
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  



[英]Return a subiterator whose bounds are defined by the input annotation.

The annot is used for 3 purposes:

  • It is used to compute the position in the index where the iteration starts.
  • It is used to compute end point where the iterator stops when moving forward.
  • It is used to specify which annotations will be skipped while iterating.

The starting position is computed by first finding a position whose annotation compares equal with the annot (this might be one of several), and then advancing until reaching a position where the annotation there is not equal to the annot. If no item in the index is equal (meaning it has the same begin, the same end, and is the same type as the annot) then the iterator is positioned to the first annotation which is greater than the annot, or if there are no annotations greater than the annot, the iterator is marked invalid.

The iterator will stop (become invalid) when

  • it runs out of items in the index going forward or backwards, or
  • while moving forward, it reaches a point where the annotation at that position has a start is beyond the annot's end position, or
  • while moving backwards, it reaches a position in front of its original starting position.

While iterating, it operates like a strict iterator; annotations whose end positions are > the end position of annot are skipped.

This is equivalent to returning annotations b such that

  • annot < b, and
  • annot.getEnd() >= b.getBegin(), skipping b's whose end position is > annot.getEnd().

For annotations x, y, x < y here is to be interpreted as "x comes before y in the index", according to the rules defined in the description of AnnotationIndex.

This definition implies that annotations b that have the same span as annot may or may not be returned by the subiterator. This is determined by the type priorities; the subiterator will only return such an annotation b if the type of annot precedes the type of b in the type priorities definition. If you have not specified the priority, or if annot and b are of the same type, then the behavior is undefined.

For example, if you have an annotation S of type Sentence and an annotation P of type Paragraph that have the same span, and you have defined Paragraph before Sentence in your type priorities, then subiterator(P) will give you an iterator that will return S, but subiterator(S) will give you an iterator that will NOT return P. The intuition is that a Paragraph is conceptually larger than a Sentence, as defined by the type priorities.

Calling subiterator(a) is equivalent to calling subiterator(a, true, true).. See #subiterator(AnnotationFS,boolean,boolean).
*annot < b,以及
*annot.getEnd() >= b.getBegin(),跳过结束位置为>annot的b's。getEnd()。
根据AnnotationIndex描述中定义的规则,对于注释x,y,x < y这里被解释为“索引中x在y之前”。
调用subiterator(a)等同于调用subiterator(a, true, true).。请参见#子迭代器(注释、布尔、布尔)。


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.ctakes/ctakes-assertion

protected void buildSentenceToTokenNumberMap() {
 sentenceToTokenNumberMap = new HashMap<Sentence, List<BaseToken>>();
 for (Sentence s : beginTreeMap.values()) {
  FSIterator<Annotation> tokensInSentenceIterator = jcas
  List<BaseToken> btList = new ArrayList<BaseToken>();
  BaseToken bt = null;
  while ((bt = this.getNextNonEOLToken(tokensInSentenceIterator)) != null) {
  sentenceToTokenNumberMap.put(s, btList);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ctakes

protected void buildSentenceToTokenNumberMap() {
 sentenceToTokenNumberMap = new HashMap<Sentence, List<BaseToken>>();
 for (Sentence s : beginTreeMap.values()) {
  FSIterator<Annotation> tokensInSentenceIterator = jcas
  List<BaseToken> btList = new ArrayList<BaseToken>();
  BaseToken bt = null;
  while ((bt = this.getNextNonEOLToken(tokensInSentenceIterator)) != null) {
  sentenceToTokenNumberMap.put(s, btList);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ctakes

   * Gets a list of annotations within the specified window annotation.
//     * @param annotItr
   * @param jCas
   * @param window
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  private List<Annotation> constrainToWindow(JCas jCas, int type, Annotation window) {

    List<Annotation> list = new ArrayList<Annotation>();

    FSIterator subiterator = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(type).subiterator(window);

    while (subiterator.hasNext()) {
      Annotation annot = (Annotation);
    return list;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.ctakes/ctakes-ne-contexts

   * Gets a list of annotations within the specified window annotation.
//     * @param annotItr
   * @param jCas
   * @param window
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  private List<Annotation> constrainToWindow(JCas jCas, int type, Annotation window) {

    List<Annotation> list = new ArrayList<Annotation>();

