butterfly Edge is not rerendered when changing react state.

vvppvyoh  于 2023-02-04  发布在  React

The current behavior

I have a react state called "edges" (it's an array of custom edges). I'd like to change the label of the edge by changing the react state.
However, after changing my react state "edges", neither the draw nor the drawLabel function is called. As a result of that the modified edge won't be rerendered, i.e. the label does not change.

The expected behavior

By changing the react state the edges should be rerendered automatically.

Your environment(such as: Butterfly version、Browser version、OS and so on)

Butterfly version :
"butterfly-dag": "4.3.17"
"butterfly-react": "1.0.1"

Browser version :
Google Chrome (Version 108.0.5359.125)

OS :
Windows 10



Sorry, we don't have manpower to maintain the butterfly-react .
In react, it is recommended that you use the butterfly-dag .
