
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-22 转载在 其他  



[英]Write and read interface for any joint that gathers all the common information that a joint can provide and be provided with.

A joint represents a part of the robot system that allows a rotation and/or translation of a rigid-body, i.e. the successor, with respect to another rigid-body, i.e. the predecessor.

Each joint has a configuration, velocity, acceleration, and force and/or torque. Each of these can be accessed for reading and writing purposes using this interface.

Each joint is assigned to reference frames: frameBeforeJoint and frameAfterJoint. The transform from frameAfterJoint to frameBeforeJoint represents the configuration of this joint. When the joint is at a "zero" configuration, these two reference frames coincide.


代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

private void printJointInformation(JointBasics joint, StringBuffer buffer)
 String jointName = joint.getName();
 JointBasics parentJoint = joint.getPredecessor().getParentJoint();
 if (parentJoint == null)
   ReferenceFrame frameBeforeJoint = joint.getFrameBeforeJoint();
   ReferenceFrame frameAfterParentJoint = parentJoint.getFrameAfterJoint();
   RigidBodyTransform comOffsetTransform = frameBeforeJoint.getTransformToDesiredFrame(frameAfterParentJoint);
 RigidBodyBasics linkRigidBody = joint.getSuccessor();
 printLinkInformation(linkRigidBody, buffer);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

private void storeJointState()
 MultiBodySystemTools.extractJointsState(jointsInOrder, JointStateType.ACCELERATION, storedJointDesiredAccelerations);
 MultiBodySystemTools.extractJointsState(jointsInOrder, JointStateType.VELOCITY, storedJointVelocities);
 for (JointBasics joint : jointsInOrder)
   DenseMatrix64F tauMatrix = new DenseMatrix64F(joint.getDegreesOfFreedom(), 1);
   joint.getJointTau(0, tauMatrix);
   DenseMatrix64F spatialForce = new DenseMatrix64F(SpatialForce.SIZE, 1);
   DenseMatrix64F motionSubspace = new DenseMatrix64F(6, joint.getDegreesOfFreedom());
   CommonOps.mult(motionSubspace, tauMatrix, spatialForce);
   Wrench jointWrench = storedJointWrenches.get(joint);
   jointWrench.setIncludingFrame(joint.getFrameAfterJoint(), spatialForce);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

private void setDesiredAccelerationsToZero()
 for (JointBasics joint : jointsInOrder)
   joint.setJointVelocity(0, new DenseMatrix64F(joint.getDegreesOfFreedom(), 1));

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Writes the computed acceleration into the given {@code joint}.
* <p>
* Any joint that is not considered by this calculator remains unchanged.
* </p>
* @param joint the joint to retrieve the acceleration of and to store it. Modified.
* @return whether the calculator handles the given joint or not.
public boolean writeComputedJointAcceleration(JointBasics joint)
 ArticulatedBodyRecursionStep recursionStep = rigidBodyToRecursionStepMap.get(joint.getSuccessor());
 if (recursionStep == null)
   return false;
 joint.setJointAcceleration(0, recursionStep.qdd);
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

public boolean writeComputedJointInstanteneousVelocityChange(JointBasics joint)
 ImpulseRecursionStep recursionStep = rigidBodyToRecursionStepMap.get(joint.getSuccessor());
 if (recursionStep == null)
   return false;
 jointVelocityMatrix.reshape(joint.getDegreesOfFreedom(), 1);
 joint.getJointVelocity(0, jointVelocityMatrix);
 CommonOps.addEquals(jointVelocityMatrix, recursionStep.delta_qd);
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

private static final void areJointsTheSame(JointBasics originalJoint, JointBasics targetJoint)
   if(!(originalJoint.getClass().equals(targetJoint.getClass()) && 
     throw new RuntimeException(originalJoint.getName() + " differs from " + targetJoint);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-perception

private void addJoint(CollisionBoxProvider collissionBoxProvider, JointBasics joint)
 List<CollisionShape> collisionMesh = collissionBoxProvider.getCollisionMesh(joint.getName());
 if (collisionMesh != null)
   trackingCollisionShapes.add(new TrackingCollisionShape(joint.getFrameAfterJoint(), collisionMesh));
   System.err.println(joint + " does not have a collission mesh");

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-humanoid-robotics

public MovingReferenceFrame getFrameAfterParentJoint()
 return ankle.getFrameAfterJoint();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

