility.sendAlertMessage("Player: " + player.getName() + "has illegal items in their Inventory or Echest!");


public class ContainerScanner implements Listener{

    private InventoryChecker inventoryChecker;

    //disable default constructor
    private ContainerScanner() {}

    public ContainerScanner(InventoryChecker inventoryChecker) {
        this.inventoryChecker = inventoryChecker;

     * this runs any time the InventoryCloseEvent is triggered, and it
     * scans that inventory
    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
    public void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent e) {

        //if it was an ender chest, don't check because ender chests will be scanned
        //regularly with the player's inventory.

        //send inventory to get checked


