
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]A Request is an abstract description of tests to be run. Older versions of JUnit did not need such a concept--tests to be run were described either by classes containing tests or a tree of org.junit.Tests. However, we want to support filtering and sorting, so we need a more abstract specification than the tests themselves and a richer specification than just the classes.

The flow when JUnit runs tests is that a Request specifies some tests to be run -> a org.junit.runner.Runner is created for each class implied by the Request -> the org.junit.runner.Runner returns a detailed org.junit.runner.Descriptionwhich is a tree structure of the tests to be run.


代码示例来源:origin: org.testng/testng

JUnitCore core = new JUnitCore();
core.addListener(new RL());
Request r = Request.aClass(testCase);
return Filter() {

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

private Runner buildRunner(Description each) {
  if (each.toString().equals("TestSuite with 0 tests")) {
    return Suite.emptySuite();
  if (each.toString().startsWith(MALFORMED_JUNIT_3_TEST_CLASS_PREFIX)) {
    // This is cheating, because it runs the whole class
    // to get the warning for this method, but we can't do better,
    // because JUnit 3.8's
    // thrown away which method the warning is for.
    return new JUnit38ClassRunner(new TestSuite(getMalformedTestClass(each)));
  Class<?> type = each.getTestClass();
  if (type == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Can't build a runner from description [" + each + "]");
  String methodName = each.getMethodName();
  if (methodName == null) {
    return Request.aClass(type).getRunner();
  return Request.method(type, methodName).getRunner();

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Run all the tests in <code>classes</code>.
 * @param computer Helps construct Runners from classes
 * @param classes the classes containing tests
 * @return a {@link Result} describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
public Result run(Computer computer, Class<?>... classes) {
  return run(Request.classes(computer, classes));

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

public JUnit4TestAdapter(final Class<?> newTestClass, JUnit4TestAdapterCache cache) {
  fCache = cache;
  fNewTestClass = newTestClass;
  fRunner = Request.classWithoutSuiteMethod(newTestClass).getRunner();

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Create a <code>Request</code> that, when processed, will run a single test.
 * This is done by filtering out all other tests. This method is used to support rerunning
 * single tests.
 * @param clazz the class of the test
 * @param methodName the name of the test
 * @return a <code>Request</code> that will cause a single test be run
public static Request method(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) {
  Description method = Description.createTestDescription(clazz, methodName);
  return Request.aClass(clazz).filterWith(method);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/geode

public static Result runTest(final Class<?> test) {
 JUnitCore junitCore = new JUnitCore();

代码示例来源:origin: SpoonLabs/nopol

private static void runTest(String test) {
    try {
      String[] classAndMethod = test.split("#");
      Request request = Request.method(Class.forName(classAndMethod[0]), classAndMethod[1]);
      JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
      junit.addListener(new TextListener(System.out));;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: authorjapps/zerocode

private Runnable createRunnable(Class<?> testClass, String testMathod) {
  return () -> { + " Parallel Junit test- *Start. Time = " + now());
    Result result = (new JUnitCore()).run(Request.method(testClass, testMathod)); + " Parallel Junit test- *  End. Time = " + now());
    if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
    } else {

代码示例来源:origin: com.novocode/junit-interface

RichLogger logger = new RichLogger(loggers, settings, testClassName);
EventDispatcher ed = new EventDispatcher(logger, eventHandler, settings, fingerprint);
JUnitCore ju = new JUnitCore();
if (runListener != null) {
  Class<?> cl = testClassLoader.loadClass(testClassName);
  if(shouldRun(fingerprint, cl, settings)) {
   Request request = Request.classes(cl);
   if(globPatterns.size() > 0) request = new SilentFilterRequest(request, new GlobFilter(settings, globPatterns));
   if(testFilter.length() > 0) request = new SilentFilterRequest(request, new TestFilter(testFilter, ed));

代码示例来源:origin: greghaskins/spectrum

private static Result runWithJUnit(final Runner runner) {
  return new JUnitCore().run(Request.runner(runner));

