
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Soft deletes a property given it's key and name from the element. Only properties which you have access to can be soft deleted using this method.


代码示例来源:origin: visallo/vertexium

 * Soft deletes a property given it's key and name from the element. Only properties which you have access
 * to can be soft deleted using this method.
 * @param key  The property key.
 * @param name The property name.
default void softDeleteProperty(String key, String name, Authorizations authorizations) {
  softDeleteProperty(key, name, null, authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.vertexium/vertexium-core

 * Soft deletes a property given it's key and name from the element. Only properties which you have access
 * to can be soft deleted using this method.
 * @param key  The property key.
 * @param name The property name.
default void softDeleteProperty(String key, String name, Authorizations authorizations) {
  softDeleteProperty(key, name, null, authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

public void removeProperty(Element element, Authorizations authorizations) {
  element.softDeleteProperty(ElementMutation.DEFAULT_KEY, getPropertyName(), authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

public void removeProperty(Element element, String key, Authorizations authorizations) {
  element.softDeleteProperty(key, getPropertyName(), authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.vertexium/vertexium-core

 * Soft deletes all properties with the given name that you have access to. Only properties which you have
 * access to will be soft deleted.
 * @param name The name of the property to delete.
default void softDeleteProperties(String name, Authorizations authorizations) {
  for (Property property : getProperties(name)) {
    softDeleteProperty(property.getKey(), property.getName(), property.getVisibility(), authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: visallo/vertexium

 * Soft deletes all properties with the given name that you have access to. Only properties which you have
 * access to will be soft deleted.
 * @param name The name of the property to delete.
default void softDeleteProperties(String name, Authorizations authorizations) {
  for (Property property : getProperties(name)) {
    softDeleteProperty(property.getKey(), property.getName(), property.getVisibility(), authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

public void deleteProperty(
    Element e,
    Property property,
    boolean propertyIsPublic,
    String workspaceId,
    Priority priority,
    Authorizations authorizations
) {
  long beforeActionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1;
  ElementOrPropertyStatus status;
  if (propertyIsPublic && workspaceId != null) {
    e.markPropertyHidden(property, new Visibility(workspaceId), authorizations);
    status = ElementOrPropertyStatus.HIDDEN;
  } else {
    e.softDeleteProperty(property.getKey(), property.getName(), property.getVisibility(), authorizations);
    status = ElementOrPropertyStatus.DELETION;
  if (e instanceof Vertex) {
    unresolveTermMentionsForProperty((Vertex) e, property, authorizations);
  workQueueRepository.pushGraphPropertyQueueHiddenOrDeleted(e, property, status, beforeActionTimestamp, workspaceId, priority);

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

} else if (propertySandboxStatus == SandboxStatus.PUBLIC_CHANGED) {
  long beforeActionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1;
  element.softDeleteProperty(propertyKey, propertyName, property.getVisibility(), authorizations);
  if (publicProperty != null) {
    element.markPropertyVisible(publicProperty, new Visibility(workspaceId), authorizations);

代码示例来源:origin: org.visallo/visallo-core

long beforeActionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1;
if (action == ClientApiPublishItem.Action.DELETE) {
  element.softDeleteProperty(key, name, authorizations);
  workQueueRepository.pushPublishedPropertyDeletion(element, key, name, beforeActionTimestamp, Priority.HIGH);
      element.softDeleteProperty(key, name, new Visibility(workspaceId), authorizations);
    element.softDeleteProperty(key, name, propertyVisibility, authorizations);
        element.softDeleteProperty(key, name, publicVisibility, authorizations);
      } else {
        newVisibility = publicVisibility;