* Returns the end-effector {@code RigidBody} of this Jacobian. The end-effector is the successor
* of the last joint this Jacobian considers.
* @return the end-effector of this jacobian.
public RigidBodyBasics getEndEffector()
 return joints[joints.length - 1].getSuccessor();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

public static Joint addSCSJointUsingIDJoint(JointBasics idJoint, Robot scsRobot, boolean isRootJoint)
 String jointName = idJoint.getName();
 RigidBodyTransform offsetTransform = new RigidBodyTransform();
 Vector3D offsetVector = new Vector3D();
 RigidBodyBasics idRigidBody = idJoint.getSuccessor();
 SpatialInertiaBasics idInertia = idRigidBody.getInertia();
 Vector3D comOffset = new Vector3D();
 FramePoint3D centerOfMassOffset = new FramePoint3D(idInertia.getCenterOfMassOffset());
 double mass = idInertia.getMass();
    if (currentSCSJoint.getName().equals(idJoint.getPredecessor().getParentJoint().getName()))

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

  * Updates {@code afterJointFrame} of this joint to take into consideration the new joint
  * configuration. Then calls {@link RigidBody#updateFramesRecursively()} which in its turn updates
  * its {@code bodyFixedFrame} and then {@link #updateFramesRecursively()} for all of its
  * {@link JointBasics} child.
  * <p>
  * As a result, this method will update all the reference frames of the subtree starting from this
  * joint.
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * In addition to updating their respective poses, the reference frame also updates their velocity
  * based on the joint velocities.
  * </p>
  default void updateFramesRecursively()

   if (getSuccessor() != null)

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-avatar-interfaces-test

double b_vel_limit = 500.0;
String firstAnkleName = fullRobotModel.getFoot(robotSide).getParentJoint().getName();
if (simulatedRobot.getOneDegreeOfFreedomJoint(firstAnkleName) instanceof PinJoint)
String secondAnkleName = fullRobotModel.getFoot(robotSide).getParentJoint().getPredecessor().getParentJoint().getName();
if (simulatedRobot.getOneDegreeOfFreedomJoint(secondAnkleName) instanceof PinJoint)

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-avatar-interfaces

public WholeBodyTrajectoryToolboxCommandConverter(RigidBodyBasics rootBody)
 List<ReferenceFrame> referenceFrames = new ArrayList<>();
 for (JointBasics joint : rootBody.childrenSubtreeIterable())
 for (RigidBodyBasics rigidBody : rootBody.subtreeIterable())
 referenceFrameHashCodeResolver = new ReferenceFrameHashCodeResolver(referenceFrames);
 for (RigidBodyBasics rigidBody : rootBody.subtreeIterable())
   rigidBodyHashMap.put(rigidBody.hashCode(), rigidBody);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Sets this joint current force/torque to the given wrench.
* <p>
* As for the other spatial setters, this method's common implementation is to project the given
* wrench to this joint's motion subspace. For instance, a {@code RevoluteJoint} that can rotate
* around the y-axis will extract the torque around the y-axis from the given wrench to update its
* torque.
* </p>
* @param jointWrench the new wrench for this joint. Not modified.
* @throws ReferenceFrameMismatchException if the given wrench does not have the following frames:
*            <ul>
*            <li>{@code bodyFrame} is {@code successor.getBodyFixedFrame()}.
*            <li>{@code expressedInFrame} is {@code frameAfterJoint}.
*            </ul>
default void setJointWrench(WrenchReadOnly jointWrench)
 setJointTorque((Vector3DReadOnly) jointWrench.getAngularPart());
 setJointForce((Vector3DReadOnly) jointWrench.getLinearPart());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Sets this joint current acceleration to the given spatial acceleration.
* <p>
* As for configuration setters, the common implementation here is to project the given acceleration
* onto the motion subspace of this joint such that not all the components of the given spatial
* acceleration may necessarily be used.
* </p>
* @param jointAcceleration the new acceleration for this joint. Not modified.
* @throws ReferenceFrameMismatchException if the given spatial acceleration does not have the
*            following frames:
*            <ul>
*            <li>{@code bodyFrame} is {@code afterJointFrame}.
*            <li>{@code baseFrame} is {@code beforeJointFrame}.
*            <li>{@code expressedInFrame} is {@code afterJointFrame}.
*            </ul>
default void setJointAcceleration(SpatialAccelerationReadOnly jointAcceleration)
 setJointAngularAcceleration((Vector3DReadOnly) jointAcceleration.getAngularPart());
 setJointLinearAcceleration((Vector3DReadOnly) jointAcceleration.getLinearPart());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Sets this joint current velocity to the given twist.
* <p>
* As for configuration setters, the common implementation here is to project the given twist onto
* the motion subspace of this joint such that not all the components of the given twist may
* necessarily be used.
* </p>
* <p>
* When updating the velocity the joints of a robot, it is important to then call
* {@link #updateFramesRecursively()} on the root joint to update all the reference frames to the
* new robot motion.
* </p>
* @param jointTwist the new twist for this joint. Not modified.
* @throws ReferenceFrameMismatchException if the given twist does not have the following frames:
*            <ul>
*            <li>{@code bodyFrame} is {@code afterJointFrame}.
*            <li>{@code baseFrame} is {@code beforeJointFrame}.
*            <li>{@code expressedInFrame} is {@code afterJointFrame}.
*            </ul>
default void setJointTwist(TwistReadOnly jointTwist)
 setJointAngularVelocity((Vector3DReadOnly) jointTwist.getAngularPart());
 setJointLinearVelocity((Vector3DReadOnly) jointTwist.getLinearPart());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

