
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]A simple stream of integers used when all I care about is the char or token type sequence (such as interpretation).


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

switch ( s ) {
    case 0 : 
      int LA29_5 = input.LA(1);
      int index29_5 = input.index();
      s = -1;
      if ( ((allowQuotedId())) ) {s = 3;}
      else if ( (true) ) {s = 6;};
      if ( s>=0 ) return s;
      int LA29_2 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA29_2 >= '\u0000' && LA29_2 <= ' ')||(LA29_2 >= '\"' && LA29_2 <= '#')||(LA29_2 >= '%' && LA29_2 <= '\'')||LA29_2==','||LA29_2=='/'||(LA29_2 >= ':' && LA29_2 <= '>')||LA29_2=='@'||LA29_2=='\\'||LA29_2=='`'||(LA29_2 >= '~' && LA29_2 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 3;}
      int LA29_4 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA29_4=='`') ) {s = 5;}
  new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 29, _s, input);
throw nvae;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

switch ( s ) {
    case 0 : 
      int LA34_192 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA34_192 >= '\u0000' && LA34_192 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 431;}
      int LA34_195 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA34_195 >= '\u0000' && LA34_195 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 433;}
      int LA34_191 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA34_191=='\'') ) {s = 193;}
      int LA34_431 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA34_431=='\'') ) {s = 193;}
      int LA34_194 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA34_194=='\"') ) {s = 196;}
      int LA34_433 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA34_433=='\"') ) {s = 196;}
      int LA34_51 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA34_51 >= '\u0000' && LA34_51 <= '&')||(LA34_51 >= '(' && LA34_51 <= '[')||(LA34_51 >= ']' && LA34_51 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 191;}

代码示例来源:origin: antlr/antlr3

int t = input.LA(1);
while ( s!=stop ) {
  if ( visitedStates!=null ) {
    int m = input.mark();
    int predictedAlt = predict(dfa);
    if ( predictedAlt == NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
      String description = dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().getDescription();
      NoViableAltException nvae =
        new NoViableAltException(description,
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw nvae;
    int parseAlt =
    t = input.LA(1);
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw mte;
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw mse;

代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded

public RecognitionException(IntStream input) {
  this.input = input;
  this.index = input.index();
  if ( input instanceof TokenStream ) {
    this.token = ((TokenStream)input).LT(1);
    this.line = token.getLine();
    this.charPositionInLine = token.getCharPositionInLine();
  if ( input instanceof TreeNodeStream ) {
  else if ( input instanceof CharStream ) {
    this.c = input.LA(1);
    this.line = ((CharStream)input).getLine();
    this.charPositionInLine = ((CharStream)input).getCharPositionInLine();
  else {
    this.c = input.LA(1);

代码示例来源:origin: io.virtdata/virtdata-lib-realer

public Object getInputSymbol(int k) {
    if ( input instanceof TokenStream ) {
      return ((TokenStream)input).LT(k);
    return (char) input.LA(k);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr-runtime

int mark = input.mark(); // remember where decision started in input
int s = 0; // we always start at s0
try {
  while ( true ) {
    if ( debug ) System.err.println("DFA "+decisionNumber+" state "+s+" LA(1)="+(char)input.LA(1)+"("+input.LA(1)+
                    "), index="+input.index());
    int specialState = special[s];
    char c = (char)input.LA(1); // -1 == \uFFFF, all tokens fit in 65000 space
    if (c>=min[s] && c<=max[s]) {
      int snext = transition[s][c-min[s]]; // move to next state
          if ( debug ) System.err.println("EOT transition");
          s = eot[s];
      if ( debug ) System.err.println("EOT transition");
      s = eot[s];

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr-runtime

public void consumeUntil(IntStream input, int tokenType) {
  //System.out.println("consumeUntil "+tokenType);
  int ttype = input.LA(1);
  while (ttype != Token.EOF && ttype != tokenType) {
    ttype = input.LA(1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

