
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]QualifiedName is a representation of Property names to their full declaration.

A QualifiedName is created by combining the name of a method and the name of the type that declares the method. This class also contains many static utility methods to manage QualifiedName instances.

NOTE: Unless you do very generic libraries, entity stores and other extensions that is deeply coupled into the Zest runtime, it is very unlikely you will need to use this class directly.

It is also important to notice that the QualifiedName needs to be long-term stable, as the names are written to persistent storage. So any changes in the formatting must be made in a backward-compatible manner .

The QualifiedName has two intrinsic parts, one being the type and the other the name. The type comes from the class where the QualifiedName originates from and internally kept as a TypeNameinstance. The name is the name from the method name. When the QualifiedName instance is converted to an external string representation, via the offical and formal #toString() method, the type is normalized, i.e. any dollar characters ($) in the name are replaced by dashes (-), to make them URI friendly.

QualifiedName instances are immutable, implements #hashCode() and #equals(Object) as a value object and can safely be used as keys in java.util.Map.


代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/

  public String map( PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor )
    return propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name();
}, descriptor.state().properties() ).iterator() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.extension/org.qi4j.extension.indexing-rdf

public void addDefaultTriples( String resultType )
    new Triple(
      "<" + Classes.toURI( resultType ) + ">",
      false )
    new Triple(
      false )
    new Triple(
      addNamespace( QualifiedName.fromClass( Identity.class, "identity" ).toNamespace() ) + ":identity",

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.core/org.qi4j.core.api

 * Creates a QualifiedName instance from the Class and a given name.
 * <p>
 * This factory method converts the {@code type} to a {@link TypeName} and appends the given {@code name}.
 * @param type The Class that is the base of the QualifiedName.
 * @param name The qualifier name which will be appended to the base name derived from the {@code type} argument.
 * @return A QualifiedName instance representing the {@code type} and {@code name} arguments.
 * @throws NullArgumentException if any of the two arguments are {@code null}, or if the name string is empty.
public static QualifiedName fromClass( Class type, String name )
  return new QualifiedName( TypeName.nameOf( type ), name );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.extension/org.qi4j.extension.indexing-rdf

public Triple addTripleAssociation( AssociationFunction<?> associationReference, boolean optional )
  String subject = "?entity";
  if( associationReference.traversedAssociation() != null )
    subject = addTripleAssociation( associationReference.traversedAssociation(), false ).value;
  QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.fromAccessor( associationReference.accessor() );
  String prefix = addNamespace( qualifiedName.toNamespace() );
  return addTriple( subject, prefix + ":" +, optional );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

if( IDENTITY_STATE_NAME.equals( ePropDesc.qualifiedName() ) )
  PropertyDescriptor vPropDesc = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( ePropDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
  eState.propertyFor( ePropDesc.accessor() ).set( vState.propertyFor( vPropDesc.accessor() ).get() );
  AssociationDescriptor vAssocDesc = vStateDesc.getAssociationByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
  eAssoc.set( vState.associationFor( vAssocDesc.accessor() ).get() );
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )
    = vStateDesc.getManyAssociationByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
  ManyAssociation<Object> vManyAss = vState.manyAssociationFor( vAssDesc.accessor() );
  for( Object ass : eManyAssoc.toList() )
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_COLLECTION_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )
    = vStateDesc.getNamedAssociationByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
  NamedAssociation<Object> vNamedAssoc = vState.namedAssociationFor( vAssocDesc.accessor() );
  for( String assocName : Iterables.toList( eNamedAssoc ) )
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_MAP_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.core/org.qi4j.core.api

 * Returns the URI of the QualifiedName.
 * <p>
 * The URI is the {@link #toNamespace()} followed by the {@code name} component.
 * <p>
 * @return the URI of the QualifiedName.
 * @see #toNamespace()
public String toURI()
  return toNamespace() + name;

