
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]This class is a factory class which creates a Range object for the specific data type. This Range can have 2 bounds or be a single-point range. If the 2 bound values are equal and almost one of them is included, then a single-point range is created, else an exception is thrown. If the minimum bound value is bigger than the maximum value, then the 2 numbers are inverted at the Range creation time.


代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

private Range[] handleMosaicThresholds(double[][] thresholds, int srcNum) {
  Range[] nodata = new Range[srcNum];
  int minSrcNum = Math.min(srcNum, thresholds.length);
  for (int i = 0; i < minSrcNum; i++) {
    double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    int numBands = thresholds[i].length;
    for (int b = 0; b < numBands; b++) {
      double bandValue = thresholds[i][b];
      if (bandValue > maxValue) {
        maxValue = bandValue;
    nodata[i] = RangeFactory.create(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, true, maxValue, false);
  if (minSrcNum < srcNum) {
    for (int i = minSrcNum; i < srcNum; i++) {
      nodata[i] = nodata[0];
  return nodata;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Method for creating the nodata range associated to each coverage
 * @param cov
 * @param dataType
 * @return
private Range createNoDataRange(GridCoverage2D cov, int dataType) {
  // Extract NoData property from gridCoverage
  NoDataContainer container = CoverageUtilities.getNoDataProperty(cov);
  if (container != null) {
    return container.getAsRange();
  // No property set, use the input NoData Range
  double[] nodatas = CoverageUtilities.getBackgroundValues(cov);
  if (nodatas != null && nodatas.length > 0) {
    Range noData =
        RangeFactory.convert(RangeFactory.create(nodatas[0], nodatas[0]), dataType);
    return noData;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

arrayL = new long[] { -10, 0, 5, 50, 100 };
rangeB2bounds = RangeFactory.create((byte) 2, true, (byte) 60, true);
rangeBpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayB[2],true,arrayB[2],true);
rangeU2bounds = RangeFactory.createU((short) 2, true, (short) 60, true);
rangeUpoint = RangeFactory.createU(arrayUS[2],true,arrayUS[2],true);
rangeS2bounds = RangeFactory.create((short) 1, true, (short) 60, true);
rangeSpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayS[2],true,arrayS[2],true);
rangeI2bounds = RangeFactory.create(1, true, 60, true);
rangeIpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayI[2],true,arrayI[2],true);
rangeF2bounds = RangeFactory.create(0.5f, true, 60.5f, true,false);
rangeFpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayF[2],true,arrayF[2],true,false);
rangeD2bounds = RangeFactory.create(1.5d, true, 60.5d, true,false);
rangeDpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayD[2],true,arrayD[2],true,false);
rangeL2bounds = RangeFactory.create(1L, true, 60L, true);
rangeLpoint = RangeFactory.create(arrayL[2],true,arrayL[2],true);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Formats the underlying image to the provided data type.
 * @param dataType to be used for this {@link FormatDescriptor} operation.
 * @return this {@link ImageWorker}
public final ImageWorker format(final int dataType) {
  ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
  pb.setSource(image, 0); // The source image.
  pb.set(dataType, 0);
  image = JAI.create("Format", pb, getRenderingHints());
  setNoData(RangeFactory.convert(nodata, dataType));
  // All post conditions for this method contract.
  assert image.getSampleModel().getDataType() == dataType;
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.piecewise/jt-piecewise

this.outputRange = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(outRange);
    RangeFactory.create(outputMinimum, true, outputMaximum, true, true));

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.piecewise/jt-piecewise

this.range = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(inputRange);
Class<? extends Number> type = inputRange.getDataType().getClassValue();
boolean minInc = inputRange.isMinIncluded();

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

public void testConvert() {
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.create((byte) 255, (byte) 255));
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.create(255d, 255d));
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.create(255f, 255f));
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.create(255, 255));
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.create((short) 255, (short) 255));
  checkRangeConversion(RangeFactory.createU((short) 255, (short) 255));

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

setNoData(RangeFactory.convert(nodata, image.getSampleModel().getDataType()));
return this;

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

this.outputRange = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(outRange);
    RangeFactory.create(outputMinimum, true, outputMaximum, true, true));