/** Match current input symbol against ttype.  Attempt
 *  single token insertion or deletion error recovery.  If
 *  that fails, throw MismatchedTokenException.
 *  To turn off single token insertion or deletion error
 *  recovery, override recoverFromMismatchedToken() and have it
 *  throw an exception. See TreeParser.recoverFromMismatchedToken().
 *  This way any error in a rule will cause an exception and
 *  immediate exit from rule.  Rule would recover by resynchronizing
 *  to the set of symbols that can follow rule ref.
public Object match(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
  throws RecognitionException
  //System.out.println("match "+((TokenStream)input).LT(1));
  Object matchedSymbol = getCurrentInputSymbol(input);
  if ( input.LA(1)==ttype ) {
    state.errorRecovery = false;
    state.failed = false;
    return matchedSymbol;
  if ( state.backtracking>0 ) {
    state.failed = true;
    return matchedSymbol;
  matchedSymbol = recoverFromMismatchedToken(input, ttype, follow);
  return matchedSymbol;

代码示例来源:origin: antlr/antlr3

public boolean mismatchIsMissingToken(IntStream input, BitSet follow) {
  if ( follow==null ) {
    // we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
    // a single token and hope for the best
    return false;
  // compute what can follow this grammar element reference
  if ( follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) ) {
    BitSet viableTokensFollowingThisRule = computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW();
    follow = follow.or(viableTokensFollowingThisRule);
    if ( state._fsp>=0 ) { // remove EOR if we're not the start symbol
  // if current token is consistent with what could come after set
  // then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
  // "insert" the missing token
  //System.out.println("viable tokens="+follow.toString(getTokenNames()));
  // BitSet cannot handle negative numbers like -1 (EOF) so I leave EOR
  // in follow set to indicate that the fall of the start symbol is
  // in the set (EOF can follow).
  if ( follow.member(input.LA(1)) || follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) ) {
    //System.out.println("LT(1)=="+((TokenStream)input).LT(1)+" is consistent with what follows; inserting...");
    return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: antlr/antlr3

/** Has this rule already parsed input at the current index in the
 *  input stream?  Return the stop token index or MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN.
 *  If we attempted but failed to parse properly before, return
 *  This method has a side-effect: if we have seen this input for
 *  this rule and successfully parsed before, then seek ahead to
 *  1 past the stop token matched for this rule last time.
public boolean alreadyParsedRule(IntStream input, int ruleIndex) {
  int stopIndex = getRuleMemoization(ruleIndex, input.index());
  if ( stopIndex==MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN ) {
    return false;
  if ( stopIndex==MEMO_RULE_FAILED ) {
    //System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" will never succeed");
  else {
    //System.out.println("seen rule "+ruleIndex+" before; skipping ahead to @"+(stopIndex+1)+" failed="+state.failed);; // jump to one past stop token
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

/** Recover from an error found on the input stream.  This is
 *  for NoViableAlt and mismatched symbol exceptions.  If you enable
 *  single token insertion and deletion, this will usually not
 *  handle mismatched symbol exceptions but there could be a mismatched
 *  token that the match() routine could not recover from.
public void recover(IntStream input, RecognitionException re) {
  if ( state.lastErrorIndex==input.index() ) {
    // uh oh, another error at same token index; must be a case
    // where LT(1) is in the recovery token set so nothing is
    // consumed; consume a single token so at least to prevent
    // an infinite loop; this is a failsafe.
  state.lastErrorIndex = input.index();
  BitSet followSet = computeErrorRecoverySet();
  consumeUntil(input, followSet);

代码示例来源:origin: antlr/antlr3

/** Record whether or not this rule parsed the input at this position
 *  successfully.  Use a standard java hashtable for now.
public void memoize(IntStream input,
          int ruleIndex,
          int ruleStartIndex)
  int stopTokenIndex = state.failed?MEMO_RULE_FAILED:input.index()-1;
  if ( state.ruleMemo==null ) {
    System.err.println("!!!!!!!!! memo array is null for "+ getGrammarFileName());
  if ( ruleIndex >= state.ruleMemo.length ) {
    System.err.println("!!!!!!!!! memo size is "+state.ruleMemo.length+", but rule index is "+ruleIndex);
  if ( state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex]!=null ) {
    state.ruleMemo[ruleIndex].put(ruleStartIndex, stopTokenIndex);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

