spring-cloud-alibaba [ASoC] Spring Cloud Gateway based on Apache Dubbo

qybjjes1  于 2023-02-04  发布在  Spring

Spring Cloud Gateway is the first-option gateway, which is based on HTTP/REST to communicate between the services' consumers and providers. Now, Spring Cloud Alibaba supports Apache Dubbo as the service-to-service framework alternating Spring Cloud OpenFeign, thus, We need an extension of Spring Cloud Gateway to support Apache Dubbo for the high performance.



Hey @fangjian0423
I would like to work on this,
Can you guide me with a few initial steps which will help me to get on with the project



Hello @fangjian0423 and @mercyblitz

I am very much interested to work on this project as part of ASoC 2020. I will check it out and give updates.

Thank you



@mercyblitz@fangjian0423 Hello, could you please lay in some bullet implementation points. It is quite tricky for beginners to start on without such guiding steps, one similar question is mentioned here . My question: is only creating a binary gateway by creating an RPC proxy atop REST enough to get Dubbo integrated with Spring gateway? I could not think of any further steps after this, what other contrivances should be kept into account? Thank You!!