    FSIterator subiterator = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(type).subiterator(window);

    while (subiterator.hasNext()) {
      Annotation annot = (Annotation);
    return list;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

public static FeatureStructure[] getDebugLogicalStructure_SubAnnotations(AnnotationFS fs) {
 // uses sub iterators - may cause apparant skipping of initial annotations due to type
 // priorities.
 return getIndexContents(fs.getCAS().getAnnotationIndex().subiterator(fs)); // built-in
 // annotation
 // index

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ctakes

protected List<Annotation> getMiddleScopeContextAnnotations(JCas jCas, Annotation focus)
    throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
  List<Annotation> scopeContextAnnotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
  FSIterator subiterator = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(contextType).subiterator(focus);
  while (subiterator.hasNext()) {
  if (scopeContextAnnotations.size() == 0 && JCasUtil.getType(focus.getClass()) == contextType)
  else if (scopeContextAnnotations.size() == 0) {
    TypeSystem typeSystem = jCas.getTypeSystem();
    Type superType = jCas.getType(focusType).casType;
    Type subType = focus.getType();
    if (typeSystem.subsumes(superType, subType))
  return scopeContextAnnotations;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.ctakes/ctakes-ne-contexts

protected List<Annotation> getMiddleScopeContextAnnotations(JCas jCas, Annotation focus)
    throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
  List<Annotation> scopeContextAnnotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
  FSIterator subiterator = jCas.getAnnotationIndex(contextType).subiterator(focus);
  while (subiterator.hasNext()) {
  if (scopeContextAnnotations.size() == 0 && JCasUtil.getType(focus.getClass()) == contextType)
  else if (scopeContextAnnotations.size() == 0) {
    TypeSystem typeSystem = jCas.getTypeSystem();
    Type superType = jCas.getType(focusType).casType;
    Type subType = focus.getType();
    if (typeSystem.subsumes(superType, subType))
  return scopeContextAnnotations;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/ruta-core

public List<RutaBasic> getBasicsInWindow(AnnotationFS windowAnnotation) {
 List<RutaBasic> result = new ArrayList<RutaBasic>();
 if (windowAnnotation instanceof RutaBasic) {
  result.add((RutaBasic) windowAnnotation);
  return result;
 FSMatchConstraint defaultConstraint = filter.getDefaultConstraint();
 FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(
     cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).subiterator(windowAnnotation), defaultConstraint);
 while (iterator.isValid()) {
  result.add((RutaBasic) iterator.get());
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/textmarker-core

public List<TextMarkerBasic> getBasicsInWindow(AnnotationFS windowAnnotation) {
 List<TextMarkerBasic> result = new ArrayList<TextMarkerBasic>();
 if (windowAnnotation instanceof TextMarkerBasic) {
  result.add((TextMarkerBasic) windowAnnotation);
  return result;
 FSMatchConstraint defaultConstraint = filter.getDefaultConstraint();
 FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(cas
     .getAnnotationIndex(basicType).subiterator(windowAnnotation), defaultConstraint);
 while (iterator.isValid()) {
  result.add((TextMarkerBasic) iterator.get());
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: nlpie/biomedicus

private void divideAnnotation(AnnotationFS annotation) {
 FSIterator<AnnotationFS> subiterator = dividers.subiterator(annotation);
 int begin = annotation.getBegin();
 while (subiterator.hasNext()) {
  int end =;
  cas.addFsToIndexes(cas.createAnnotation(typeToCreate, begin, end));
  begin = end;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/ruta-core

private void updateIterators(CAS cas, Type basicType, FilterManager filter,
    AnnotationFS additionalWindow) {
 if (additionalWindow != null) {
  this.basicIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).subiterator(additionalWindow);
 } else {
  this.basicIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).iterator();
 currentIt = filter.createFilteredIterator(cas, basicType);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ctakes