/** Track memoization; this is not part of standard debug interface
 *  but is triggered by profiling.  Code gen inserts an override
 *  for this method in the recognizer, which triggers this method.
 *  Called from alreadyParsedRule().
public void examineRuleMemoization(IntStream input,
                  int ruleIndex,
                  int stopIndex, // index or MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN...
                  String ruleName)
  if (dump) System.out.println("examine memo "+ruleName+" at "+input.index()+": "+stopIndex);
  if ( stopIndex==BaseRecognizer.MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN ) {
    //System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" missed @ "+input.index());
    stats.numGuessingRuleInvocations++; // we'll have to enter
  else {
    // regardless of rule success/failure, if in cache, we have a cache hit
    //System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" hit @ "+input.index());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

switch ( s ) {
    case 0 : 
      int LA33_183 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA33_183=='\'') ) {s = 185;}
      int LA33_401 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA33_401=='\'') ) {s = 185;}
      int LA33_186 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA33_186=='\"') ) {s = 188;}
      int LA33_403 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( (LA33_403=='\"') ) {s = 188;}
      int LA33_184 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA33_184 >= '\u0000' && LA33_184 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 401;}
      int LA33_187 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA33_187 >= '\u0000' && LA33_187 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 403;}
      int LA33_50 = input.LA(1);
      s = -1;
      if ( ((LA33_50 >= '\u0000' && LA33_50 <= '&')||(LA33_50 >= '(' && LA33_50 <= '[')||(LA33_50 >= ']' && LA33_50 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 183;}

代码示例来源:origin: org.xtext/antlr-generator

int t = input.LA(1);
while ( s!=stop ) {
  if ( visitedStates!=null ) {
    int m = input.mark();
    int predictedAlt = predict(dfa);
    if ( predictedAlt == NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
      String description = dfa.getNFADecisionStartState().getDescription();
      NoViableAltException nvae =
        new NoViableAltException(description,
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw nvae;
    int parseAlt =
    t = input.LA(1);
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw mte;
      input.consume(); // recover
      throw mse;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

public RecognitionException(IntStream input) {
  this.input = input;
  this.index = input.index();
  if ( input instanceof TokenStream ) {
    this.token = ((TokenStream)input).LT(1);
    this.line = token.getLine();
    this.charPositionInLine = token.getCharPositionInLine();
  if ( input instanceof TreeNodeStream ) {
  else if ( input instanceof CharStream ) {
    this.c = input.LA(1);
    this.line = ((CharStream)input).getLine();
    this.charPositionInLine = ((CharStream)input).getCharPositionInLine();
  else {
    this.c = input.LA(1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded

public Object getInputSymbol(int k) {
    if ( input instanceof TokenStream ) {
      return ((TokenStream)input).LT(k);
    return (char) input.LA(k);

代码示例来源:origin: antlr/antlr3

int mark = input.mark(); // remember where decision started in input
int s = 0; // we always start at s0
try {
  while ( true ) {
    if ( debug ) System.err.println("DFA "+decisionNumber+" state "+s+" LA(1)="+(char)input.LA(1)+"("+input.LA(1)+
                    "), index="+input.index());
    int specialState = special[s];
    char c = (char)input.LA(1); // -1 == \uFFFF, all tokens fit in 65000 space
    if (c>=min[s] && c<=max[s]) {
      int snext = transition[s][c-min[s]]; // move to next state
          if ( debug ) System.err.println("EOT transition");
          s = eot[s];
      if ( debug ) System.err.println("EOT transition");
      s = eot[s];

代码示例来源:origin: io.virtdata/virtdata-lib-realer

public void consumeUntil(IntStream input, int tokenType) {
  //System.out.println("consumeUntil "+tokenType);
  int ttype = input.LA(1);
  while (ttype != Token.EOF && ttype != tokenType) {
    ttype = input.LA(1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded

/** Match current input symbol against ttype.  Attempt
 *  single token insertion or deletion error recovery.  If
 *  that fails, throw MismatchedTokenException.
 *  To turn off single token insertion or deletion error
 *  recovery, override recoverFromMismatchedToken() and have it
 *  throw an exception. See TreeParser.recoverFromMismatchedToken().
 *  This way any error in a rule will cause an exception and
 *  immediate exit from rule.  Rule would recover by resynchronizing
 *  to the set of symbols that can follow rule ref.
public Object match(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
  throws RecognitionException
  //System.out.println("match "+((TokenStream)input).LT(1));
  Object matchedSymbol = getCurrentInputSymbol(input);
  if ( input.LA(1)==ttype ) {
    state.errorRecovery = false;
    state.failed = false;
    return matchedSymbol;
  if ( state.backtracking>0 ) {
    state.failed = true;
    return matchedSymbol;
  matchedSymbol = recoverFromMismatchedToken(input, ttype, follow);
  return matchedSymbol;
