mariadb 为什么选择…FOR SHARE没有被另一个事务的UPDATE阻塞?

9rygscc1  于 10个月前  发布在  其他


CREATE TABLE `table0` (
  `pkId` int DEFAULT NULL,
  `pkAttr0` int NOT NULL,
  `coAttr0_0` int DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`pkAttr0`),
  KEY `table0index_pk` (`pkAttr0`),
  KEY `table0index_commAttr0` (`coAttr0_0`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

insert into table0 values(1,1,1);


session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2;
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked

session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2;已经锁定了该行,为什么session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share;仍然可以执行?



我不是锁方面的Maven,但我认为这取决于这样一个事实,即您正在select-ing一个不涉及update操作的属性,而select *将需要首先释放锁,因为coAttr0_0(可能)正在更新。



如果autocommit设置为1(默认值),则LOCK IN SHARE MODE和FOR UPDATE子句无效



这个答案是基于我的测试。我发现,如果选择列表中的所有列(不包括被更新的列,在本例中为列coAttr0_0)都包含在单个索引中,则SELECT for share不会被阻塞,而不管它是否唯一。

| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          0 | PRIMARY               |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_pk        |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |


session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2;
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked

现在,我们删除pkAttr 0得PK属性与索引,同时添加pkId得索引.然后再次测试。注:在我们进行结构更改之前,应提交Commit

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

alter table table0 drop primary key;
drop index table0index_pk on table0;
create index idx_pkid on table0(pkId);

 show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkid              |            1 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |


session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=20; -- value to be changed from 2 to 20
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;


session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=20; -- the new value is the same as the old one so no change is made
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked !!

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

这一次,不会封锁select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share;陈述式。

create index idx_pkattr0 on table0(pkAttr0);
show index in table0;

| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkid              |            1 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkattr0           |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=200; -- value from 20 to 200
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 

-- Pay attention to this one
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

如上所强调的,当select子句同时具有pkId和pkAttr 0时,即使对这两列分别进行了索引,该语句也会被阻塞。现在,让我们创建一个复合索引来覆盖这两个列。

create index idx_both on table0( pkAttr0,pkId);

 show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkid              |            1 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkattr0           |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_both              |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_both              |            2 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2000; -- value from 200 to 2000
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 

-- see what happens this time:
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked !!

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

但是,如果我们删除pkId和pkAttr 0的各个索引,会怎样呢?这会改变输出吗?

drop index idx_pkid on table0;
drop index idx_pkattr0 on table0;

show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_both              |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_both              |            2 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2000; -- value does not change this time
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked

-- BOOKMARK this one
session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked

session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

现在,让我们将注意力转移到带有书签的查询上。即select pkId from table0 for share;。有趣的是,与选择pkAttr0的那个不同,由于索引利用的最左边前缀规则,带有pkId的这个不使用索引来执行,因为现在只剩下复合索引,并且pkAttr0是索引序列中的第一个。因此,只要索引包含该列,索引序列在阻塞方面就没有关系。

drop index idx_both on table0;
create index idx_all on table0(coAttr0_0,pkId,pkAttr0);

show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            2 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            3 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2000; -- value still does not change 
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- is not blocked !!

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

最后,查询select * from table0 for share;这一次没有被阻塞。当然,如果UPDATE语句实际上更改了值,则除了选择列表中包含coAttr0_0的那些值之外,结果都是相同的。人们通常会这么想。错误!!

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=32167; -- value changed from 2000 
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked !!
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- blocked !!
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked !!

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

由于coAttr0_0的值实际上已更改,因此在select for share语句中不允许包含所有列的复合索引中的列。我们为列添加一个单独的索引如何?这一次我们为pkAttr0创建一个。此外,列coAttr0_0应更改回2000。

create index idx_pkAttr0 on table0(pkAttr0);

show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            2 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all               |            3 | pkAttr0     | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkAttr0           |            1 | pkAttr0     | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=2000; -- value changed from 32167 back to 2000 
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

在为pkAttr0创建了一个单独的索引后,当coAttr0_0的值发生更改时,select pkAttr0 from table0 for share;不会被阻止。如果没有列pkId的单个索引,select pkId from table0 for share;将被阻塞。

drop index idx_all on table0;
drop index idx_pkAttr0 on table0;

create index idx_all_new on table0 (pkId,pkAttr0,coAttr0_0);

show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            1 | pkId        | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            2 | pkAttr0     | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            3 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=9999; -- value changed from 2000 to 9999
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

如上所示,即使我们将pkId放在复合索引的第一位,当coAttr0_0发生变化时,select pkId from table0 for share;仍然被阻止。好的。让我们为pkId创建一个单独的索引。

create index idx_pkid on table0(pkId);

show index in table0;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression |
| table0 |          1 | table0index_commAttr0 |            1 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            1 | pkId        | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            2 | pkAttr0     | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL |      | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_all_new           |            3 | coAttr0_0   | A         |           1 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |
| table0 |          1 | idx_pkid              |            1 | pkId        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | NULL       |

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=7777; -- value changed from 9999 to 7777
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- no longer blocked !! 
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;

对于pkId的单独索引,当coAttr0_0发生更改时,select pkId from table0 for share;不再被阻止。

session1 > begin;
session1 > update table0 set coAttr0_0=7777; -- value does not change
session2 > begin;
session2 > select pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 
session2 > select * from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 

session2 > select pkId from table0 for share; -- is not blocked even without an individual index for itself 
session2 > select coAttr0_0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 
session2 > select pkId,pkAttr0 from table0 for share; -- is not blocked 

session1 > commit;
session2 > commit;


当数据行更新未变更值时,只要选取清单中的所有数据行都包含在单一索引中,就不会封锁select for share陈述式,该索引的数据行数目可以比选取子句中的数据行数目还多。
但是,当update确实更改了列的值时,仅当选择列表中的列与索引中的列之间可能存在精确匹配时,才不会阻止select for share语句。例如,pkId的单列索引必须存在,查询select pkId from table0 for share;才能成功运行。在这种情况下,包含pkId的复合索引将不起作用。也就是说,不能多,不能少。

