
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the full name of the element, in the form [namespacePrefix]:[localName]. If the element does not have a namespace prefix, then the local name is returned.


代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker

public List operate(Object node) {
      if (node instanceof Element)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Element) node).getQualifiedName());
      else if (node instanceof Attribute)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Attribute) node).getQualifiedName());
      // With 2.1 semantics it  makes more sense to just return a null and let the core 
      // throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
      return null;
//            throw new TemplateModelException("_qname can not be applied on " + node.getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public String getQualifiedName()
  return element.getQualifiedName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker-gae

public List operate(Object node) {
      if (node instanceof Element)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Element) node).getQualifiedName());
      else if (node instanceof Attribute)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Attribute) node).getQualifiedName());
      // With 2.1 semantics it  makes more sense to just return a null and let the core 
      // throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
      return null;
//            throw new TemplateModelException("_qname can not be applied on " + node.getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.freemarker

public List operate(Object node) {
      if (node instanceof Element)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Element) node).getQualifiedName());
      else if (node instanceof Attribute)
        return Collections.singletonList(((Attribute) node).getQualifiedName());
      // With 2.1 semantics it  makes more sense to just return a null and let the core 
      // throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
      return null;
//            throw new TemplateModelException("_qname can not be applied on " + node.getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Element}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Document}</code> is illegal.
 * @param added <code>Element</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The element \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as the root of the document: ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Element}</code>
 * to parent is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the child
 *        couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>Element</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, Element added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The element \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as a child of \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Attribute}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that <code>Attribute</code>
 *        couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>Attribute</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, Attribute added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The attribute \"")
     .append("\" could not be added to the element \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link ProcessingInstruction}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the
 *              <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, ProcessingInstruction added,
              String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The PI \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as content to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link CDATA}</code>
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the <code>CDATA</code>
 *             couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>CDATA</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, CDATA added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The CDATA \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as content to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link EntityRef}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the <code>EntityRef</code>
 *             couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>EntityRef</code> reference that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, EntityRef added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The entity reference\"")
     .append("\" could not be added as content to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Comment}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the <code>Comment</code>
 *             couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>Comment</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, Comment added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The comment \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as content to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Text}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the <code>Comment</code>
 *             couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>Text</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, Text added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The Text \"")
     .append("\" could not be added as content to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: commons-jxpath/commons-jxpath

 * Get relative position of this among like-named siblings.
 * @return 1..n
private int getRelativePositionByName() {
  if (node instanceof Element) {
    Object parent = ((Element) node).getParent();
    if (!(parent instanceof Element)) {
      return 1;
    List children = ((Element) parent).getContent();
    int count = 0;
    String name = ((Element) node).getQualifiedName();
    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
      Object child = children.get(i);
      if ((child instanceof Element)
        && ((Element) child).getQualifiedName().equals(name)) {
      if (child == node) {
    return count;
  return 1;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * <p>
 *  This returns a <code>String</code> representation of the
 *    <code>Element</code>, suitable for debugging. If the XML
 *    representation of the <code>Element</code> is desired,
 *    {@link org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter#outputString(Element)}
 *    should be used.
 * </p>
 * @return <code>String</code> - information about the
 *         <code>Element</code>
public String toString() {
  final StringBuffer stringForm = new StringBuffer(64)
    .append("[Element: <")
  final String nsuri = getNamespaceURI();
  if (!"".equals(nsuri)) {
    .append(" [Namespace: ")
  return stringForm.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * <p>
 * This will invoke the <code>endElement</code> callback
 * in the <code>ContentHandler</code>.
 * </p>
 * @param element <code>Element</code> used in callbacks.
private void endElement(Element element) throws JDOMException {
  String namespaceURI = element.getNamespaceURI();
  String localName = element.getName();
  String rawName = element.getQualifiedName();
  try {
    contentHandler.endElement(namespaceURI, localName, rawName);
  catch (SAXException se) {
    throw new JDOMException("Exception in endElement", se);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This will create an <code>Exception</code> indicating
 * that the addition of the <code>{@link Namespace}</code>
 * to the <code>{@link Element}</code> is illegal.
 * @param base <code>Element</code> that the <code>Namespace</code>
 *             couldn't be added to
 * @param added <code>Namespace</code> that could not be added
 * @param reason cause of the problem
IllegalAddException(Element base, Namespace added, String reason) {
  super(new StringBuffer()
     .append("The namespace xmlns")
     .append((added.getPrefix() == null ||
          added.getPrefix().equals("")) ? "=" 
                : ":" + added.getPrefix() + "=")
     .append("\" could not be added as a namespace to \"")
     .append("\": ")

代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/com.springsource.freemarker

public List operate(Object node)
      if (node instanceof Element)
        return Collections12.singletonList(((Element)node).getQualifiedName());
      else if (node instanceof Attribute)
        return Collections12.singletonList(((Attribute)node).getQualifiedName());
      // With 2.1 semantics it  makes more sense to just return a null and let the core 
      // throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
      return null;
//            throw new TemplateModelException("_qname can not be applied on " + node.getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.taverna.language/taverna-scufl2-ucfpackage

  public void manifestMimetype() throws Exception {
    UCFPackage container = new UCFPackage();
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(tmpFile);
    ZipEntry manifestEntry = zipFile.getEntry("META-INF/manifest.xml");
    InputStream manifestStream = zipFile.getInputStream(manifestEntry);
    //System.out.println(IOUtils.toString(manifestStream, "UTF-8"));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
    Document doc = parseXml(manifestStream);
    assertEquals(MANIFEST_NS, doc.getRootElement().getNamespace());
    assertEquals("manifest", doc.getRootElement().getNamespacePrefix());
    assertEquals("manifest:manifest", doc.getRootElement().getQualifiedName());
    assertNull(xpathSelectElement(doc.getRootElement(), "/manifest:manifest/*"));


  public void manifestMimetype() throws Exception {
    UCFPackage container = new UCFPackage();
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(tmpFile);
    ZipEntry manifestEntry = zipFile.getEntry("META-INF/manifest.xml");
    InputStream manifestStream = zipFile.getInputStream(manifestEntry);
    //System.out.println(IOUtils.toString(manifestStream, "UTF-8"));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
    Document doc = parseXml(manifestStream);
    assertEquals(MANIFEST_NS, doc.getRootElement().getNamespace());
    assertEquals("manifest", doc.getRootElement().getNamespacePrefix());
    assertEquals("manifest:manifest", doc.getRootElement().getQualifiedName());
    assertNull(xpathSelectElement(doc.getRootElement(), "/manifest:manifest/*"));


assertEquals(MANIFEST_NS, doc.getRootElement().getNamespace());
assertEquals("manifest", doc.getRootElement().getNamespacePrefix());
assertEquals("manifest:manifest", doc.getRootElement().getQualifiedName());
assertXpathEquals("application/octet-stream", doc.getRootElement(), "/manifest:manifest/manifest:file-entry/@manifest:media-type");
assertXpathEquals("binary", doc.getRootElement(), "/manifest:manifest/manifest:file-entry/@manifest:full-path");