 * For correct behavior, requires types to be listed in TypePriorities so that the subiterator works as expected
public static FSIterator getAnnotationsIteratorInSpan(JCas jcas, int type, int beginSpan, int endSpan)
  Annotation ann = new Annotation(jcas, beginSpan, endSpan);
  AnnotationIndex<?> annIdx = jcas.getAnnotationIndex(type);
  FSIterator<?> itr = annIdx.subiterator(ann);
  return itr;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/textmarker-core

private void updateIterators(CAS cas, Type basicType, FilterManager filter,
    AnnotationFS additionalWindow) {
 if (additionalWindow != null) {
  this.basicIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).subiterator(additionalWindow);
 } else {
  this.basicIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).iterator();
 currentIt = filter.createFilteredIterator(cas, basicType);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.ctakes/ctakes-core

 * For correct behavior, requires types to be listed in TypePriorities so that the subiterator works as expected
public static FSIterator getAnnotationsIteratorInSpan(JCas jcas, int type, int beginSpan, int endSpan)
  Annotation ann = new Annotation(jcas, beginSpan, endSpan);
  AnnotationIndex<?> annIdx = jcas.getAnnotationIndex(type);
  FSIterator<?> itr = annIdx.subiterator(ann);
  return itr;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/uimafit-core

 * Convenience method to get a sub-iterator for the specified type.
 * @param <T>
 *          the iteration type.
 * @param container
 *          the containing annotation.
 * @param type
 *          the type.
 * @param ambiguous
 *          If set to <code>false</code>, resulting iterator will be unambiguous.
 * @param strict
 *          Controls if annotations that overlap to the right are considered in or out.
 * @return A sub-iterator.
 * @see <a href="package-summary.html#SortOrder">Order of selected feature structures</a>
public static <T extends AnnotationFS> Iterator<T> iterator(AnnotationFS container,
    Class<T> type, boolean ambiguous, boolean strict) {
 CAS cas = container.getCAS();
 return ((AnnotationIndex<T>) cas.getAnnotationIndex(CasUtil.getType(cas, type))).subiterator(
     container, ambiguous, strict);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/ruta-core

public FSIterator<AnnotationFS> createFilteredIterator(CAS cas, Type basicType) {
 if (windowAnnotation != null) {
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> windowIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType)
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(windowIt,
  return iterator;
 } else {
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(
      cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).iterator(), createCurrentConstraint(false));
  return iterator;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/textmarker-core

public FSIterator<AnnotationFS> createFilteredIterator(CAS cas, Type basicType) {
 if (windowAnnotation != null) {
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> windowIt = cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).subiterator(
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(windowIt,
  return iterator;
 } else {
  FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = cas.createFilteredIterator(
      cas.getAnnotationIndex(basicType).iterator(), createCurrentConstraint(false));
  return iterator;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.ctakes/ctakes-ytex-uima

private void negateAnnotations(JCas aJCas, AnnotationIndex sentenceIdx,
    AnnotationIndex targetIdx, TargetAnnoFilter filter) {
  FSIterator sentenceIter = sentenceIdx.iterator();
  while (sentenceIter.hasNext()) {
    Sentence s = (Sentence);
    FSIterator neIter = targetIdx.subiterator(s);
    while (neIter.hasNext()) {
      Annotation ne = (Annotation);
      if (filter == null || filter.filter(ne))
        checkNegation(aJCas, s, ne);
      // checkNegation2(aJCas, s, ne);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ctakes

private void negateAnnotations(JCas aJCas, AnnotationIndex sentenceIdx,
    AnnotationIndex targetIdx, TargetAnnoFilter filter) {
  FSIterator sentenceIter = sentenceIdx.iterator();
  while (sentenceIter.hasNext()) {
    Sentence s = (Sentence);
    FSIterator neIter = targetIdx.subiterator(s);
    while (neIter.hasNext()) {
      Annotation ne = (Annotation);
      if (filter == null || filter.filter(ne))
        checkNegation(aJCas, s, ne);
      // checkNegation2(aJCas, s, ne);

代码示例来源:origin: de.julielab/jcore-opennlp-parser-ae

private void addHeadAnnotation(Constituent cons, Span headSpan) throws CASRuntimeException, CASException {
  FSIterator tokens = cons.getCAS().getJCas().getAnnotationIndex(Token.type).subiterator(cons);
  int headStart = offsetMap.getMapping(headSpan.getStart());
  int headEnd = offsetMap.getMapping(headSpan.getEnd());
  while (tokens.hasNext()) {
    Token token = (Token);
    if (token.getBegin() == headStart && token.getEnd() == headEnd) {