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Run all the tests contained in <code>request</code>.
 * This variant should be used if {@code core} has attached listeners that this
 * run should notify.
 * @param request the request describing tests
 * @param core a JUnitCore to delegate to.
 * @return a {@link Result} describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
public Result run(Request request, JUnitCore core) {

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

 * Run all the tests in <code>classes</code>.
 * @param classes the classes containing tests
 * @return a {@link Result} describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
public Result run(Class<?>... classes) {
  return run(Request.classes(defaultComputer(), classes));

代码示例来源:origin: effektif/effektif

public static void run(Configuration configuration, Class<?> clazz, String methodName) {
 try {
  Request request = null;
  if (clazz!=null && methodName!=null) {
   request = Request.method(clazz, methodName);
  } else {
   Suite suite = new Suite(new JUnit4Builder(), API_TEST_CLASSES);
   request = Request.runner(suite);
  Configuration originalConfiguration = WorkflowTest.cachedConfiguration;
  WorkflowTest.cachedConfiguration = configuration;
  JUnitCore junitCore = new JUnitCore();
  Result result =;
  WorkflowTest.cachedConfiguration = originalConfiguration;
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.robovm/robovm-junit-server

 * Run a single method test
 * @param jUnitCore
 * @param className
 * @param method
protected void runMethodOnly(JUnitCore jUnitCore, String className, String method) {
  try {, method));
  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    error("Test class not found: " + className);

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Run all the tests contained in <code>request</code>.
 * @param request the request describing tests
 * @return a {@link Result} describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
public Result run(Request request) {
  return run(request.getRunner());

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

  protected Runner createRunner() {
    Runner runner = request.getRunner();
    try {
    } catch (InvalidOrderingException e) {
      return new ErrorReportingRunner(ordering.getClass(), e);
    return runner;

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Returns a Request that only runs tests whose {@link Description}
 * matches the given description.
 * <p>Returns an empty {@code Request} if {@code desiredDescription} is not a single test and filters all but the single
 * test if {@code desiredDescription} is a single test.</p>
 * @param desiredDescription {@code Description} of those tests that should be run
 * @return the filtered Request
public Request filterWith(Description desiredDescription) {
  return filterWith(Filter.matchMethodDescription(desiredDescription));

代码示例来源:origin: org.junit.vintage/junit-vintage-engine

private RunnerTestDescriptor determineRunnerTestDescriptor(Class<?> testClass, Runner runner,
    List<RunnerTestDescriptorAwareFilter> filters, UniqueId engineId) {
  RunnerTestDescriptor runnerTestDescriptor = createCompleteRunnerTestDescriptor(testClass, runner, engineId);
  if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
    if (runner instanceof Filterable) {
      Filter filter = createOrFilter(filters, runnerTestDescriptor);
      Runner filteredRunner = runnerTestDescriptor.toRequest().filterWith(filter).getRunner();
      runnerTestDescriptor = createCompleteRunnerTestDescriptor(testClass, filteredRunner, engineId);
    else {
      Runner runnerToReport = (runner instanceof RunnerDecorator)
          ? ((RunnerDecorator) runner).getDecoratedRunner()
          : runner;
      logger.warn(() -> "Runner " + runnerToReport.getClass().getName() //
          + " (used on " + testClass.getName() + ") does not support filtering" //
          + " and will therefore be run completely.");
  return runnerTestDescriptor;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.dakusui/jcunit

private JUnit4Runner(Class clazz, String methodName, int startInclusive, int endExclusive) {
 this.request = Request.classes(clazz).filterWith(
   createFilter(methodName, startInclusive, endExclusive)

代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4

 * Create a <code>Request</code> that, when processed, will run all the tests
 * in a set of classes with the default <code>Computer</code>.
 * @param classes the classes containing the tests
 * @return a <code>Request</code> that will cause all tests in the classes to be run
public static Request classes(Class<?>... classes) {
  return classes(JUnitCore.defaultComputer(), classes);
