
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/geode

public void sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification)
  throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException {
 if (notification == null)
  throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(
    "Notification cannot be null."));
 Logger modelMBeanLogger = getModelMBeanLogger(notification.getType());
 if (modelMBeanLogger != null)
  if (modelMBeanLogger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
   modelMBeanLogger.debug("ModelMBean log: " + new Date() + " - " + notification);
 Logger logger = getLogger();
 if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
  logger.debug("Attribute change notification " + notification + " sent");

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.web/jbossweb

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.coyote.springsource/

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: com.ovea.tajin.server/tajin-server-tomcat7

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: codefollower/Tomcat-Research

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat/util

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: commons-modeler/commons-modeler

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.web/jbossweb

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.ops4j.pax.tipi/org.ops4j.pax.tipi.tomcat-embed-core

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return false;
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return false;
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return false;
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return true;
      return names.contains(acn.getAttributeName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.coyote/

 * <p>Test whether notification enabled for this event.
 * Return true if:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This is an attribute change notification</li>
 * <li>Either the set of accepted names is empty (implying that all
 *     attribute names are of interest) or the set of accepted names
 *     includes the name of the attribute in this notification</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
  if (notification == null)
    return (false);
  if (!(notification instanceof AttributeChangeNotification))
    return (false);
  AttributeChangeNotification acn =
    (AttributeChangeNotification) notification;
  if (!AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE.equals(acn.getType()))
    return (false);
  synchronized (names) {
    if (names.size() < 1)
      return (true);
      return (names.contains(acn.getAttributeName()));

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly-core

private void writeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification, Path path) {
  try (BufferedWriter in = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
    in.write(String.format("%s %s %s %s", notification.getType(), notification.getSequenceNumber(), notification.getSource().toString(), notification.getMessage()));
      try (BufferedWriter in = Files
          .newBufferedWriter(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
        in.write(String.format("%s %s %s %s", notification.getType(),
            notification.getSequenceNumber(), notification.getSource().toString(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.geode/gemfire-core

public void sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException
 if (notification == null) throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_NOTIFICATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
 Logger modelMBeanLogger = getModelMBeanLogger(notification.getType());
 if (modelMBeanLogger != null) if (modelMBeanLogger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG)) modelMBeanLogger.debug("ModelMBean log: " + new Date() + " - " + notification);
 Logger logger = getLogger();
 if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG)) logger.debug("Attribute change notification " + notification + " sent");

代码示例来源:origin: io.snappydata/gemfire-core

public void sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException
 if (notification == null) throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_NOTIFICATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
 Logger modelMBeanLogger = getModelMBeanLogger(notification.getType());
 if (modelMBeanLogger != null) if (modelMBeanLogger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG)) modelMBeanLogger.debug("ModelMBean log: " + new Date() + " - " + notification);
 Logger logger = getLogger();
 if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG)) logger.debug("Attribute change notification " + notification + " sent");
