
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Provides a textual representation of the query result.

The execution result represented by this object will be consumed in its entirety after this method is called. Calling any of the other iterating methods on it should not be expected to return any results.


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private Future executeInThread( final String query )
    return executorService.submit( () -> db.execute( query ).resultAsString() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private Future executeInThread( final String query )
    return executorService.submit( () -> db.execute( query ).resultAsString() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public String listTransactions()
  String res;
  try ( Transaction tx = graphDatabaseAPI.beginTx() )
    res = graphDatabaseAPI.execute( "CALL dbms.listTransactions()" ).resultAsString();
  catch ( QueryExecutionException e )
    res = "dbms.listTransactions() is not available";
  return res;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private void executeInThread( final String query, Map<String,Object> params )
    executorService.execute( () ->
        db.execute( query, params ).resultAsString();
      catch ( Exception e )
        hasFailed.set( true );
    } );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public Pair<String, String> evaluate( String script )
    if ( StringUtils.EMPTY.equals( script.trim() ) )
      return Pair.of( StringUtils.EMPTY, null );

    String resultString;
      TransactionalContext tc = cypherExecutor.createTransactionContext( script, emptyMap(), request );
      ExecutionEngine engine = cypherExecutor.getExecutionEngine();
      Result result = engine.executeQuery( script, emptyMap(), tc );
      resultString = result.resultAsString();
    catch ( SyntaxException error )
      resultString = error.getMessage();
    catch ( Exception exception )
      log.error( "Unknown error executing cypher query", exception );
      resultString = "Error: " + exception.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + exception.getMessage();
    return Pair.of( resultString, null );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void eagerResultToString()
  Result result = database.execute( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.c, n.d" );
  assertEquals( 1, testCursorContext.getAdditionalAttempts() );
  String resultString = result.resultAsString();
  assertTrue( resultString.contains( "n.c, n.d" ) );
  assertTrue( resultString.contains( "d, a" ) );
  assertTrue( resultString.contains( "y, k" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private static void addNode( GraphDatabaseService db )
  if ( USE_CYPHER )
    Result result = db.execute( "create (:Person {name: 'Sneaky Steve'})" );
    System.out.println( result.resultAsString() );
    try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() )
      db.createNode( label( "Person" ) ).setProperty( "name", "Sneaky Steve" );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void eagerResultWriteAsStringToStream()
  Result result = database.execute( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.c" );
  assertEquals( 1, testCursorContext.getAdditionalAttempts() );
  assertEquals( result.resultAsString(), printToStream( result ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public void shouldGiveCorrectPositionWhetherFromCacheOrNot()
    // Given
    String cachedQuery = "MATCH (a:L1) RETURN a";
    String nonCachedQuery = "MATCH (a:L2) RETURN a";
    //make sure we cache the query
    GraphDatabaseAPI db = db();
    int limit = db.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency( Config.class )
        .get( GraphDatabaseSettings.cypher_expression_recompilation_limit );
    for ( int i = 0; i < limit + 1; i++ )
      db.execute( cachedQuery ).resultAsString();

    // When
    Notification cachedNotification =
        Iterables.asList( db.execute( "EXPLAIN " + cachedQuery ).getNotifications() ).get( 0 );
    Notification nonCachedNotication =
        Iterables.asList( db.execute( "EXPLAIN " + nonCachedQuery ).getNotifications() ).get( 0 );

