
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

protected static QueryIterator buildIterator(Binding binding, Node graphNode, Op opExec, ExecutionContext outerCxt) {
  if ( !graphNode.isURI() && !graphNode.isBlank() )
    // e.g. variable bound to a literal or blank node.
    throw new ARQInternalErrorException("QueryIterGraphInner.buildIterator: Not a URI or blank node: "+graphNode) ;
  // We can't just use DatasetGraph.getGraph because it may 
  // "auto-create" graphs. Use the containsGraph function.
  boolean syntheticGraph = ( Quad.isDefaultGraph(graphNode) || Quad.isUnionGraph(graphNode) ) ;
  if ( ! syntheticGraph && ! outerCxt.getDataset().containsGraph(graphNode) )
    return null ;
  Graph g = outerCxt.getDataset().getGraph(graphNode) ;
  // And the contains was true??!!!!!!
  if ( g == null )
    return null ;
    //throw new ARQInternalErrorException(".containsGraph was true but .getGraph is null") ;
  ExecutionContext cxt2 = new ExecutionContext(outerCxt, g) ;
  QueryIterator subInput = QueryIterSingleton.create(binding, cxt2) ;
  return QC.execute(opExec, subInput, cxt2) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public static QueryIterator execTriplePath(Binding binding, Node s, Path path, Node o, ExecutionContext execCxt) {
  Explain.explain(s, path, o, execCxt.getContext()) ;
  s = Var.lookup(binding, s) ;
  o = Var.lookup(binding, o) ;
  Iterator<Node> iter = null ;
  Node endNode = null ;
  Graph graph = execCxt.getActiveGraph() ;
  // Both variables.
  if ( Var.isVar(s) && Var.isVar(o) ) {
    if ( s.equals(o) )
      return execUngroundedPathSameVar(binding, graph, Var.alloc(s), path, execCxt);
      return execUngroundedPath(binding, graph, Var.alloc(s), path, Var.alloc(o), execCxt);
  // Both constants.
  if ( !Var.isVar(s) && !Var.isVar(o) )
    return evalGroundedPath(binding, graph, s, path, o, execCxt);
  // One variable, one constant
  if ( Var.isVar(s) ) {
    // Var subject, concrete object - do backwards.
    iter = PathEval.evalReverse(graph, o, path, execCxt.getContext());
    endNode = s;
  } else {
    iter = PathEval.eval(graph, s, path, execCxt.getContext());
    endNode = o;
  return evalGroundedOneEnd(binding, iter, endNode, execCxt);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

/** Execute without modification of the op - does <b>not</b> apply special graph name translations */ 
private static QueryIterator plainExecute(Op op, QueryIterator input, ExecutionContext execCxt)
  // -- Execute
  // Switch to a non-reordering executor
  // The Op may be a sequence due to TransformFilterPlacement
  // so we need to do a full execution step, not go straight to the SolverLib.
  ExecutionContext ec2 = new ExecutionContext(execCxt) ;
  ec2.setExecutor(plainFactory) ;
  // Solve without going through this executor again.
  // There would be issues of nested patterns but this is only a
  // (filter (bgp...)) or (filter (quadpattern ...)) or sequences of these.
  // so there are no nested patterns to reorder.
  return QC.execute(op, input, ec2) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public FunctionEnvBase(ExecutionContext execCxt)
  this(execCxt.getContext(), execCxt.getActiveGraph(), execCxt.getDataset()) ;
  execContext = execCxt ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private QueryIterator specialcase(Node gn, Op subOp, QueryIterator input) {
  // This is a placeholder for code to specially handle explicitly named
  // default graph and union graph.
  if (Quad.isDefaultGraph(gn)) {
    ExecutionContext cxt2 = new ExecutionContext(execCxt, execCxt.getDataset().getDefaultGraph()) ;
    return execute(subOp, input, cxt2) ;
  // Bad news -- if ( Lib.equals(gn, Quad.tripleInQuad) ) {}
  return null ;

代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api

Node predicate, PropFuncArg argObject, ExecutionContext execCxt) {
Context ctx = execCxt.getContext();
Prologue prologue = (Prologue)ctx.get(PROLOGUE);
SparqlService ss = (SparqlService)ctx.get(SPARQL_SERVICE);
QueryExecutionFactory qef = ss.getQueryExecutionFactory();
  if(targetNode.isVariable()) {
    targetNode = binding.get((Var)targetNode);
  if(targetNode != null && targetNode.isBlank()) {
    targetNode = null;
if(kNode != null && kNode.isLiteral()) {
  Object o = kNode.getLiteralValue();
  if(o instanceof Number) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

