
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Simple argument validator, inspired by the commons-lang.


代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.reflection.api/nazgul-core-reflection-api

 * Assigns the type of this DependencyData instance.
 * @param type The type of this DependencyData. Cannot be null or empty.
public void setType(final String type) {
  Validate.notEmpty(type, "type");
  this.type = type;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

 * Compound constructor using the provided NamespacePrefixResolver instance to delegate all
 * possible calls dealing with XML namespace URI to prefix mappings.
 * @param namespacePrefixResolver The NamespacePrefixResolver delegate to which all NamespacePrefixResolver
 *                                calls are delegated internally.
public JaxbNamespacePrefixResolver(@NotNull final NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver) {
  Validate.notNull(namespacePrefixResolver, "namespacePrefixResolver");
  this.namespacePrefixResolver = namespacePrefixResolver;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

 * Adds a mapping between the supplied namespace and the given xmlSchemaSnippet.
 * @param namespace        The non-null namespace which should be mapped.
 * @param xmlSchemaSnippet The non-empty xml Schema snippet which should be mapped.
public void addNamespace2SchemaEntry(@NotNull final String namespace,
                   @NotNull @Size(min = 1) final String xmlSchemaSnippet) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notNull(namespace, "namespace");
  Validate.notEmpty(xmlSchemaSnippet, "xmlSchemaSnippet");
      "Cannot overwrite namespace [" + namespace + "]. Known namespaces: "
          + namespace2SchemaSnippetMap.keySet()
          .reduce((l, r) -> l + ", " + r)
  // Add the mapping.
  namespace2SchemaSnippetMap.put(namespace, xmlSchemaSnippet);

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Validates that the supplied array is not null, and throws a NullPointerException otherwise.
 * If the supplied array is empty, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
 * @param anArray      The Array to validate for empty-ness.
 * @param argumentName The argument name of the object to validate.
 *                     If supplied (i.e. non-{@code null}), this value is used in composing
 *                     a better exception message.
 * @param <T>          The type elements within the Array.
 * @return The Array submitted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the submitted Array is empty.
 * @throws NullPointerException     if the supplied Array is null.
public static <T> T[] notEmpty(final T[] anArray, final String argumentName) {
  // Check sanity
  notNull(anArray, argumentName);
  if (anArray.length == 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage("empty", argumentName));
  // All Done
  return anArray;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.test.persistence/nazgul-core-persistence-test

 * Creates a new PersistenceRedirectionClassLoader delegating all class loads to the
 * provided parent, except loading of "META-INF/persistence.xml", which is redirected
 * to the provided persistenceXmlRedirection.
 * @param parent                    The normal classloader, used for all resource loading
 *                                  except "META-INF/persistence.xml"
 * @param persistenceXmlRedirection The location to use when loading "META-INF/persistence.xml".
 *                                  An example would be "META-INF/dbprimer_persistence.xml"
public PersistenceRedirectionClassLoader(@NotNull final ClassLoader parent,
                     @NotNull @Size(min = 1) final String persistenceXmlRedirection) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notNull(parent, "parent");
  // Assign internal state
  this.parent = parent;
  this.persistenceXmlRedirection = persistenceXmlRedirection;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

 * {@inheritDoc}
public <OriginalType, TransportType> Class<OriginalType> getOriginalType(
    @NotNull final Class<TransportType> transportType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notNull(transportType, "transportType");
  Validate.isTrue(transportType != JaxbAnnotatedNull.class,
      "Cannot acquire OriginalType for JaxbAnnotatedNull argument.");
  // If the transportType is neither a Primitive nor annotated with XmlType ... complain.
  boolean incorrectType = !transportType.isPrimitive()
      && !SELF_CONVERTIBLE.contains(transportType)
      && !transportType.isAnnotationPresent(XmlType.class);
  if (incorrectType) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied transportType [" + transportType.getName()
        + "] is not annotated with XmlType.");
  // Find something in our registry?
  for (Class<?> current : registry.getPossibleConversions(transportType)) {
    // Is this a non-transport type?
    if (!current.isAnnotationPresent(XmlType.class)) {
      return (Class<OriginalType>) current;
  // None found.
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.test.persistence/nazgul-core-persistence-test

private void addParameter(final SortedMap<Integer, String> target, final int index, final String value) {

    if (index >= 0) {

      // Check sanity
          "Key [" + index + "] already present in target map [" + target + "]");

      // Add the value.
      target.put(index, value);

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws a NullPointerException otherwise.
 * @param object       The object to validate for {@code null}-ness.
 * @param argumentName The argument name of the object to validate. If supplied (i.e. non-{@code null}),
 *                     this value is used in composing a better exception message.
 * @return The supplied object - if it is was not null.
 * @throws NullPointerException if the supplied object was null.
public static <T> T notNull(final T object, final String argumentName) {
  // Check sanity
  if (object == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException(getMessage("null", argumentName));
  // All done.
  return object;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

