
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Character-based XML content. Provides a modular, parentable method of representing text. Text makes no guarantees about the underlying textual representation of character data, but does expose that data as a Java String.


代码示例来源:origin: jaxen/jaxen

public String getElementStringValue(Object obj)
  Element elem = (Element) obj;
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  List     content     = elem.getContent();
  Iterator contentIter = content.iterator();
  Object   each        = null;
  while ( contentIter.hasNext() )
    each =;
    if ( each instanceof Text )
      buf.append( ((Text)each).getText() );
    else if ( each instanceof CDATA )
      buf.append( ((CDATA)each).getText() );
    else if ( each instanceof Element )
      buf.append( getElementStringValue( each ) );
  return buf.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker

private static final Element getParent(Object node) {
    if (node instanceof Element)
      return((Element) node).getParent();
    else if (node instanceof Attribute)
      return((Attribute) node).getParent();
    else if (node instanceof Text)
      return((Text) node).getParent();
    else if (node instanceof ProcessingInstruction)
      return((ProcessingInstruction) node).getParent();
    else if (node instanceof Comment)
      return((Comment) node).getParent();
    else if (node instanceof EntityRef)
      return((EntityRef) node).getParent();
      // With 2.1 semantics it  makes more sense to just return a null and let the core 
      // throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
      return null;
//            throw new TemplateModelException("_parent can not be applied on " + node.getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly-extras/wildfly-camel

private static void updateExtension(ConfigContext context, boolean enable) {
  Element extensions = ConfigSupport.findChildElement(context.getDocument().getRootElement(), "extensions", NS_DOMAINS);
  ConfigSupport.assertExists(extensions, "Did not find the <extensions> element");
  Namespace namespace = extensions.getNamespace();
  Element element = ConfigSupport.findElementWithAttributeValue(extensions, "extension", "module", "org.wildfly.extension.camel", NS_DOMAINS);
  if (enable && element == null) {
    extensions.addContent(new Text("    "));
    extensions.addContent(new Element("extension", namespace).setAttribute("module", "org.wildfly.extension.camel"));
    extensions.addContent(new Text("\n    "));
  if (!enable && element != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mevenide/nb-mvn-embedder

Iterator it = parent.getContent().iterator();
Text lastText = null;
int offset = 0;
if (lastText != null && lastText.getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
  lastText = (Text)lastText.clone();
} else {
  String starter = lineSeparator;
if (parent.getContentSize() == 0) {
  Text finalText = (Text)lastText.clone();
  finalText.setText(finalText.getText().substring(0, finalText.getText().length() - "    ".length()));
  parent.addContent(contentIndex, finalText);
parent.addContent(contentIndex, child);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mevenide/nb-mvn-embedder

Element element =  parent.getChild(name, parent.getNamespace());
if (element != null && shouldExist) {
  element = factory.element(name, parent.getNamespace());
  insertAtPreferredLocation(parent, element, counter);
    if (previous instanceof Text) {
      Text txt = (Text)previous;
      if (txt.getTextTrim().length() == 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.wildfly.camel/wildfly-camel-config

private static void addProperty(Element systemProperties, Map<String, Element> propertiesByName, String name, String value) {
  Namespace namespace = systemProperties.getNamespace();
  if (!propertiesByName.containsKey(name)) {
    systemProperties.addContent(new Text("   "));
    systemProperties.addContent(new Element("property", namespace).setAttribute("name", name).setAttribute("value", value));
    systemProperties.addContent(new Text("\n    "));

代码示例来源:origin: org.wildfly.camel/wildfly-camel-config

private static void updateSubsystem(ConfigContext context, boolean enable) {
  List<Element> profiles = ConfigSupport.findProfileElements(context.getDocument(), NS_DOMAINS);
  for (Element profile : profiles) {
    Element element = profile.getChild("subsystem", NS_CAMEL);
    if (enable && element == null) {
      URL resource = WildFlyCamelConfigPlugin.class.getResource("/camel-subsystem.xml");
      profile.addContent(new Text("    "));
      profile.addContent(new Text("\n    "));
    if (!enable && element != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.openwfe/openwfe-engine

private static org.jdom.Element cleanElement
  (final org.jdom.Element elt)
  final org.jdom.Element result = new org.jdom.Element(elt.getName());
  final java.util.Iterator it = elt.getContent().iterator();
  while (it.hasNext())
    final org.jdom.Content c = (org.jdom.Content);
    if (c instanceof org.jdom.Text)
      if (((org.jdom.Text)c).getTextTrim().length() < 1) continue;
    //log.debug("cleanElement() adding "+XmlUtils.xmlToString(c));
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/opendap

public  static Element getVersionElement() {
  Element lib = new Element("lib");
  Element name = new Element("name");
  Element ver = new Element("version");
  name.addContent(new Text("java-opendap"));
  ver.addContent(new Text(version));
  return (lib);