DatasetGraph ds = cxt.getDataset() ;
BasicPattern pattern = opQuad.getBasicPattern() ;
if ( ! opQuad.getGraphNode().isVariable() ) 
  if ( ! opQuad.getGraphNode().isURI() )
  { throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Not a URI or variable: "+opQuad.getGraphNode()) ;}
  Graph g = null ;
    g = ds.getDefaultGraph() ;
    g = ds.getGraph(opQuad.getGraphNode()) ;
  if ( g == null )
    return new TableEmpty() ;
  ExecutionContext cxt2 = new ExecutionContext(cxt, g) ;
  QueryIterator qIter = executeBGP(pattern, QueryIterRoot.create(cxt2), cxt2) ;
  return TableFactory.create(qIter) ;
  Var gVar = Var.alloc(opQuad.getGraphNode()) ;
  for ( Iterator<Node> graphNodes = cxt.getDataset().listGraphNodes() ; graphNodes.hasNext(); )
    Graph g = cxt.getDataset().getGraph(gn) ;
    Binding b = BindingFactory.binding(BindingRoot.create(), gVar, gn) ;
    ExecutionContext cxt2 = new ExecutionContext(cxt, g) ;


  public QueryIterator exec(Binding binding, PropFuncArg argSubject,
      Node predicate, PropFuncArg argObject, ExecutionContext execCxt) {

    argSubject = Substitute.substitute(argSubject, binding);
    argObject = Substitute.substitute(argObject, binding);
    if(!argObject.getArg().isVariable()) {
      throw new ExprEvalException("Right hand side of tosh:targetContains must be a variable");
    Node targetNode = argSubject.getArgList().get(0);
    Node shapesGraphNode = argSubject.getArgList().get(1);
    Model currentModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(execCxt.getActiveGraph());
    Dataset dataset = new DatasetWithDifferentDefaultModel(currentModel, DatasetImpl.wrap(execCxt.getDataset()));

    Model model = dataset.getNamedModel(shapesGraphNode.getURI());
    Resource target = (Resource) model.asRDFNode(targetNode);

    Set<Node> focusNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
    SHACLUtil.addNodesInTarget(target, dataset, focusNodes);
    return new QueryIterExtendByVar(binding, (Var) argObject.getArg(), focusNodes.iterator(), execCxt);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private QueryIterator execEvaluatedCalc(Binding binding, Node containerNode, Node predicate, Node member, ExecutionContext execCxt)
  Graph graph = execCxt.getActiveGraph() ;
  if ( ! containerNode.isVariable() )
    if ( ! GraphContainerUtils.isContainer(execCxt.getActiveGraph(), containerNode, typeNode) )
      return IterLib.noResults(execCxt) ;
    return oneContainer(binding, containerNode, member, execCxt) ;
  if ( member.isVariable() )
    c = findContainers(graph, typeNode) ;
  Var cVar = Var.alloc(containerNode) ;
  for ( Node cn : c )
    Node m = member;
    if ( Var.isVar( member ) && member.equals( cVar ) )

代码示例来源:origin: TopQuadrant/shacl

Node predicateNode = argSubject.getArgList().get(1);
if(predicateNode.isVariable()) {
  return IterLib.noResults(execCxt);
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(execCxt.getActiveGraph());
Dataset dataset = ARQFactory.get().getDataset(model);
URI shapesGraphURI = URI.create("urn:x-topbraid:dummyShapesGraph");
ShapesGraph shapesGraph = new ShapesGraph(model);
PathEvaluator eval = new PathEvaluator(model.getProperty(predicateNode.getURI()));
if(argObject.getArg().isVariable()) {
  if(focusNode.isVariable()) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

static Table evalDS(OpDatasetNames opDSN, Evaluator evaluator)
  Node graphNode = opDSN.getGraphNode() ;
  if ( graphNode.isURI() )
    if ( evaluator.getExecContext().getDataset().containsGraph(graphNode) )
    { return new TableUnit() ; } 
      // WRONG
    { return new TableEmpty() ; }
  if ( ! Var.isVar(graphNode) )
    throw new ARQInternalErrorException("OpDatasetNames: Not a URI or variable: "+graphNode) ; 
  DatasetGraph dsg = evaluator.getExecContext().getDataset() ;
  Iterator<Node> iter = dsg.listGraphNodes() ;
  List<Binding> list = new ArrayList<>((int)dsg.size()) ;
  for ( ; iter.hasNext(); )
    Node gn =;
    Binding b = BindingFactory.binding(Var.alloc(graphNode), gn) ;
    list.add(b) ;
  QueryIterator qIter = new QueryIterPlainWrapper(list.iterator(), evaluator.getExecContext()) ;
  return TableFactory.create(qIter) ;