    // Then
    assertThat( cachedNotification.getPosition(), equalTo( new InputPosition( 17, 1, 18 ) ) );
    assertThat( nonCachedNotication.getPosition(), equalTo( new InputPosition( 17, 1, 18 ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public void overrideSingleCallStatement() throws Exception {
  db.execute("call apoc.custom.asProcedure('answer','RETURN 42 as answer')");
  TestUtil.testCall(db, "call custom.answer() yield row return row", (row) -> assertEquals(42L, ((Map)row.get("row")).get("answer")));
  String clearCaches = db.execute("call dbms.clearQueryCaches()").resultAsString();
  db.execute("call apoc.custom.asProcedure('answer','RETURN 43 as answer')");
  TestUtil.testCall(db, "call custom.answer() yield row return row", (row) -> assertEquals(43L, ((Map)row.get("row")).get("answer")));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public void testFilterIntoCollection() {
  testResult(db, "call apoc.load.xml('file:src/test/resources/xml/books.xml') yield value as catalog\n" +
          "    UNWIND catalog._children as book\n" +
          "    RETURN, [attr IN book._children WHERE attr._type IN ['author','title'] | [attr._type, attr._text]] as pairs"
      , result -> {
        assertEquals("+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "| | pairs                                                                                                |\n" +
            "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "| \"bk101\" | [[\"author\",\"Gambardella, Matthew\"],[\"author\",\"Arciniegas, Fabio\"],[\"title\",\"XML Developer's Guide\"]] |\n" +
            "| \"bk102\" | [[\"author\",\"Ralls, Kim\"],[\"title\",\"Midnight Rain\"]]                                                  |\n" +
            "| \"bk103\" | [[\"author\",\"Corets, Eva\"],[\"title\",\"Maeve Ascendant\"]]                                               |\n" +
            "| \"bk104\" | [[\"author\",\"Corets, Eva\"],[\"title\",\"Oberon's Legacy\"]]                                               |\n" +
            "| \"bk105\" | [[\"author\",\"Corets, Eva\"],[\"title\",\"The Sundered Grail\"]]                                            |\n" +
            "| \"bk106\" | [[\"author\",\"Randall, Cynthia\"],[\"title\",\"Lover Birds\"]]                                              |\n" +
            "| \"bk107\" | [[\"author\",\"Thurman, Paula\"],[\"title\",\"Splish Splash\"]]                                              |\n" +
            "| \"bk108\" | [[\"author\",\"Knorr, Stefan\"],[\"title\",\"Creepy Crawlies\"]]                                             |\n" +
            "| \"bk109\" | [[\"author\",\"Kress, Peter\"],[\"title\",\"Paradox Lost\"]]                                                 |\n" +
            "| \"bk110\" | [[\"author\",\"O'Brien, Tim\"],[\"title\",\"Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible\"]]                        |\n" +
            "| \"bk111\" | [[\"author\",\"O'Brien, Tim\"],[\"title\",\"MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide\"]]                                |\n" +
            "| \"bk112\" | [[\"author\",\"Galos, Mike\"],[\"title\",\"Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide\"]]                        |\n" +
            "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "12 rows\n", result.resultAsString());

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

  public void testSubmitStatement() throws Exception {
    String callList = "CALL apoc.periodic.list()";
    // force pre-caching the queryplan
System.out.println("call list" + db.execute(callList).resultAsString());

    testCall(db, "CALL apoc.periodic.submit('foo','create (:Foo)')",
        (row) -> {
          assertEquals("foo", row.get("name"));
          assertEquals(false, row.get("done"));
          assertEquals(false, row.get("cancelled"));
          assertEquals(0L, row.get("delay"));
          assertEquals(0L, row.get("rate"));

    long count = tryReadCount(50, "MATCH (:Foo) RETURN COUNT(*) AS count", 1L);

    assertThat(String.format("Expected %d, got %d ", 1L, count), count, equalTo(1L));