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

this.range = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(inputRange);
Class<? extends Number> type = inputRange.getDataType().getClassValue();
boolean minInc = inputRange.isMinIncluded();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public Range extractNoDataProperty(final RenderedImage image) {
  Object property = image.getProperty(NoDataContainer.GC_NODATA);
  if (property != null) {
    if (property instanceof NoDataContainer) {
      return ((NoDataContainer) property).getAsRange();
    } else if (property instanceof Double) {
      return RangeFactory.create((Double) property, (Double) property);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

boolean maxIncluded = true;
noDataByte = RangeFactory.create(noDataB, minIncluded, noDataB, maxIncluded);
noDataUShort = RangeFactory.createU(noDataS, minIncluded, noDataS, maxIncluded);
noDataShort = RangeFactory.create(noDataS, minIncluded, noDataS, maxIncluded);
noDataInt = RangeFactory.create(noDataI, minIncluded, noDataI, maxIncluded);
noDataFloat = RangeFactory.create(noDataF, minIncluded, noDataF, maxIncluded, true);
noDataDouble = RangeFactory.create(noDataD, minIncluded, noDataD, maxIncluded, true);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools


代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

/** Performs Lookup on the underlying image */
public ImageWorker lookup(LookupTable table) {
  // ParameterBlock definition
  ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
  pb.setSource(image, 0);
  pb.set(table, 0);
  pb.set(roi, 2);
  // Convert the NoData
  if (nodata != null) {
    nodata = RangeFactory.convert(nodata, image.getSampleModel().getDataType());
  pb.set(nodata, 3);
  if (isNoDataNeeded()) {
    if (background != null && background.length > 0) {
      pb.set(background[0], 1);
  image = JAI.create("Lookup", pb, getRenderingHints());
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: it.geosolutions.jaiext.piecewise/jt-piecewise

this.nodata = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(nodata);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Return a Piecewise transform doing clamping outside the central range
 * @param minimum minimum valid value of the central range
 * @param maximum maximum valid value of the central range
 * @param minValue minValue to be returned from values outside (below) the central range
 * @param maxValue maxValue to be returned from values outside (above) the central range
 * @return
private static PiecewiseTransform1D<DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement>
        double minimum, double maximum, double minValue, double maxValue) {
  final DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement zeroElement =
          "clamp-to-min", RangeFactory.create(0, true, minimum, false), minValue);
  final DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement mainElement =
          "passthrough", RangeFactory.create(minimum, maximum));
  final DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement maxElement =
          RangeFactory.create(maximum, false, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, true),
  return new DefaultPiecewiseTransform1D<DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement>(
      new DefaultPiecewiseTransform1DElement[] {zeroElement, mainElement, maxElement}, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

boolean maxIncluded = true;
noDataByte = RangeFactory.create(noDataB, minIncluded, noDataB, maxIncluded);
noDataUShort = RangeFactory.createU(noDataS, minIncluded, noDataS, maxIncluded);
noDataShort = RangeFactory.create(noDataS, minIncluded, noDataS, maxIncluded);
noDataInt = RangeFactory.create(noDataI, minIncluded, noDataI, maxIncluded);
noDataFloat = RangeFactory.create(noDataF, minIncluded, noDataF, maxIncluded, true);
noDataDouble = RangeFactory.create(noDataD, minIncluded, noDataD, maxIncluded, true);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

setNoData(RangeFactory.create((byte) destNodata, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE));
pb.set(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 0); // The destination image data type (BYTE)
image = JAI.create("Format", pb, hints);
setNoData(RangeFactory.convert(nodata, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE));

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * If the was not already tiled, tile it. Note that no tiling will be done if
 * 'getRenderingHints()' failed to suggest a tile size. This method is for internal use by
 * {@link #write} methods only.
 * @return this {@link ImageWorker}.
public final ImageWorker tile() {
  final RenderingHints hints = getRenderingHints();
  final ImageLayout layout = getImageLayout(hints);
  if (layout.isValid(ImageLayout.TILE_WIDTH_MASK)
      || layout.isValid(ImageLayout.TILE_HEIGHT_MASK)) {
    final int type = image.getSampleModel().getDataType();
    // ParameterBlock definition
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    pb.setSource(image, 0); // The source image.
    pb.set(type, 0);
    image = JAI.create("Format", pb, hints);
    setNoData(RangeFactory.convert(nodata, type));
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: geosolutions-it/jai-ext

this.nodata = RangeFactory.convertToDoubleRange(nodata);