List<RDFNode> results = new LinkedList<>();
Context cxt = ARQ.getContext().copy();
cxt.set(ARQConstants.sysCurrentTime, NodeFactoryExtra.nowAsDateTime());
    if(!a.isEmpty()) {
      int m = y % a.size();
      binding.add(Var.alloc("a" + i), a.get(m).asNode());
      y /= a.size();
  FunctionEnv env = new ExecutionContext(cxt, dsg.getDefaultGraph(), dsg, null);
  try {
    NodeValue r = expr.eval(binding, env);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

if ( ! Var.isVar(opGraph.getNode()) )
  DatasetGraph dsg = execCxt.getDataset() ;
  Node graphNode = opGraph.getNode() ;
  if ( ! dsg.containsGraph(graphNode) )
    return new TableEmpty() ;
  Graph graph = execCxt.getDataset().getGraph(opGraph.getNode()) ;
  if ( graph == null ) // But contains was true?!!
    throw new InternalErrorException("Graph was present, now it's not") ;
  ExecutionContext execCxt2 = new ExecutionContext(execCxt, graph) ;
  Evaluator e2 = EvaluatorFactory.create(execCxt2) ;
  return eval(e2, opGraph.getSubOp()) ;
Var gVar = Var.alloc(opGraph.getNode()) ;
Table current = null ;
for ( Iterator<Node> iter = execCxt.getDataset().listGraphNodes() ; iter.hasNext() ; )
  Graph graph = execCxt.getDataset().getGraph(gn) ;
  ExecutionContext execCxt2 = new ExecutionContext(execCxt, graph) ;
  Evaluator e2 = EvaluatorFactory.create(execCxt2) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private String chooseGraphURI(ExecutionContext execCxt) {
  // use the graph information in the text index if possible
  String graphURI = null;
  Graph activeGraph = execCxt.getActiveGraph();
  if (textIndex.getDocDef().getGraphField() != null && activeGraph instanceof NamedGraph) {
    NamedGraph namedGraph = (NamedGraph)activeGraph ;
    if (!Quad.isUnionGraph(namedGraph.getGraphName())) {
      graphURI = namedGraph.getGraphName() != null 
          ? TextQueryFuncs.graphNodeToString(namedGraph.getGraphName())
          : Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated.getURI() ;
  return graphURI;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public static Procedure build(Node procId, ExprList args, ExecutionContext execCxt)
  Context context = execCxt.getContext() ;
  ProcedureRegistry reg = chooseProcedureRegistry(context) ;
  ProcedureFactory f = reg.get(procId.getURI()) ;
  Procedure proc = f.create(procId.getURI()) ;
  args.prepareExprs(context) ;        // Allow args to build as well., args, execCxt) ;
  return proc ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

public QueryIterator execOneList(Binding binding, Node listNode, Node predicate, Node length, ExecutionContext execCxt)
  Graph graph = execCxt.getActiveGraph() ;
  if ( Var.isVar(listNode) )
    throw new ARQInternalErrorException("listLength: Subject is a variable") ;
  // Case : arg 1 (the list) is bound and arg 2 not bound => generate possibilities
  // Case : arg 1 is bound and arg 2 is bound => test for membership.
  if ( Var.isVar(length) )
    return length(binding, graph, listNode,  Var.alloc(length) , execCxt) ;
    return verify(binding, graph, listNode, length, execCxt) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

private Iterator<Triple> graphFindWorker(Graph graph, Node s, PropertyFunctionFactory f, Node p, Node o, Context context) {
  // Expensive?
  PropertyFunction pf = f.create(p.getURI()) ;
  PropFuncArg sv = arg(s, "S") ;
  PropFuncArg ov = arg(o, "O") ;
  QueryIterator r = QueryIterRoot.create(new ExecutionContext(context, graph, null, null)) ;
  QueryIterator qIter = pf.exec(r, sv, p, ov, new ExecutionContext(ARQ.getContext(), graph, null, null)) ;
  if ( ! qIter.hasNext() )
    return Iter.nullIterator() ;
  List<Triple> array = new ArrayList<>() ;
  for ( ; qIter.hasNext() ; ) {
    Binding b = ;
    Node st = value(sv, b) ;
    Node ot = value(ov, b) ;
    array.add(Triple.create(st, p, ot)) ;
  // Materialise so the inner QueryIterators are used up. 
  return array.iterator() ; 


argObject = Substitute.substitute(argObject, binding);
if(!argObject.getArg().isVariable()) {
  throw new ExprEvalException("Right hand side of tosh:exprEval must be a variable");
Node focusNode = argSubject.getArgList().get(1);
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(execCxt.getActiveGraph());
Dataset dataset = ARQFactory.get().getDataset(model);
URI shapesGraphURI = URI.create("urn:x-topbraid:dummyShapesGraph");

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

  protected QueryIterator execObjectBound(Binding binding, Var listVar, Node predicate, Node length,
                      ExecutionContext execCxt)
    Graph graph = execCxt.getActiveGraph() ;
    return length(binding, graph, listVar,  Var.alloc(length) , execCxt) ;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena

protected QueryIterator createQueryIter(List<Binding> data) {
  QueryIterator qIter = new QueryIterPlainWrapper(data.iterator()) ;
  Context cxt = new Context() ;
  cxt.set(ARQ.spillToDiskThreshold, 2L);
  return new QueryIterDistinct(qIter, new ExecutionContext(cxt, null, null, null)) ;