    testCall(db, callList, (r) -> assertEquals(true, r.get("done")));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public void testReturnCollectionElements() {
  testResult(db, "call apoc.load.xml('file:src/test/resources/xml/books.xml') yield value as catalog\n"+
          "UNWIND catalog._children as book\n" +
          "WITH as id, [attr IN book._children WHERE attr._type IN ['author','title'] | attr._text] as pairs\n" +
          "RETURN id, pairs[0] as author, pairs[1] as title"
      , result -> {
        assertEquals("+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "| id      | author                 | title                                    |\n" +
            "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "| \"bk101\" | \"Gambardella, Matthew\" | \"Arciniegas, Fabio\"                      |\n" +
            "| \"bk102\" | \"Ralls, Kim\"           | \"Midnight Rain\"                          |\n" +
            "| \"bk103\" | \"Corets, Eva\"          | \"Maeve Ascendant\"                        |\n" +
            "| \"bk104\" | \"Corets, Eva\"          | \"Oberon's Legacy\"                        |\n" +
            "| \"bk105\" | \"Corets, Eva\"          | \"The Sundered Grail\"                     |\n" +
            "| \"bk106\" | \"Randall, Cynthia\"     | \"Lover Birds\"                            |\n" +
            "| \"bk107\" | \"Thurman, Paula\"       | \"Splish Splash\"                          |\n" +
            "| \"bk108\" | \"Knorr, Stefan\"        | \"Creepy Crawlies\"                        |\n" +
            "| \"bk109\" | \"Kress, Peter\"         | \"Paradox Lost\"                           |\n" +
            "| \"bk110\" | \"O'Brien, Tim\"         | \"Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible\"  |\n" +
            "| \"bk111\" | \"O'Brien, Tim\"         | \"MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide\"          |\n" +
            "| \"bk112\" | \"Galos, Mike\"          | \"Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide\" |\n" +
            "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "12 rows\n", result.resultAsString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-dbms

public String listTransactions()
  String res;
  try ( Transaction tx = graphDatabaseAPI.beginTx() )
    res = graphDatabaseAPI.execute( "CALL dbms.listTransactions()" ).resultAsString();
  catch ( QueryExecutionException e )
    res = "dbms.listTransactions() is not available";
  return res;

代码示例来源:origin: SciGraph/SciGraph

return cypherUtil.execute(replacedStartCurie).resultAsString();


  public Pair<String, String> evaluate( String script )
    if ( StringUtils.EMPTY.equals( script.trim() ) )
      return Pair.of( StringUtils.EMPTY, null );

    String resultString;
      TransactionalContext tc = cypherExecutor.createTransactionContext( script, emptyMap(), request );
      ExecutionEngine engine = cypherExecutor.getExecutionEngine();
      Result result = engine.executeQuery( script, emptyMap(), tc );
      resultString = result.resultAsString();
    catch ( SyntaxException error )
      resultString = error.getMessage();
    catch ( Exception exception )
      log.error( "Unknown error executing cypher query", exception );
      resultString = "Error: " + exception.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + exception.getMessage();
    return Pair.of( resultString, null );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j.doc/neo4j-cypher-docs

public void testColumnAreInTheRightOrder() throws Exception
  String q = "match (one), (two), (three), (four), (five), (six), (seven), (eight), (nine), (ten) " +
      "where id(one) = 1 and id(two) = 2 and id(three) = 3 and id(four) = 4 and id(five) = 5 " +
      "and id(six) = 6 and id(seven) = 7 and id(eight) = 8 and id(nine) = 9 and id(ten) = 10 " +
      "return one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten";
  Result result = db.execute( q );
  assertThat( result.resultAsString(), matchesPattern( "one.*two.*three.*four.*five.*six.*seven.*eight.*nine.*ten" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j.doc/neo4j-cypher-docs

fw.append( "\nResulting in:\n\n" );
fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File( DOCS_TARGET ), "intro.result",
    createQueryResultSnippet( graphdb.execute( query ).resultAsString() ) ) );
fw.append( "\nResulting in:\n\n" );
fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File( DOCS_TARGET ), "intro.result",
    createQueryResultSnippet( graphdb.execute( query ).resultAsString() ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j.examples/neo4j-examples

gen.get().addSnippet( "query1", createCypherSnippet( query ) );
String result = db.execute( query )
assertTrue( result.contains("File1") );
gen.get().addSnippet( "query2", createCypherSnippet( query ) );
result = db.execute( query )
assertTrue( result.contains("File1") );
assertTrue( result.contains("User1") );
gen.get().addSnippet( "query3", createCypherSnippet( query ) );
result = db.execute( query )
assertTrue( result.contains("File1") );
assertTrue( result.contains("File2") );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j.doc/neo4j-cypher-docs

resultString = db.execute( "match (n {name: 'my node'}) return n," ).resultAsString();
