
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: naver/ngrinder

@Parameter(names = {"-m", "-mode", "--mode"}, required = false,
    description = "run mode. The agent/monitor modes are available.", hidden = true)
public String mode = null;
@Parameter(names = {"-c", "-command", "--command"}, required = false, description = "execution command. " +
    "The stop/start command are available.", hidden = true)
public String command = "start";
  agent("run_agent") {
    @Parameter(names = {"-ch", "--controller-host"}, required = false, description = "controller host or ip.")
    public String controllerHost = null;
  @DynamicParameter(names = "-D", description = "dynamic parameters", hidden = true)
  public Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.beust/jcommander

String description;
 if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterized.getType())
   && parameterAnnotation.description().isEmpty()) {
  description = "Options: " + EnumSet.allOf((Class<? extends Enum>) parameterized.getType());
 }else {
  description = parameterAnnotation.description();
 initDescription(description, parameterAnnotation.descriptionKey(),
} else if (dynamicParameterAnnotation != null) {
} else {
 throw new AssertionError("Shound never happen");

代码示例来源:origin: com.beust/jcommander

if (p.names().length == 0) {
  p("Found main parameter:" + parameterized);
  if (mainParameter != null) {
  ParameterDescription pd =
      new ParameterDescription(object, p, parameterized, options.bundle, this);
  for (String name : p.names()) {
    if (descriptions.containsKey(new StringKey(name))) {
      throw new ParameterException("Found the option " + name + " multiple times");
    descriptions.put(new StringKey(name), pd);
    if (p.required()) requiredFields.put(parameterized, pd);
for (String name : dp.names()) {
  if (descriptions.containsKey(name)) {
    throw new ParameterException("Found the option " + name + " multiple times");
  descriptions.put(new StringKey(name), pd);
  if (dp.required()) requiredFields.put(parameterized, pd);

代码示例来源:origin: openscoring/openscoring

public class Evaluator extends ModelApplication {
  @DynamicParameter (
    names = {"-X"},
    description = "Model arguments. For example, -Xkey=value"

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.pressgang.ccms/jcommander-pressgang

initDescription(m_parameterAnnotation.description(), m_parameterAnnotation.descriptionKey(), m_parameterAnnotation.names());
  initMetaVar(m_parameterAnnotation.metaVar(), m_parameterAnnotation.metaVarKey());
} else if (m_dynamicParameterAnnotation != null) {
  initDescription(m_dynamicParameterAnnotation.description(), m_dynamicParameterAnnotation.descriptionKey(),
  initMetaVar(m_dynamicParameterAnnotation.metaVar(), m_dynamicParameterAnnotation.metaVarKey());
} else {
  throw new AssertionError("Should never happen");

代码示例来源:origin: com.beust/jcommander

public String[] names() {
 return parameter != null ? parameter.names() : dynamicParameter.names();

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geowave

if (getParam().getParameter() != null && getParam().getParameter().descriptionKey() != null) {
 String descriptionKey = getParam().getParameter().descriptionKey();
 if (descriptionKey != null && !"".equals(descriptionKey.trim())) {
  descriptionKey = descriptionKey.trim();
  && getParam().getWrappedParameter().getDynamicParameter() != null) {
 String descriptionKey =
 if (descriptionKey != null && !"".equals(descriptionKey.trim())) {
  descriptionKey = descriptionKey.trim();
 if (getParam().getParameter() != null && getParam().getParameter().description() != null) {
  description = getParam().getParameter().description();
 } else if (getParam().isDynamicParameter()) {
  description = getParam().getWrappedParameter().getDynamicParameter().description();

代码示例来源:origin: com.beust/jcommander

public boolean required() {
 return parameter != null ? parameter.required() : dynamicParameter.required();

代码示例来源:origin: asakusafw/asakusafw

void add(DynamicParameter annotation) {
    for (String name : annotation.names()) {

代码示例来源:origin: asakusafw/asakusafw

public class DotParameter {
      names = { "-G", "--graph-option" },
      descriptionKey = "parameter.graph-option")
  Map<String, String> graphOptions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      names = { "-N", "--node-option" },
      descriptionKey = "parameter.node-option")
  Map<String, String> nodeOptions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      names = { "-E", "--edge-option" },
      descriptionKey = "parameter.edge-option")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.pressgang.ccms/jcommander-pressgang

public String[] names() {
 return m_parameter != null ? m_parameter.names() : m_dynamicParameter.names();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.pressgang.ccms/jcommander-pressgang

public boolean required() {
 return m_parameter != null ? m_parameter.required() : m_dynamicParameter.required();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

public class ShellOptionsJC {
 @Parameter(names = {"-u", "--user"}, description = "username")
 private String username = null;
 @Parameter(names = {"-p", "--password"},
   description = "password (can be specified as 'pass:<password>',"
     + " 'file:<local file containing the password>', 'env:<variable containing"
 private String password;
 @DynamicParameter(names = {"-l"},
   description = "command line properties in the format key=value. Reuse -l for each property")
 private Map<String,String> commandLineProperties = new TreeMap<>();
 @Parameter(names = "--disable-tab-completion",
   description = "disables tab completion (for less overhead when scripting)")
 private boolean tabCompletionDisabled;