代码示例来源:origin: org.dspace/dspace-xmlui-wing

if (!"".equals(text.getTextNormalize()))
Element para = new Element(Para.E_PARA);
if (index >= 0)
  parent.addContent(index, para);

代码示例来源:origin: commons-jxpath/commons-jxpath

String string = (String) TypeUtils.convert(value, String.class);
if (string != null && !string.equals("")) {
  ((Text) node).setText(string);
  nodeParent(node).removeContent((Text) node);
  String string = ((Text) value).getText();
  element.addContent(new Text(string));
  String string = (String) TypeUtils.convert(value, String.class);
  if (string != null && !string.equals("")) {
    element.addContent(new Text(string));

代码示例来源:origin: DSpace/DSpace

} else {
  try {
    Element me = (Element) trip.xml.clone();
    if (addSchema) {
      me.setAttribute("schemaLocation", schemaLocation, XSI_NS);
      Object what =;
      if (what instanceof Element) {
        ((Element) what).setText(checkedString(value));
      } else if (what instanceof Attribute) {
        ((Attribute) what).setValue(checkedString(value));
      } else if (what instanceof Text) {
        ((Text) what).setText(checkedString(value));
      } else {
        log.warn("Got unknown object from XPath, class=" + what.getClass().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom-legacy

 * This adds text content to this element.  It does not replace the
 * existing content as does <code>setText()</code>.
 * @param str <code>String</code> to add
 * @return this element modified
 * @throws IllegalDataException if <code>str</code> contains an
 *         illegal character such as a vertical tab (as determined
 *         by {@link org.jdom.Verifier#checkCharacterData})
public Element addContent(final String str) {
  return addContent(new Text(str));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven-release

if ( element.getContent() != null )
  for ( Iterator<?> it = element.getContent().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
    if ( ( content instanceof Text ) && ( (Text) content ).getTextTrim().length() > 0 )
        if ( content instanceof Text )
          text.append( (Text) content );
  element.addContent( value );
  String chars = text.getText();
  String trimmed = text.getTextTrim();
  int idx = chars.indexOf( trimmed );
  String leadingWhitespace = chars.substring( 0, idx );
  String trailingWhitespace = chars.substring( idx + trimmed.length() );
  text.setText( leadingWhitespace + value + trailingWhitespace );

代码示例来源:origin: commons-jxpath/commons-jxpath

Object child = content.get(i);
if (child instanceof Element) {
  child = ((Element) child).clone();
  element.addContent((Element) child);
  child = ((Text) child).clone();
  element.addContent((Text) child);

代码示例来源:origin: javasoze/meaningfulweb

String name = StringUtils.lowerCase(elem.getName());
List<Content> children = elem.getContent();
if (children != null && children.size() > 0) {
 for (Content child : children) {
String normalized = text.getTextNormalize();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(normalized)) {
 boolean hasText = StringUtils.isNotBlank(normalized);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openwfe/openwfe-engine

 * Returns the tag name of the given element (null if the parameter
 * is not an element).
public static Text xar (final Content c)
  final Element elt = toElement(c);
  return new Text(elt.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.cargo/cargo-core-api-module

List<Content> childNodes = element.getContent();
Matcher m = pat.matcher(element.getText());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (m.find())

代码示例来源:origin: org.openwfe/openwfe-applic

 * Turns a JDOM content instance into a String 
 * (with the application encoding).
public static String toString (final org.jdom.Content c)
  if (c instanceof org.jdom.Text) 
    return ((org.jdom.Text)c).getTextTrim();
  org.jdom.Element elt = (org.jdom.Element)c;
  final boolean hasParent = (elt.getParent() != null);
  if (hasParent) elt = (org.jdom.Element)elt.clone();
  final String result = toString(new org.jdom.Document(elt), null);
  if ( ! hasParent) elt.detach();
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.openwfe/openwfe-applic

 * Returns the first piece of content that is not an empty (when trimmed) 
 * Text instance.
public static org.jdom.Content getFirstContent (final org.jdom.Element elt)
  final java.util.Iterator it = elt.getContent().iterator();
  while (it.hasNext())
    final org.jdom.Content c = (org.jdom.Content);
    if (c instanceof org.jdom.Element) return c;
    if (c instanceof org.jdom.Text)
      final String s = ((org.jdom.Text)c).getTextTrim();
      if (s.length() > 0) return c;
    // else continue
  return null;