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.core/org.qi4j.core.api

 * Creates a QualifiedName from a method.
 * <p>
 * This factory method will create a QualifiedName from the Method itself.
 * </p>
 * @param method Type method that returns a Property, for which the QualifiedName will be representing.
 * @return A QualifiedName representing this method.
 * @throws NullArgumentException If the {@code method} argument passed is null.
public static QualifiedName fromAccessor( AccessibleObject method )
  NullArgumentException.validateNotNull( "method", method );
  return fromClass( ( (Member) method ).getDeclaringClass(), ( (Member) method ).getName() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.extension/org.qi4j.extension.indexing-rdf

public Triple addTripleManyAssociation( final ManyAssociationFunction<?> manyAssociationReference,
                    final boolean optional
  AssociationFunction<?> traversedAssociation = manyAssociationReference.traversedAssociation();
  String subject = "?entity";
  if( traversedAssociation != null )
    subject = addTripleAssociation( traversedAssociation, false ).value;
  QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.fromAccessor( manyAssociationReference.accessor() );
  String predicatePrefix = addNamespace( qualifiedName.toNamespace() );
  String predicate = predicatePrefix + ":" +;
  Triple collectionTriple = addTriple( subject, predicate, optional );
  String liSubject = collectionTriple.value;
  return addTriple( liSubject, "rdf:li", false );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

if( IDENTITY_STATE_NAME.equals( ePropDesc.qualifiedName() ) )
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_COLLECTION_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )
      = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( eAssocDesc.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( STRING_MAP_TYPE_SPEC.satisfiedBy( vPropDesc.valueType() ) )

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.sql

public void exportDataSources()
    throws MalformedObjectNameException, MBeanRegistrationException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, NotCompliantMBeanException
  for ( ServiceReference<DataSource> dataSource : dataSources ) {
    String name = dataSource.identity();
    Module module = ( Module ) spi.moduleOf( dataSource );
    EntityDescriptor descriptor = module.entityDescriptor( DataSourceConfiguration.class.getName() );
    List<MBeanAttributeInfo> attributes = new ArrayList<MBeanAttributeInfo>();
    Map<String, AccessibleObject> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccessibleObject>();
    for ( PropertyDescriptor persistentProperty : descriptor.state().properties() ) {
      if ( !persistentProperty.isImmutable() ) {
        String propertyName = persistentProperty.qualifiedName().name();
        String type = persistentProperty.valueType().mainType().getName();
        attributes.add( new MBeanAttributeInfo( propertyName, type, propertyName, true, true, type.equals( "java.lang.Boolean" ) ) );
        properties.put( propertyName, persistentProperty.accessor() );
    List<MBeanOperationInfo> operations = new ArrayList<MBeanOperationInfo>();
    operations.add( new MBeanOperationInfo( "restart", "Restart DataSource", new MBeanParameterInfo[ 0 ], "void", MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION_INFO ) );
    MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = new MBeanInfo( DataSourceConfiguration.class.getName(), name, attributes.toArray( new MBeanAttributeInfo[ attributes.size() ] ), null, operations.toArray( new MBeanOperationInfo[ operations.size() ] ), null );
    Object mbean = new ConfigurableDataSource( dataSourceService, mbeanInfo, name, properties );
    ObjectName configurableDataSourceName = new ObjectName( "Zest:application=" + + ",class=Datasource,name=" + name );
    server.registerMBean( mbean, configurableDataSourceName );
    configurationNames.add( configurableDataSourceName );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.extension/org.qi4j.extension.indexing-rdf

public Triple addTriple( final PropertyFunction<?> propertyFunction, boolean optional )
  String subject = "?entity";
  if( propertyFunction.traversedAssociation() != null )
    subject = addTripleAssociation( propertyFunction.traversedAssociation(), false ).value;
  else if( propertyFunction.traversedProperty() != null )
    subject = addTriple( propertyFunction.traversedProperty(), false ).value;
  QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.fromAccessor( propertyFunction.accessor() );
  String prefix = addNamespace( qualifiedName.toNamespace() );
  return addTriple( subject, prefix + ":" +, optional );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.core/org.qi4j.core.api

