
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Is the value a number equal to a value within some range of acceptable error?


代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest-all

 * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
 * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
 * <p/>
 * For example:
 * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
 * @param operand
 *     the expected value of matching doubles
 * @param error
 *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<java.lang.Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
 return org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo.closeTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: hamcrest/JavaHamcrest

   * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
   * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
   * For example:
   * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
   * @param operand
   *     the expected value of matching doubles
   * @param error
   *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
  public static Matcher<Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
    return new IsCloseTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest-all

public boolean matchesSafely(Double item) {
  return actualDelta(item) <= 0.0;

代码示例来源:origin: hamcrest/JavaHamcrest

 * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
 * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
 * For example:
 * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
 * @param operand
 *     the expected value of matching doubles
 * @param error
 *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<java.lang.Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
 return org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo.closeTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest-all

   * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
   * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
   * <p/>
   * For example:
   * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
   * @param operand
   *     the expected value of matching doubles
   * @param error
   *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
  public static Matcher<Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
    return new IsCloseTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: hamcrest/JavaHamcrest

public boolean matchesSafely(Double item) {
  return actualDelta(item) <= 0.0;

代码示例来源:origin: hamcrest/JavaHamcrest

 protected Matcher<?> createMatcher() {
   final double irrelevant = 0.1;
   return closeTo(irrelevant, irrelevant);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/java-hamcrest

   * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
   * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
   * For example:
   * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
   * @param operand
   *     the expected value of matching doubles
   * @param error
   *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
  public static Matcher<Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
    return new IsCloseTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest-all

public void describeMismatchSafely(Double item, Description mismatchDescription) {
           .appendText(" differed by ")

代码示例来源:origin: iSoron/uhabits

public void test_compute_withDailyHabit()
  int check = 1;
  double freq = 1.0;
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0, check), closeTo(0.051922, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.5, check), closeTo(0.525961, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.75, check), closeTo(0.762981, E));
  check = 0;
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0, check), closeTo(0, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.5, check), closeTo(0.474039, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.75, check), closeTo(0.711058, E));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest

   * Creates a matcher of {@link Double}s that matches when an examined double is equal
   * to the specified <code>operand</code>, within a range of +/- <code>error</code>.
   * For example:
   * <pre>assertThat(1.03, is(closeTo(1.0, 0.03)))</pre>
   * @param operand
   *     the expected value of matching doubles
   * @param error
   *     the delta (+/-) within which matches will be allowed
  public static Matcher<Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
    return new IsCloseTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: hamcrest/JavaHamcrest

public void describeMismatchSafely(Double item, Description mismatchDescription) {
           .appendText(" differed by ")
           .appendText(" more than delta ")

代码示例来源:origin: iSoron/uhabits

public void test_compute_withNonDailyHabit()
  int check = 1;
  double freq = 1 / 3.0;
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0, check), closeTo(0.017616, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.5, check), closeTo(0.508808, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.75, check), closeTo(0.754404, E));
  check = 0;
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0, check), closeTo(0.0, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.5, check), closeTo(0.491192, E));
  assertThat(compute(freq, 0.75, check), closeTo(0.736788, E));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/

public static Matcher<Double> closeTo(double operand, double error) {
  return new IsCloseTo(operand, error);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/java-hamcrest

public boolean matchesSafely(Double item) {
  return actualDelta(item) <= 0.0;

代码示例来源:origin: iSoron/uhabits

public void test_groupBy()
  Habit habit = fixtures.createLongHabit();
  List<Score> list =
  assertThat(list.size(), equalTo(5));
  assertThat(list.get(0).getValue(), closeTo(0.653659, E));
  assertThat(list.get(1).getValue(), closeTo(0.622715, E));
  assertThat(list.get(2).getValue(), closeTo(0.520997, E));


@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public static Matcher<double[]> isArrayCloseTo(double[] expected) {
  final double DELTA = 1e-10;
  List<Matcher<Double>> matchers = new ArrayList<>();
  for (double d : expected)
    matchers.add(new IsCloseTo(d, DELTA));

  return new CustomTypeSafeMatcher<double[]>("array that is close to" + Arrays.toString(expected)) {
    protected boolean matchesSafely(double[] actual) {
      return new IsArray<Double>(matchers.toArray(new Matcher[matchers.size()]))

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/java-hamcrest

public void describeMismatchSafely(Double item, Description mismatchDescription) {
           .appendText(" differed by ")
           .appendText(" more than delta ")

代码示例来源:origin: iSoron/uhabits

public void test_getTodayValue()
  toggleRepetitions(0, 20);
  double actual = habit.getScores().getTodayValue();
  assertThat(actual, closeTo(0.655747, E));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hamcrest/hamcrest

public boolean matchesSafely(Double item) {
  return actualDelta(item) <= 0.0;



