
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  



[英]This gets the value of the attribute, in double form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException


代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private static final double readDistanceCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_DISTANCE_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private static final double readTimeCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
    val = element.getChild( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ELEMENT )
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

private static final double readDistanceCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_DISTANCE_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

private static final double readTimeCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
    val = element.getChild( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ELEMENT )
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private static double[] readCalibration( final File source ) throws JDOMException, IOException
  final SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder();
  final Document document = source );
  final Element root = document.getRootElement();
  final double[] calibration = new double[ 3 ];
  final Element settings = root.getChild( "Settings" );
  final Element imageData = settings.getChild( "ImageData" );
  calibration[ 0 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "pixelwidth" ).getDoubleValue();
  calibration[ 1 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "pixelheight" ).getDoubleValue();
  calibration[ 2 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "voxeldepth" ).getDoubleValue();
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

private static double[] readCalibration( final File source ) throws JDOMException, IOException
  final SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder();
  final Document document = source );
  final Element root = document.getRootElement();
  final double[] calibration = new double[ 3 ];
  final Element settings = root.getChild( "Settings" );
  final Element imageData = settings.getChild( "ImageData" );
  calibration[ 0 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "pixelwidth" ).getDoubleValue();
  calibration[ 1 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "pixelheight" ).getDoubleValue();
  calibration[ 2 ] = imageData.getAttribute( "voxeldepth" ).getDoubleValue();
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

 * Unmarshall the attributes of a JDom element in a map of doubles. Mappings
 * are <b>added</b> to the specified map. If a value is found not to be a
 * double, an error is returned.
 * @return <code>true</code> if all values were found and mapped as doubles,
 *         <code>false</code> otherwise and the error holder is updated.
public static boolean unmarshallMap( final Element element, final Map< String, Double > map, final StringBuilder errorHolder )
  boolean ok = true;
  final List< Attribute > attributes = element.getAttributes();
  for ( final Attribute att : attributes )
    final String key = att.getName();
      final double val = att.getDoubleValue();
      map.put( key, val );
    catch ( final DataConversionException e )
      errorHolder.append( "Could not convert the " + key + " attribute to double. Got " + att.getValue() + ".\n" );
      ok = false;
  return ok;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

 * Look for all the sub-elements of <code>element</code> with the name
 * TRACKER_SETTINGS_FEATURE_ELEMENT, fetch the feature attributes from them,
 * and returns them in a map.
private static final Map< String, Double > readTrackerFeatureMap( final Element element )
  final Map< String, Double > map = new HashMap< >();
  final List< Element > featurelinkingElements = element.getChildren( TRACKER_SETTINGS_FEATURE_ELEMENT );
  for ( final Element el : featurelinkingElements )
    final List< Attribute > atts = el.getAttributes();
    for ( final Attribute att : atts )
      final String feature = att.getName();
      Double cutoff;
        cutoff = att.getDoubleValue();
      catch ( final DataConversionException e )
        cutoff = 0d;
      map.put( feature, cutoff );
  return map;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Unmarshall the attributes of a JDom element in a map of doubles. Mappings
 * are <b>added</b> to the specified map. If a value is found not to be a
 * double, an error is returned.
 * @return <code>true</code> if all values were found and mapped as doubles,
 *         <code>false</code> otherwise and the error holder is updated.
public static boolean unmarshallMap( final Element element, final Map< String, Double > map, final StringBuilder errorHolder )
  boolean ok = true;
  final List< Attribute > attributes = element.getAttributes();
  for ( final Attribute att : attributes )
    final String key = att.getName();
      final double val = att.getDoubleValue();
      map.put( key, val );
    catch ( final DataConversionException e )
      errorHolder.append( "Could not convert the " + key + " attribute to double. Got " + att.getValue() + ".\n" );
      ok = false;
  return ok;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Look for all the sub-elements of <code>element</code> with the name
 * TRACKER_SETTINGS_FEATURE_ELEMENT, fetch the feature attributes from them,
 * and returns them in a map.
private static final Map< String, Double > readTrackerFeatureMap( final Element element )
  final Map< String, Double > map = new HashMap< >();
  final List< Element > featurelinkingElements = element.getChildren( TRACKER_SETTINGS_FEATURE_ELEMENT );
  for ( final Element el : featurelinkingElements )
    final List< Attribute > atts = el.getAttributes();
    for ( final Attribute att : atts )
      final String feature = att.getName();
      Double cutoff;
        cutoff = att.getDoubleValue();
      catch ( final DataConversionException e )
        cutoff = 0d;
      map.put( feature, cutoff );
  return map;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

  attVal = attribute.getDoubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

  attVal = attribute.getDoubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

  attVal = attribute.getDoubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

public static final double readDoubleAttribute(final Element element, final String name, final Logger logger) {
  double val = 0;
  final Attribute att = element.getAttribute(name);
  if (null == att) {
    logger.error("Could not find attribute "+name+" for element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
    return val;
  try {
    val = att.getDoubleValue();
  } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
    logger.error("Cannot read the attribute "+name+" of the element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

public static final double readDoubleAttribute(final Element element, final String name, final Logger logger) {
  double val = 0;
  final Attribute att = element.getAttribute(name);
  if (null == att) {
    logger.error("Could not find attribute "+name+" for element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
    return val;
  try {
    val = att.getDoubleValue();
  } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
    logger.error("Cannot read the attribute "+name+" of the element "+element.getName()+", substituting default value.\n");
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

private PrecisionModel createPrecisionModel(Element precisionModelElement)
    throws TestParseException {
  Attribute scaleAttribute = precisionModelElement.getAttribute("scale");
  if (scaleAttribute == null) {
    throw new TestParseException(
        "Missing scale attribute in <precisionModel>");
  double scale;
  try {
    scale = scaleAttribute.getDoubleValue();
  } catch (DataConversionException e) {
    throw new TestParseException(
        "Could not convert scale attribute to double: "
            + scaleAttribute.getValue());
  return new PrecisionModel(scale);

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private Spot createSpotFrom( final Element spotEl )
  final int ID = readIntAttribute( spotEl, SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, logger );
  final Spot spot = new Spot( ID );
  final List< Attribute > atts = spotEl.getAttributes();
  atts.remove( SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  String name = spotEl.getAttributeValue( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  if ( null == name || name.equals( "" ) )
    name = "ID" + ID;
  spot.setName( name );
  atts.remove( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  for ( final Attribute att : atts )
    if ( att.getName().equals( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) || att.getName().equals( SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )
      spot.putFeature( att.getName(), att.getDoubleValue() );
    catch ( final DataConversionException e )
      logger.error( "Cannot read the feature " + att.getName() + " value. Skipping.\n" );
  return spot;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

private Spot createSpotFrom( final Element spotEl )
  final int ID = readIntAttribute( spotEl, SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, logger );
  final Spot spot = new Spot( ID );
  final List< Attribute > atts = spotEl.getAttributes();
  atts.remove( SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  String name = spotEl.getAttributeValue( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  if ( null == name || name.equals( "" ) )
    name = "ID" + ID;
  spot.setName( name );
  atts.remove( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
  for ( final Attribute att : atts )
    if ( att.getName().equals( SPOT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) || att.getName().equals( SPOT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )
      spot.putFeature( att.getName(), att.getDoubleValue() );
    catch ( final DataConversionException e )
      logger.error( "Cannot read the feature " + att.getName() + " value. Skipping.\n" );
  return spot;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

  attVal = attribute.getDoubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

  attVal = attribute.getDoubleValue();