代码示例来源:origin: asakusafw/asakusafw

 * Handles parameters about applications.
 * @since 0.10.0
@Parameters(resourceBundle = "com.asakusafw.workflow.cli.jcommander")
public class ApplicationParameter {

   * The batch arguments.
      names = { "-A", "--batch-argument" },
      descriptionKey = "parameter.batch-argument",
      required = false
  // NOTE: never final for JCommander
  public Map<String, String> batchArguments = new LinkedHashMap<>();

   * Returns the batch arguments.
   * @return the batch arguments
  public Map<String, String> getBatchArguments() {
    return batchArguments;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.pressgang.ccms/jcommander-pressgang

if (p.names().length == 0) {
  p("Found main parameter:" + f);
  if (m_mainParameterField != null) {
  m_mainParameterDescription = new ParameterDescription(object, p, f, m_bundle, this);
} else {
  for (String name : p.names()) {
    if (m_descriptions.containsKey(name)) {
      throw new ParameterException("Found the option " + name + " multiple times");
    m_descriptions.put(name, pd);
    if (p.required()) m_requiredFields.put(f, pd);
for (String name : dp.names()) {
  if (m_descriptions.containsKey(name)) {
    throw new ParameterException("Found the option " + name + " multiple times");
  m_descriptions.put(name, pd);
  if (dp.required()) m_requiredFields.put(f, pd);

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geowave

required = pd.getParameterized().getParameter().required();
} else if (pd.isDynamicParameter()) {
 required = pd.getParameter().getDynamicParameter().required();

代码示例来源:origin: timolson/cointrader

static class MainParams {
  @Parameter(names = { "h", "help", "-h", "-H", "-help", "--help" }, help = true, description = "Show this usage help")
  boolean help;
  @Parameter(names = { "-f", "-properties-file" }, description = "location of the config file")
  String propertiesFilename = DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILENAME;
  @DynamicParameter(names = { "-D" }, description = "use the -D flag to set configuration properties \"-Ddb.username=dbuser\"")
  Map<String, String> definitions = new HashMap<>();

代码示例来源:origin: asakusafw/asakusafw

    names = { "-L", "--location" },
    descriptionKey = "parameter.location")

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

public class CreateUserArgs extends Args {
  @Parameter(names = {"--username", "-u"}, required = true, arity = 1, description = "The username of the user to view or edit")
  public String userName;

  @Parameter(names = {"--password"}, required = true, arity = 1, description = "The password value to set")
  public String password;

  @Parameter(names = {"--displayname"}, arity = 1, description = "Display name to set")
  public String displayName;

  @Parameter(names = {"--email"}, arity = 1, description = "E-mail address to set")
  public String email;

  @DynamicParameter(names = "-A", description = "Additional arguments for the authorization repository")
  public Map<String, String> authorizationRepositoryArguments = new HashMap<>();

  @DynamicParameter(names = "-P", description = "Additional arguments for the privilege repository")
  public Map<String, String> privilegeRepositoryArguments = new HashMap<>();

代码示例来源:origin: opencb/opencga

 * This class contains all those common parameters available for all 'subcommands'
public class CommonOptions {
  @Parameter(names = {"-h", "--help"}, description = "Print this help", help = true)
  public boolean help;
  @Parameter(names = {"-L", "--log-level"}, description = "One of the following: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'")
  public String logLevel = "info";
  @Parameter(names = {"--log-file"}, description = "One of the following: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'")
  public String logFile;
  @Parameter(names = {"-v", "--verbose"}, description = "Increase the verbosity of logs")
  public boolean verbose = false;
  @Parameter(names = {"-C", "--conf"}, description = "Configuration file path.")
  public String configFile;
  @Parameter(names = {"--storage-engine"}, arity = 1, description = "One of the listed in storage-configuration.yml")
  public String storageEngine;
  @DynamicParameter(names = "-D", description = "Storage engine specific parameters go here comma separated, ie. -Dmongodb" +
      ".compression=snappy", hidden = false)
  public Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); //Dynamic parameters must be initialized