private RigidBody(String bodyName, JointBasics parentJoint, RigidBodyTransform inertiaPose)
 if (bodyName == null)
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name can not be null");
 name = bodyName;
 this.parentJoint = parentJoint;
 ReferenceFrame frameAfterJoint = parentJoint.getFrameAfterJoint();
 bodyFixedFrame = MovingReferenceFrame.constructFrameFixedInParent(bodyName + "CoM", frameAfterJoint, inertiaPose);
 inertia = new SpatialInertia(bodyFixedFrame, bodyFixedFrame);
 // inertia should be expressed in body frame, otherwise it will change
 nameId = parentJoint.getPredecessor().getNameId() + NAME_ID_SEPARATOR + bodyName;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

public JointAxisVisualizer(RigidBodyBasics rootBody, YoGraphicsListRegistry yoGraphicsListRegistry, double length)
 YoGraphicsList yoGraphicsList = new YoGraphicsList(name);
 List<JointBasics> jointStack = new ArrayList<JointBasics>(rootBody.getChildrenJoints());
 while (!jointStack.isEmpty())
   JointBasics joint = jointStack.get(0);
   if(joint instanceof OneDoFJointBasics)
    FrameVector3DReadOnly jAxis=((OneDoFJointBasics)joint).getJointAxis();
    ReferenceFrame referenceFrame = GeometryTools.constructReferenceFrameFromPointAndZAxis(joint.getName()+"JointAxis", new FramePoint3D(jAxis.getReferenceFrame()), new FrameVector3D(jAxis.getReferenceFrame(),jAxis));
    YoGraphicReferenceFrame yoGraphicReferenceFrame = new YoGraphicReferenceFrame(referenceFrame , registry, false, length, YoAppearance.Gold());
   List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = joint.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Sets this joint current force.
* <p>
* This method is ineffective for joints that cannot translate.
* </p>
* <p>
* As for the other spatial setters, this method's common implementation is to project the given 3D
* force to this joint's motion subspace. For instance, a {@code PrismaticJoint} that can translate
* along the z-axis will extract the force along the z-axis from the given 3D force to update its
* force.
* </p>
* @param jointForce the new force for this joint. Unused if this joint cannot translate. Not
*           modified.
* @throws ReferenceFrameMismatchException if the given vector is not expressed in
*            {@code frameAfterJoint}.
default void setJointForce(FrameVector3DReadOnly jointForce)
 setJointForce((Vector3DReadOnly) jointForce);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Sets the angular acceleration of this joint.
* <p>
* This method is ineffective for joints that cannot rotate.
* </p>
* <p>
* As for configuration setters, the common implementation here is to project the given angular
* acceleration onto the motion subspace of this joint such that not all the components of the given
* acceleration may necessarily be used.
* </p>
* @param jointAngularAcceleration the new angular acceleration for this joint. Unused if this joint
*           cannot rotate. Not modified.
* @throws ReferenceFrameMismatchException if the given vector is not expressed in
*            {@code frameAfterJoint}.
default void setJointAngularAcceleration(FrameVector3DReadOnly jointAngularAcceleration)
 setJointAngularAcceleration((Vector3DReadOnly) jointAngularAcceleration);
