
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: bytedeco/javacpp

static String cppScopeName(MethodInformation methodInfo) {
  String scopeName = cppScopeName(methodInfo.cls);
  if (methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class)) {
    String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(scopeName);
    scopeName = subType;
  Namespace namespace = methodInfo.method.getAnnotation(Namespace.class);
  String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value();
  if ((namespace != null && namespace.value().length() == 0) || spaceName.startsWith("::")) {
    scopeName = ""; // user wants to reset namespace here
  if (scopeName.length() > 0 && !scopeName.endsWith("::")) {
    scopeName += "::";
  scopeName += spaceName;
  if (spaceName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) {
    scopeName += "::";
  return scopeName + methodInfo.memberName[0];

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

@Namespace("tesseract::Wordrec") public static class FillLatticeFunc extends FunctionPointer {
  static { Loader.load(); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public    FillLatticeFunc(Pointer p) { super(p); }
  public native void call(Wordrec o, @Const @ByRef MATRIX ratings,
                     @Const @ByRef WERD_CHOICE_LIST best_choices,
                     @Const @ByRef UNICHARSET unicharset,
                     BlamerBundle blamer_bundle);

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

 * Maps a linear index to a reduction index
 * @param i the linear index to map
 * @param elementWiseStride the element wise stride
 * for the multiple problem
 * @param tadNum the number of tads for the shrunken problem
 * @param originalTadNum the tad number for the reduced version of the problem
  @Namespace("shape") public static native int reductionIndexForLinear(int i, int elementWiseStride, int numElementsPerTad,
                  int tadNum, int originalTadNum);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  \brief Creates a ICaffeParser object.
 *  @return A pointer to the ICaffeParser object is returned.
 *  @see nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
 *  */

@Namespace("nvcaffeparser1") public static native ICaffeParser createCaffeParser();

代码示例来源:origin: bytedeco/javacpp

while (type != null) {
  Namespace namespace = type.getAnnotation(Namespace.class);
  String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value();
  if ((Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
      && (!baseClasses.contains(type) || type.isAnnotationPresent(Name.class))) {
  if ((namespace != null && namespace.value().length() == 0) || spaceName.startsWith("::")) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

 * Map a tad to a
 * reduction index.
 * @param tadIndexForOriginal the original tad index for the
 * split up problem (eg: split is dimension 3 mapping to a 2,3 problem)
 * @param tadsForReduced the number of tads for the shrunk down problem (eg: 2,3)
 * @param tadsForOriginal the number of tads for the smaller problem (eg: 3)
  @Namespace("shape") public static native int reductionIndexForTad(int tadIndexForOriginal, int tadsForReduced,
                 int tadsForOriginal);

代码示例来源:origin: bytedeco/javacpp

if (namespace != null && namespace.value().length() == 0) {
String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value();
if (spaceName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) {
  spaceName += "::";

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

/** \class IIdentityLayer
 *  \brief A layer that represents the identity function.
 *  If tensor precision is being explicitly specified, it can be used to transform from one precision to another.
 *  */
@Namespace("nvinfer1") public static class IIdentityLayer extends ILayer {
  static { Loader.load(); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public IIdentityLayer(Pointer p) { super(p); }


代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  \brief Shuts down protocol buffers library.
 *  \note No part of the protocol buffers library can be used after this function is called.
 *  */
@Namespace("nvcaffeparser1") public static native void shutdownProtobufLibrary();

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/flycapture

@Namespace("FlyCapture2") @Opaque public static class ErrorImpl extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public ErrorImpl() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public ErrorImpl(Pointer p) { super(p); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/libfreenect2

/**\addtogroup frame
 * \{
/** Storage of multiple different types of frames. */

@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class SyncMultiFrameListenerImpl extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public SyncMultiFrameListenerImpl() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public SyncMultiFrameListenerImpl(Pointer p) { super(p); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/libfreenect2

@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class DepthPacketProcessor extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public DepthPacketProcessor() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public DepthPacketProcessor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class PacketPipelineComponents extends Pointer {

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/librealsense

@Namespace("rs") @NoOffset public static class frame_callback extends rs_frame_callback {
  static { Loader.load(); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public frame_callback(Pointer p) { super(p); }

  public frame_callback(@ByVal FrameFunction on_frame) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(on_frame); }
  private native void allocate(@ByVal FrameFunction on_frame);
  public native void on_frame(rs_device device, rs_frame_ref fref);
  public native void release();

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

 * Inline functions that act on a PageSegMode to determine whether components of
 * layout analysis are enabled.
 * *Depend critically on the order of elements of PageSegMode.*
 * NOTE that arg is an int for compatibility with INT_PARAM.
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean PSM_OSD_ENABLED(int pageseg_mode);
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean PSM_ORIENTATION_ENABLED(int pageseg_mode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

@Namespace("tesseract::Dict") @Const public static class DictFunc extends FunctionPointer {
  static { Loader.load(); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public    DictFunc(Pointer p) { super(p); }
  public native int call(Dict o, Pointer void_dawg_args,
               @Const @ByRef UNICHARSET unicharset,
               @Cast("UNICHAR_ID") int unichar_id, @Cast("bool") boolean word_end);
@Namespace("tesseract::Dict") public static class ProbabilityInContextFunc extends FunctionPointer {

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

 * Permute the shape information
 * @param info the shape information to permute
 * @param rearrange the order to re arrange
 * @param rank the rank of the rearrange array
  @Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@Cast("shape::ShapeInformation**") PointerPointer info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);
  @Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@ByPtrPtr ShapeInformation info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

 * Returns a shape buffer
 * for the shape information metadata.
  @Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer toShapeBuffer( ShapeInformation info);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  @param param Set of parameters for creating the DetectionOutput plugin layer.
 *  @deprecated . This plugin is superseded by createNMSPlugin()
 *  */
@Namespace("nvinfer1::plugin") public static native INvPlugin createSSDDetectionOutputPlugin(@ByVal DetectionOutputParameters param);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/libfreenect2

@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class Freenect2Impl extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public Freenect2Impl() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public Freenect2Impl(Pointer p) { super(p); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/libfreenect2

@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class RgbPacketProcessor extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public RgbPacketProcessor() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public RgbPacketProcessor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("libfreenect2") @Opaque public static class DepthPacketProcessor extends Pointer {