 * Creates a Qualified name from a type as string and a name qualifier.
 * @param type The type name as a a string, which must be properly formatted. No checks for correctly formatted
 *             type name is performed.
 * @param name The qualifier name which will be appended to the base name derived from the {@code type} argument.
 * @return A QualifiedName instance representing the {@code type} and {@code name} arguments.
 * @throws NullArgumentException if any of the two arguments are {@code null} or either string is empty.
public static QualifiedName fromName( String type, String name )
  return new QualifiedName( TypeName.nameOf( type ), name );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/

  public EntityReference map( AssociationDescriptor associationDescriptor )
    Parameter param = queryAsForm.getFirst( associationDescriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( param == null )
      param = entityAsForm.getFirst( associationDescriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
    if( param != null )
      return EntityReference.parseEntityReference( param.getValue() );
      return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.core/org.qi4j.core.api

 * Creates a QualifiedName from the external string format of QualifiedName.
 * <p>
 * This factory method is the reverse of {@link QualifiedName#toString() }  method, and creates a new QualifiedName
 * instance from the string representation of the QualifiedName.
 * </p>
 * @param fullQualifiedName The QualifiedName external string representation to be converted back into a QualifiedName
 *                      instance.
 * @return The QualifiedName instance represented by the {@code qualifiedName} argument.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@code qualifiedName} argument has wrong format.
public static QualifiedName fromFQN( String fullQualifiedName )
  NullArgumentException.validateNotEmpty( "qualifiedName", fullQualifiedName );
  int idx = fullQualifiedName.lastIndexOf( ":" );
  if( idx == -1 )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name '" + fullQualifiedName + "' is not a qualified name" );
  final String type = fullQualifiedName.substring( 0, idx );
  final String name = fullQualifiedName.substring( idx + 1 );
  return new QualifiedName( TypeName.nameOf( type ), name );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/

public Object map( PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor )
  Parameter param = queryAsForm.getFirst( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
  if( param == null )
    param = entityAsForm.getFirst( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
  if( param != null )
    String value = param.getValue();
    if( value != null )
        return valueDeserializer.deserialize( propertyDescriptor.valueType(), value );
      catch( ValueSerializationException e )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Query parameter has invalid JSON format", e );
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

  public Map<String, EntityReference> map( AssociationDescriptor descriptor )
    AssociationDescriptor associationDescriptor;
      String associationName = descriptor.qualifiedName().name();
      AssociationStateDescriptor entityState = entityDescriptor.state();
      associationDescriptor = entityState.getNamedAssociationByName( associationName );
    catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
      return Collections.emptyMap();
    AccessibleObject associationMethod = associationDescriptor.accessor();
    NamedAssociation<Object> assoc = associationState.namedAssociationFor( associationMethod );
    Map<String, EntityReference> refs = new LinkedHashMap<>( assoc.count() );
    for( String name : assoc )
      refs.put( name, EntityReference.entityReferenceFor( assoc.get( name ) ) );
    return refs;
} );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

  public Object map( PropertyDescriptor ePropDesc )
    String propName = ePropDesc.qualifiedName().name();
      PropertyDescriptor vPropDesc = vStateDesc.findPropertyModelByName( propName );
      return vState.propertyFor( vPropDesc.accessor() ).get();
    catch( IllegalArgumentException propNotFoundOnValue )
      // Property not found on Value
      return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

  public Iterable<EntityReference> map( final AssociationDescriptor descriptor )
    AssociationDescriptor associationDescriptor;
      String associationName = descriptor.qualifiedName().name();
      AssociationStateDescriptor entityState = entityDescriptor.state();
      associationDescriptor = entityState.getManyAssociationByName( associationName );
    catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
      return Iterables.empty();
    ManyAssociation<?> state = associationState.manyAssociationFor( associationDescriptor.accessor() );
    List<EntityReference> refs = new ArrayList<>( state.count() );
    for( Object entity : state )
      refs.add( EntityReference.entityReferenceFor( entity ) );
    return refs;

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/

if( o == null )
  json.put( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name(), JSONObject.NULL );
  json.put( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name(), o.toString() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.library/org.qi4j.library.conversion

  public EntityReference map( AssociationDescriptor descriptor )
    AssociationDescriptor associationDescriptor;
      associationDescriptor = entityDescriptor.state()
        .getAssociationByName( descriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
    catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
      return null;
    AccessibleObject associationMethod = associationDescriptor.accessor();
    Association<Object> association = associationState.associationFor( associationMethod );
    return EntityReference.entityReferenceFor( association.get() );



