在python类中尝试实现uuu getattribute_uuu/uuu setattr_uuu和u getitem_uuuuu/uuu setitem_uuu时出现递归错误

bejyjqdl  于 2021-09-08  发布在  Java

我正遇到可怕的事情 RecursionError 在尝试实现一个本质上充当私有变量之间的代理的类时 _threads . 其思想是让类充当线程感知字典,为类示例的每次调用提供分配给特定线程的正确字典。




import threading

class ThreadManager(object):
    A custom thread-aware class for managing multiple sets of variables
    without the need to keep track of the current, working thread

    def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs):
        assert threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread(), \
            "ThreadManager must be instantiated from MainThread"
        self._threads = dict()
        self._thread_vars = dict(**dict.fromkeys(args),**kwargs)

    def thread(self) -> dict:
        ident = self.thread_id
        if ident not in self._threads:
            # new thread, create new key/value pair with default thread_vars dict as value
            self._threads[ident] = self._thread_vars
        return self._threads[ident]

    def thread_id(self) -> int:
        return threading.current_thread().ident

    def update(self, data: dict) -> None:
        ident = self.thread_id
        for var, value in data.items():
            if var not in self._thread_vars:
                raise AttributeError("%r was not found in the list of original thread variables" % var)
            self._threads[ident][var] = value

    def clear(self) -> None:
        """Clears a single thread's variables and re-instates the default values"""
        ident = self.thread_id

    # region dunders
    def __setattr__(self, var, value):
        >>> tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c=False)
        >>> tm.b
        >>> tm.b = "data"
        >>> tm.b
        print(f"__setattr__: var={var}, value={value}")
        _ = self.thread  # FIXME: Hacky way to ensure the thread and accompanying dict exist before updating it
        self._threads[self.thread_id][var] = value

    def __getattr__(self, var):
        >>> tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c=False)
        >>> tm.b
        >>> tm.c
        print(f"__getattr__: var={var}")
        return self.thread[var]

    def __setitem__(self, var, value):
        >>> tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c=False)
        >>> tm["b"]
        >>> tm["b"] = "data"
        >>> tm["b"]
        print(f"__setitem__: var={var}, value={value}")
        _ = self.thread  # FIXME: Hacky way to ensure the thread and accompanying dict exist before updating it
        self._threads[self.thread_id][var] = value

    def __getitem__(self, var):
        >>> tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c=False)
        >>> tm["b"]
        >>> tm["c"]
        print(f"__getitem__: var={var}")
        return self.thread[var]

    def __len__(self):
        """Total number of threads being managed"""
        return len(self._threads)
    # endregion

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c={"d": 1})

使用上面的代码,我最终得到 RecursionError 和回溯:

__setattr__: var=_threads, value={}
__getattr__: var=_threads
__getattr__: var=_threads
__getattr__: var=_threads
__getattr__: var=_threads
__getattr__: var=_threads
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 1266, in <module>
    tm = ThreadManager("a", "b", c={"d": 1})
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 87, in __init__
    self._threads = dict()
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 125, in __setattr__
    _ = self.thread  # FIXME: Hacky way to ensure the thread and accompanying dict exist before updating it
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 93, in thread
    if ident not in self._threads:
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 136, in __getattr__
    return self.thread[var]
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 93, in thread
    if ident not in self._threads:
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 136, in __getattr__
    return self.thread[var]
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 93, in thread
    if ident not in self._threads:
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 136, in __getattr__
    return self.thread[var]
  File "C:/Users/mhill/PycharmProjects/reporting/app/reports/base.py", line 100, in thread_id
    return threading.current_thread().ident
  File "C:\Users\mhill\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\threading.py", line 1233, in current_thread
    return _active[get_ident()]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

我试图保持将字典项作为属性访问的能力(使用 tm.property_name )和您将使用的典型字典项一样(使用 tm["property_name"] ),这就是我试图实现这两个目标的原因 __getattribute__/__setattr____getitem__/__setitem__ 有人能就我如何解决这个问题提供一些见解吗?



你几乎肯定想用 __getattr__ 而不是 __getattribute__ . 前者仅在普通示例变量查找失败时调用,但后者始终被调用。文档中对此进行了明确解释。这似乎也正是你想要的,除非我遗漏了什么。例如,您希望能够以正常方式访问某些变量 threadupdate ,但您希望在其他情况下提供特殊功能。那正是我想要的 __getattr__ 这是给你的。
这是很难实施的 __getattribute__ 正确,因为您必须通过显式调用 __getattr__ 在这些情况下。我看不出你为什么要这么做。
我的建议是直接替换 __getattribute__ 通过 __getattr__ 并尝试再次运行您的程序。
