
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  



[英]This gets the effective boolean value of the attribute, or throws a DataConversionException if a conversion can't be performed. True values are: "true", "on", "1", and "yes". False values are: "false", "off", "0", and "no". Values are trimmed before comparison. Values other than those listed here throw the exception.


代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

private Boolean parseBooleanAttr(final Element sharingChild, final String attrName) {
  final Attribute attribute = sharingChild.getAttribute(attrName);
  Boolean attrValue = null;
  if (attribute != null) {
    try {
      attrValue = Boolean.valueOf(attribute.getBooleanValue());
    } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
      // dont use the data
  return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: com.rometools/rome-modules

private Boolean parseBooleanAttr(final Element sharingChild, final String attrName) {
  final Attribute attribute = sharingChild.getAttribute(attrName);
  Boolean attrValue = null;
  if (attribute != null) {
    try {
      attrValue = Boolean.valueOf(attribute.getBooleanValue());
    } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
      // dont use the data
  return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.marmotta/sesame-tools-rio-rss

private Boolean parseBooleanAttr(Element sharingChild, String attrName) {
  Attribute attribute = sharingChild.getAttribute(attrName);
  Boolean attrValue = null;
  if (attribute != null) {
    try {
      attrValue = Boolean.valueOf(attribute.getBooleanValue());
    } catch (DataConversionException e) {
      // dont use the data
  return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/marmotta

private Boolean parseBooleanAttr(Element sharingChild, String attrName) {
  Attribute attribute = sharingChild.getAttribute(attrName);
  Boolean attrValue = null;
  if (attribute != null) {
    try {
      attrValue = attribute.getBooleanValue();
    } catch (DataConversionException e) {
      // dont use the data
  return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: org.opencadc/cadc-uws

private String parseStringContent(Element e)
  throws DataConversionException
  if (e == null)
    return null;
  Attribute nil = e.getAttribute("nil", UWS.XSI_NS);
  if (nil != null && nil.getBooleanValue())
    return null;
  return e.getTextTrim();

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

private DatasetScanConfig.AddLatest readDatasetScanAddLatest(Element addLatestElem) {
 String latestName = "latest.xml";
 String serviceName = "Resolver";
 boolean latestOnTop = true;
 boolean isResolver = true;
 String tmpLatestName = addLatestElem.getAttributeValue("name");
 if (tmpLatestName != null)
  latestName = tmpLatestName;
 String tmpserviceName = addLatestElem.getAttributeValue("serviceName");
  if (tmpserviceName != null)
   serviceName = tmpserviceName;
  // Does latest go on top or bottom of list.
 Attribute topAtt = addLatestElem.getAttribute("top");
 if (topAtt != null) {
  try {
   latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();
  } catch (DataConversionException e) {
   latestOnTop = true;
 // Get lastModifed limit.
 String lastModLimitVal = addLatestElem.getAttributeValue("lastModifiedLimit");
 long lastModLimit = -1;
 if (lastModLimitVal != null)
  lastModLimit = Long.parseLong(lastModLimitVal) * 60 * 1000; // convert minutes to millisecs
 return new DatasetScanConfig.AddLatest(latestName, serviceName, latestOnTop, lastModLimit);

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

public static final boolean readBooleanAttribute(final Element element, final String name, final Logger logger) {
  boolean val = false;
  final Attribute att = element.getAttribute(name);
  if (null == att) {
    logger.error("Could not find attribute "+name+" for element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
    return val;
  try {
    val = att.getBooleanValue();
  } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
    logger.error("Cannot read the attribute "+name+" of the element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

public static final boolean readBooleanAttribute(final Element element, final String name, final Logger logger) {
  boolean val = false;
  final Attribute att = element.getAttribute(name);
  if (null == att) {
    logger.error("Could not find attribute "+name+" for element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
    return val;
  try {
    val = att.getBooleanValue();
  } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
    logger.error("Cannot read the attribute "+name+" of the element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

if (topAtt != null) {
 try {
  latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();
 } catch (DataConversionException e) {
  latestOnTop = true;

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

if (topAtt != null) {
 try {
  latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();
 } catch (DataConversionException e) {
  latestOnTop = true;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

  isInt = child.getAttribute( FEATURE_ISINT_ATTRIBUTE ).getBooleanValue();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

  isInt = child.getAttribute( FEATURE_ISINT_ATTRIBUTE ).getBooleanValue();

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/bigdataviewer_fiji

z = element.getAttribute( "Z", NAMESPACE ).getDoubleValue();
channel = element.getAttribute( "Ch", NAMESPACE ).getIntValue();
isMIP = element.getAttribute( "Mip", NAMESPACE ).getBooleanValue();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm

if (topAtt != null) {
 try {
  latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();
 } catch (DataConversionException e) {
  latestOnTop = true;

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

if (topAtt != null) {
 try {
  latestOnTop = topAtt.getBooleanValue();
 } catch (DataConversionException e) {
  latestOnTop = true;

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

  cached = elem.getAttribute( CACHED_TAG ).getBooleanValue();
  active = elem.getAttribute( ACTIVE_TAG ).getBooleanValue();

代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm

private static StoredChallengeItem parseResponseElement(
    final Element responseElement,
    final StoredResponseItem storedResponseItem
    throws DataConversionException
  final boolean adminDefined = responseElement.getAttribute( XML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_DEFINED ) != null
      && responseElement.getAttribute( XML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_DEFINED ).getBooleanValue();
  final int minLength = responseElement.getAttribute( XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_LENGTH ) == null
      ? 0
      : responseElement.getAttribute( XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_LENGTH ).getIntValue();
  final int maxLength = responseElement.getAttribute( XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH ) == null
      ? 0
      : responseElement.getAttribute( XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH ).getIntValue();
  final boolean required = responseElement.getAttribute( XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED ) != null
      && responseElement.getAttribute( XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED ).getBooleanValue();
  final String challengeText = responseElement.getChild( XML_NODE_CHALLENGE ) == null
      ? ""
      : responseElement.getChild( XML_NODE_CHALLENGE ).getText();
  return StoredChallengeItem.builder()
      .responseLevel( required ? ResponseLevel.REQUIRED : ResponseLevel.RANDOM )
      .questionText( challengeText )
      .id( makeId( challengeText ) )
      .answer( storedResponseItem )

代码示例来源:origin: ssaring/sportstracker

if (aRecDistance != null) {
  try {
  } catch (DataConversionException dce) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse the record-distance of sport type with ID '" +

代码示例来源:origin: vasl-developers/vasl

hasHills = root.getAttribute(boardMetadataHasHillsAttr).getBooleanValue();
boardImageFileName = root.getAttributeValue(boardMetadataImageFileNameAttr);
name = root.getAttributeValue(boardMetadataNameAttr);
  altHexGrain = root.getAttribute(boardMetadataAltHexGrainAttr).getBooleanValue();
