
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the maximum number of magnitude bits in any subband in the current tile.


代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/jj2000

   * Calculates the maximum amount of magnitude bits for each
   * tile-component, and stores it in the 'maxMagBits' array. This is called
   * by the constructor
   * @param encSpec The encoder specifications for addition of roi specs
   * */
  private void calcMaxMagBits(EncoderSpecs encSpec) {
    int tmp;
  MaxShiftSpec rois = encSpec.rois;

    int nt =  src.getNumTiles();
    int nc = src.getNumComps();

    maxMagBits = new int[nt][nc];
    for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) {
      for (int c=nc-1; c>=0; c--) {
    tmp = src.getMaxMagBits(c);
        maxMagBits[t][c] = tmp;
    rois.setTileCompVal(t,c,new Integer(tmp));
      if( t<nt-1 ) src.nextTile();
    // Reset to current initial tile position

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jai-imageio/jai-imageio-jpeg2000

   * Calculates the maximum amount of magnitude bits for each
   * tile-component, and stores it in the 'maxMagBits' array. This is called
   * by the constructor
   * @param encSpec The encoder specifications for addition of roi specs
   * */
  private void calcMaxMagBits(J2KImageWriteParamJava wp) {
    int tmp;
  MaxShiftSpec rois = wp.getROIs();

    int nt =  src.getNumTiles();
    int nc = src.getNumComps();

    maxMagBits = new int[nt][nc];

    for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) {
      for (int c=nc-1; c>=0; c--) {
    tmp = src.getMaxMagBits(c);
        maxMagBits[t][c] = tmp;
    rois.setTileCompVal(t,c,new Integer(tmp));
      if( t<nt-1 ) src.nextTile();
    // Reset to current initial tile position

代码示例来源:origin: net.java.dev.jai-imageio/jai-imageio-jpeg2000

   * Calculates the maximum amount of magnitude bits for each
   * tile-component, and stores it in the 'maxMagBits' array. This is called
   * by the constructor
   * @param encSpec The encoder specifications for addition of roi specs
   * */
  private void calcMaxMagBits(J2KImageWriteParamJava wp) {
    int tmp;
  MaxShiftSpec rois = wp.getROIs();

    int nt =  src.getNumTiles();
    int nc = src.getNumComps();

    maxMagBits = new int[nt][nc];

    for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) {
      for (int c=nc-1; c>=0; c--) {
    tmp = src.getMaxMagBits(c);
        maxMagBits[t][c] = tmp;
    rois.setTileCompVal(t,c,new Integer(tmp));
      if( t<nt-1 ) src.nextTile();
    // Reset to current initial tile position

代码示例来源:origin: poreid/poreid

   * Calculates the maximum amount of magnitude bits for each
   * tile-component, and stores it in the 'maxMagBits' array. This is called
   * by the constructor
   * @param encSpec The encoder specifications for addition of roi specs
   * */
  private void calcMaxMagBits(J2KImageWriteParamJava wp) {
    int tmp;
  MaxShiftSpec rois = wp.getROIs();

    int nt =  src.getNumTiles();
    int nc = src.getNumComps();

    maxMagBits = new int[nt][nc];

    for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) {
      for (int c=nc-1; c>=0; c--) {
    tmp = src.getMaxMagBits(c);
        maxMagBits[t][c] = tmp;
    rois.setTileCompVal(t,c,new Integer(tmp));
      if( t<nt-1 ) src.nextTile();
    // Reset to current initial tile position

代码示例来源:origin: org.openmicroscopy/ome-jai

   * Calculates the maximum amount of magnitude bits for each
   * tile-component, and stores it in the 'maxMagBits' array. This is called
   * by the constructor
   * @param wp The encoder parameters for addition of roi specs
   * */
  private void calcMaxMagBits(J2KImageWriteParamJava wp) {
    int tmp;
  MaxShiftSpec rois = wp.getROIs();

    int nt =  src.getNumTiles();
    int nc = src.getNumComps();

    maxMagBits = new int[nt][nc];

    for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) {
      for (int c=nc-1; c>=0; c--) {
    tmp = src.getMaxMagBits(c);
        maxMagBits[t][c] = tmp;
    rois.setTileCompVal(t,c,new Integer(tmp));
      if( t<nt-1 ) src.nextTile();
    // Reset to current initial tile position