Validate.notNull(pointOfOrigin, "pointOfOrigin");
Validate.notEmpty(propertyExpression, "propertyExpression");

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
 * @param aString      The string to validate for emptyness.
 * @param argumentName The argument name of the object to validate.
 *                     If supplied (i.e. non-{@code null}), this value is used in composing
 *                     a better exception message.
 * @return The non-empty String submitted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the submitted {@code aString} is empty.
 * @throws NullPointerException     if the supplied {@code aString} is null.
public static String notEmpty(final String aString, final String argumentName) {
  // Check sanity
  notNull(aString, argumentName);
  if (aString.length() == 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage("empty", argumentName));
  // All done
  return aString;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.reflection.api/nazgul-core-reflection-api

Validate.isTrue(char1 < BASELENGTH, ERROR_PREFIX
    + "Each byte must be < " + BASELENGTH + " [Got: " + char1 + "].");
Validate.isTrue(char2 < BASELENGTH, ERROR_PREFIX
    + "Each byte must be < " + BASELENGTH + " [Got: " + char2 + "].");

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

 * Compound default constructor, wrapping the provided value within itself.
 * @param value The original type value to wrap.
public AbstractJaxbAnnotatedTransportType(@NotNull final T value) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notNull(value, "value");
  // Assign internal state
  this.value = value;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.cache.api/nazgul-core-cache-api

 * Creates a new AbstractTransactedAction with the provided message
 * to be logged on rollback / transaction failure.
 * @param rollbackErrorMessage An exception message logged if the TransactedAction failed.
protected AbstractTransactedAction(@NotNull final String rollbackErrorMessage) {
  this.rollbackErrorMessage = Validate.notEmpty(rollbackErrorMessage, "rollbackErrorMessage");

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
 * @param aMap         The Map to validate for emptyness.
 * @param argumentName The argument name of the object to validate.
 *                     If supplied (i.e. non-{@code null}), this value is used in composing
 *                     a better exception message.
 * @param <K>          the type of keys found within the Map.
 * @param <V>          the type of values found within the Map.
 * @param <M>          the exact type of Map submitted for emptyness check.
 * @return The Collection submitted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the submitted Map is empty.
 * @throws NullPointerException     if the supplied Map is null.
public static <K, V, M extends Map<K, V>> M notEmpty(final M aMap, final String argumentName) {
  // Check sanity
  notNull(aMap, argumentName);
  if (aMap.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage("empty", argumentName));
  // All done
  return aMap;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.cache.api/nazgul-core-cache-api

 * Creates a read-only iterator backed by the provided delegate.
 * @param delegate The iterator made readonly by this ReadOnlyIterator wrapper.
public ReadOnlyIterator(@NotNull final Iterator<E> delegate) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notNull(delegate, "delegate");
  // Assign internal state
  this.delegate = delegate;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Creates a new PatternMatchFilter using the provided regexp pattern to match candidates.
 * @param pattern A non-empty pattern to be used for regexp pattern in a matcher.
public PatternMatchFilter(final String pattern) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notEmpty(pattern, "pattern");
  regexpPattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.algorithms.api/nazgul-core-algorithms-api

 * Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws a NullPointerException otherwise.
 * If the supplied collection is empty, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
 * @param aCollection  The Collection to validate for emptyness.
 * @param argumentName The argument name of the object to validate.
 *                     If supplied (i.e. non-{@code null}), this value is used in composing
 *                     a better exception message.
 * @param <C>          The type of Collection to validate for emptyness.
 * @param <T>          The type elements within the Collection.
 * @return The Collection submitted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the submitted Collection is empty.
 * @throws NullPointerException     if the supplied Collection is null.
public static <T, C extends Collection<T>> C notEmpty(final C aCollection, final String argumentName) {
  // Check sanity
  notNull(aCollection, argumentName);
  if (aCollection.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage("empty", argumentName));
  // All done
  return aCollection;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

   * Assigns the singleton TypeConverterRegistry instance used
   * by all EntityWrapper instances.
   * @param registry The TypeConverterRegistry instance to use.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the registry parameter was null.
  public static void setTransportTypeConverterRegistry(@NotNull final JaxbConverterRegistry registry)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {

    Validate.notNull(registry, "registry");
    typeConverterRegistry = registry;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.clustering.api/nazgul-core-clustering-api

 * Compound constructor creating a ConstantIdGenerator which always returns the provided id String.
 * @param id The constant id.
public ConstantIdGenerator(@NotNull final String id) {
  // Check sanity
  Validate.notEmpty(id, "id");
  // Assign internal state = id;

代码示例来源:origin: se.jguru.nazgul.core.xmlbinding.spi.jaxb/nazgul-core-xmlbinding-spi-jaxb

 * Compound constructor, creating a new SortedClassNameSetKey from the provided classNames Set.
 * @param classNames A set of class names.
public SortedClassNameSetKey(@NotNull final SortedSet<String> classNames) {
  Validate.notNull(classNames, "classNames");
  this.classNames = classNames;
  syntheticKey = classNames.toString();



