
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Provides some utility methods for parsing numbers, etc.


代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
 * @param aText
 *          the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or
 *          empty.
 * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or -1 if the text
 *         could not be parsed correctly as integer.
 * @see #safeParseInt(String, int)
public static int safeParseInt( final String aText )
 return safeParseInt( aText, -1 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the range denoted by the
 * given lower and upper bounds.
 * @param aValue
 *          the value;
 * @param aLowerBound
 *          the lower bound of the range;
 * @param aUpperBound
 *          the upper bound of the range.
 * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / range).
public static int getPercentage( final int aValue, final int aLowerBound, final int aUpperBound )
 int range;
 int value = aValue;
 if ( aLowerBound > aUpperBound )
  range = aLowerBound - aUpperBound;
  value = Math.max( 0, value - aUpperBound );
  range = aUpperBound - aLowerBound;
  value = Math.max( 0, value - aLowerBound );
 return getPercentage( value, range );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in
 * string form with all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an
 * integer. Some trailing characters are understood as being part of the
 * number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to denote a value
 * in millions.
 * <p>
 * Characters recognized are: "k" and "M" to denote units of 1024, 1024*1024.
 * </p>
 * @param aText
 *          the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be
 *          <code>null</code>.
 * @return the integer value part of the given text, or 0 if the text couldn't
 *         be parsed.
public static int smartParseInt( final String aText )
 return smartParseInt( aText, 0 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Converts the given value into a desired bit order.
 * @param aValue
 *          the value to convert;
 * @param aBitCount
 *          the number of bits that are supposed to be in the given value;
 * @param aBitOrder
 *          the desired bit order.
 * @return the converted value.
public static int convertBitOrder( final int aValue, final int aBitCount, final BitOrder aBitOrder )
 if ( ( aBitCount <= 0 ) || ( aBitCount > 32 ) )
  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bit count cannot be zero, negative or beyond 32-bits!" );
 // We already have the most significant bit first, convert only if the bit
 // order is LSB first...
 if ( aBitOrder == BitOrder.MSB_FIRST )
  return ( aValue & getBitMask( aBitCount ) );
 return reverseBits( aValue, aBitCount );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

if ( isPowerOfTwo( aBitCount ) )
 int mask = getBitMask( aBitCount );
 while ( ( s >>= 1 ) > 0 )

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

size = safeParseInt( instrValue );
rate = safeParseInt( instrValue );
channels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
enabledChannels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )
final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

size = safeParseInt( instrValue );
  rate = safeParseInt( instrValue );
  channels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
  enabledChannels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
  final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
  if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )
  final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
  if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )
  final int idx = safeParseInt( instrKey.substring( 6 ) );
  final long pos = Long.parseLong( instrValue );
  if ( pos > Long.MIN_VALUE )
enabledChannels = NumberUtils.getBitMask( channels );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

symbol = reverseBits( symbol, bitCount );
setProgress( getPercentage( start, startOfDecode, endOfDecode ) );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
 * @param aText
 *          the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or
 *          empty.
 * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or -1 if the text
 *         could not be parsed correctly as integer.
 * @see #safeParseLong(String, long)
public static long safeParseLong( final String aText )
 return safeParseLong( aText, -1L );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Creates a mocked data set with a given number of sample/time values.
 * @param aDataSize
 *          the number of sample/time values in the returned data container, >
 *          0;
 * @param aChannelCount
 *          the number of <em>enabled</em> channels in the returned data
 *          container, > 0 && < 32;
 * @param aSampleRate
 *          the sample rate (in Hertz), > 0;
 * @param aProvider
 *          the test data provider to use, cannot be <code>null</code>.
 * @return a mocked data container, never <code>null</code>.
public static DataSet createStubDataSet( final int aDataSize, final int aChannelCount, final int aSampleRate,
  final TestDataProvider aProvider )
 final int[] values = new int[aDataSize];
 final long[] timestamps = new long[aDataSize];
 aProvider.fillData( values, timestamps, aDataSize );
 final StubDataSet project = new StubDataSet();
 project.setCapturedData( new CapturedData( values, timestamps, 0, aSampleRate, aChannelCount, NumberUtils
   .getBitMask( aChannelCount ), timestamps[aDataSize - 1] + 1L ) );
 return project;

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

size = safeParseInt( instrValue );
rate = safeParseInt( instrValue );
channels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
enabledChannels = safeParseInt( instrValue );
final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )
final long value = safeParseLong( instrValue );
if ( value > Long.MIN_VALUE )
final int idx = safeParseInt( instrKey.substring( 6 ) );
final long pos = Long.parseLong( instrValue );
if ( pos > Long.MIN_VALUE )

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Returns the width (in bytes) of each sample.
 * @return the sample width, in bytes, >= 0.
public int getSampleWidth()
 return NumberUtils.safeParseInt( this.sampleWidth.getText(), 1 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in
 * string form with all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an
 * integer. Some trailing characters are understood as being part of the
 * number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to denote a value
 * in millions.
 * @param aText
 *          the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be
 *          <code>null</code>;
 * @param aUnitDefinition
 *          the unit definition for "k" and "M" characters, should be either
 *          SI (units of 1000) or BINARY (units of 1024).
 * @return the integer value part of the given text, or 0 if the text couldn't
 *         be parsed.
public static int smartParseInt( final String aText, final UnitDefinition aUnitDefinition )
 return smartParseInt( aText, aUnitDefinition, 0 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the range denoted by the
 * given lower and upper bounds.
 * @param aValue
 *          the value;
 * @param aLowerBound
 *          the lower bound of the range;
 * @param aUpperBound
 *          the upper bound of the range.
 * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / range).
public static int getPercentage( final long aValue, final long aLowerBound, final long aUpperBound )
 long range;
 long value = aValue;
 if ( aLowerBound > aUpperBound )
  range = aLowerBound - aUpperBound;
  value = Math.max( 0, value - aUpperBound );
  range = aUpperBound - aLowerBound;
  value = Math.max( 0, value - aLowerBound );
 return getPercentage( value, range );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Returns the number of channels in each sample.
 * @return the channel count, >= 0.
public int getChannelCount()
 return NumberUtils.safeParseInt( this.channelCount.getText(), 8 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in
 * string form with all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an
 * integer. Some trailing characters are understood as being part of the
 * number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to denote a value
 * in millions.
 * <p>
 * Characters recognized are: "k" and "M" to denote units of 1024, 1024*1024.
 * </p>
 * @param aText
 *          the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be
 *          <code>null</code>;
 * @param aDefault
 *          the default value to return in case the given text couldn't be
 *          parsed into a valid number.
 * @return the integer value part of the given text, or the given default
 *         value if the text couldn't be parsed.
public static int smartParseInt( final String aText, final int aDefault )
 return smartParseInt( aText, UnitDefinition.BINARY, aDefault );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

this.progressListener.setProgress( getPercentage( sampleIdx, aStartOfDecode, aEndOfDecode ) );
this.progressListener.setProgress( getPercentage( sampleIdx, aStartOfDecode, aEndOfDecode ) );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Returns the new element height.
 * @return the new element height, in pixels.
public int getElementHeight()
 int defaultValue = UIManager.getInt( UIManagerKeys.CHANNEL_HEIGHT );
 return NumberUtils.safeParseInt( this.heightEditor.getText(), defaultValue );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

 * Returns the number of samples to take.
 * @return the sample depth, >= 0.
public int getSampleDepth()
 return NumberUtils.smartParseInt( this.sampleDepth.getText(), 1024 );

代码示例来源:origin: jawi/ols

this.progressListener.setProgress( getPercentage( idx, startOfDecode, endOfDecode ) );
