
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: ityouknow/spring-boot-examples

@Update("UPDATE users SET userName=#{userName},nick_name=#{nickName} WHERE id =#{id}")
void update(UserEntity user);

代码示例来源:origin: ityouknow/spring-boot-examples

@Update("UPDATE users SET userName=#{userName},nick_name=#{nickName} WHERE id =#{id}")
void update(UserEntity user);

代码示例来源:origin: ityouknow/spring-boot-examples

@Update("UPDATE users SET userName=#{userName},nick_name=#{nickName} WHERE id =#{id}")
void update(UserEntity user);

代码示例来源:origin: qiurunze123/miaosha

@Update("update miaosha_goods set stock_count = stock_count - 1 where goods_id = #{goodsId} and stock_count > 0")
public int reduceStock(MiaoshaGoods g);

代码示例来源:origin: qiurunze123/miaosha

@Update("update miaosha_user set password = #{password} where id = #{id}")
public void update(MiaoshaUser toBeUpdate);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Update int.
 * @param accountDTO the account dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set balance = balance - #{amount}," +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount + #{amount} ,update_time = now()" +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and  balance > 0  ")
int update(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Confirm int.
 * @param accountDTO the account dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set " +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount - #{amount}" +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and freeze_amount >0 ")
int confirm(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * 更新订单
 * @param order 订单对象
 * @return rows
@Update("update `order` set status = #{status} , total_amount=#{totalAmount} where number=#{number}")
int update(Order order);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Confirm int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set " +
    " lock_inventory=  lock_inventory - #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and lock_inventory >0 ")
int confirm(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

   * 更新订单.
   * @param order 订单对象
   * @return rows
  @Update("update `order` set status = #{status} , total_amount=#{totalAmount} where number=#{number}")
  int update(Order order);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Decrease int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set total_inventory = total_inventory - #{count}," +
    " lock_inventory= lock_inventory + #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and  total_inventory >0  ")
int decrease(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Update int.
 * @param accountDTO the account dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set balance = balance - #{amount}," +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount + #{amount} ,update_time = now()" +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and  balance > 0  ")
int update(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Cancel int.
 * @param accountDTO the account dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set balance = balance + #{amount}," +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount -  #{amount} " +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and freeze_amount >0")
int cancel(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Cancel int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set total_inventory = total_inventory + #{count}," +
    " lock_inventory= lock_inventory - #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and lock_inventory >0 ")
int cancel(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Confirm int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set " +
    " lock_inventory=  lock_inventory - #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and lock_inventory >0 ")
int confirm(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Confirm int.
 * @param accountDTO the account dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set " +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount - #{amount}" +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and freeze_amount >0 ")
int confirm(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Decrease int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set total_inventory = total_inventory - #{count}," +
    " lock_inventory= lock_inventory + #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and  total_inventory >0  ")
int decrease(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Cancel int.
 * @param inventoryDTO the inventory dto
 * @return the int
@Update("update inventory set total_inventory = total_inventory + #{count}," +
    " lock_inventory= lock_inventory - #{count} " +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and lock_inventory >0 ")
int cancel(InventoryDTO inventoryDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

 * Cancel int.
 * @param accountDO the account do
 * @return the int
@Update("update account set balance = balance + #{amount}," +
    " freeze_amount= freeze_amount -  #{amount} " +
    " where user_id =#{userId}  and freeze_amount >0")
int cancel(AccountDTO accountDTO);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/myth

 * 库存扣减
 * @param inventory 实体对象
 * @return rows
@Update("update inventory set total_inventory =#{totalInventory}" +
    " where product_id =#{productId}  and  total_inventory >0  ")
int decrease(Inventory inventory);




