
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]A word is an ordered sequence of symbols. Words are generally immutable, i.e., a single Word object will never change (unless symbol objects are modified, which is however highly discouraged).

This class provides the following static methods for creating words in the most common scenarios:

  • #epsilon() returns the empty word of length 0
  • #fromLetter(Object) turns a single letter into a word of length 1
  • #fromSymbols(Object...) creates a word from an array of symbols
  • #fromArray(Object[],int,int) creates a word from a subrange of a symbols array
  • #fromList(List)creates a word from a List of symbols

Modification operations like #append(Object) or #concat(Word...) create new objects, subsequently invoking these operations on the respective objects returned is therefore highly inefficient. If words need to be dynamically created, a WordBuilder should be used.

This is an abstract base class for word representations. Implementing classes only need to implement

  • #getSymbol(int)
  • #length()

However, for the sake of efficiency it is highly encouraged to overwrite the other methods as well, providing specialized realizations.


代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

protected Word<I> subWordInternal(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
  int wLen = word.length();
  if (fromIndex < wLen) {
    if (toIndex <= wLen) {
      return word.subWord(fromIndex, toIndex);
    return new ExtensionWord<>(word.subWord(fromIndex, wLen), letter);
  } else if (fromIndex == wLen) {
    return Word.fromLetter(letter);
  return Word.epsilon();

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public I getSymbol(int index) {
  if (index == word.length()) {
    return letter;
  return word.getSymbol(index);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public Word<I> get(int index) {
  if (index < 0 || index > word.length()) {
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
  if (prefix) {
    return word.prefix(index);
  if (reverse) {
    return word.suffix(word.length() - index);
  return word.suffix(index);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public boolean isPrefixOf(Word<?> other) {
  int wordLen = word.length();
  if (wordLen >= other.length()) {
    return false;
  if (!word.isPrefixOf(other)) {
    return false;
  return Objects.equals(other.getSymbol(wordLen), letter);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-util

Record<S, I> initRec = new Record<>(init, Word.epsilon(), Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size()));
reach.put(init, initRec);
  if (oldStateAs.isEmpty()) {
  Word<I> asPrefix = oldStateAs.prefix(oldStateAs.length() - 1);
  S pred = automaton.getState(asPrefix);
  assert pred != null;
        "State cover was not prefix-closed: prefix of " + oldStateAs + " not in set");
  I lastSym = oldStateAs.lastSymbol();
      S succ = automaton.getSuccessor(curr.state, input);
      Word<I> newAs = curr.accessSequence.append(input);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public static <I, O> DefaultQuery<I, O> reduceCounterExample(MealyMachine<?, I, ?, O> hypothesis,
                               DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>> ceQuery) {
  Word<I> cePrefix = ceQuery.getPrefix(), ceSuffix = ceQuery.getSuffix();
  Word<O> hypOut = hypothesis.computeSuffixOutput(cePrefix, ceSuffix);
  Word<O> ceOut = ceQuery.getOutput();
  assert ceOut.length() == hypOut.length();
  int mismatchIdx = findMismatch(hypOut, ceOut);
  if (mismatchIdx == NO_MISMATCH) {
    return null;
  return new DefaultQuery<>(cePrefix, ceSuffix.prefix(mismatchIdx + 1), ceOut.getSymbol(mismatchIdx));

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

Word<I> predAs = oldTransAs.prefix(oldTransAs.length() - 1);
S pred = automaton.getState(predAs);
if (pred == null) {
      "Invalid transition: prefix of transition " + oldTransAs + " not covered by state cover");
I lastSym = oldTransAs.lastSymbol();
Record<S, I> predRec = reach.get(pred);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

 * Retrieves a prefix of the given length. If <code>length</code> is negative, then a prefix consisting of all but
 * the last <code>-length</code> symbols is returned.
 * @param prefixLen
 *         the length of the prefix (may be negative, see above).
 * @return the prefix of the given length.
public final Word<I> prefix(int prefixLen) {
  final int length = prefixLen < 0 ? length() + prefixLen : prefixLen;
  return subWord(0, length);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public Word<I> subWordInternal(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
  if (fromIndex > 0 || toIndex == 0) {
    return Word.epsilon();
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-ttt

private void splitState(OutputInconsistency<I, D> outIncons) {
  OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I, D> acex = deriveAcex(outIncons);
  try {
    int breakpoint = analyzer.analyzeAbstractCounterexample(acex);
    assert !acex.testEffects(breakpoint, breakpoint + 1);
    Word<I> suffix = outIncons.suffix;
    TTTState<I, D> predState = getDeterministicState(outIncons.srcState, suffix.prefix(breakpoint));
    TTTState<I, D> succState = getDeterministicState(outIncons.srcState, suffix.prefix(breakpoint + 1));
    assert getDeterministicState(predState, Word.fromLetter(suffix.getSymbol(breakpoint))) == succState;
    I sym = suffix.getSymbol(breakpoint);
    Word<I> splitSuffix = suffix.subWord(breakpoint + 1);
    TTTTransition<I, D> trans = predState.getTransition(alphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym));
    assert !trans.isTree();
    D oldOut = acex.effect(breakpoint + 1);
    D newOut = succEffect(acex.effect(breakpoint));
    splitState(trans, splitSuffix, oldOut, newOut);
  } catch (HypothesisChangedException ignored) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public static <I, O> DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>> shortenCounterExample(MealyMachine<?, I, ?, O> hypothesis,
                                  DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>> ceQuery) {
  Word<I> cePrefix = ceQuery.getPrefix(), ceSuffix = ceQuery.getSuffix();
  Word<O> hypOut = hypothesis.computeSuffixOutput(cePrefix, ceSuffix);
  Word<O> ceOut = ceQuery.getOutput();
  assert ceOut.length() == hypOut.length();
  int mismatchIdx = findMismatch(hypOut, ceOut);
  if (mismatchIdx == NO_MISMATCH) {
    return null;
  return new DefaultQuery<>(cePrefix, ceSuffix.prefix(mismatchIdx + 1), ceOut.prefix(mismatchIdx + 1));

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default Word<I> longestWellMatchedSuffix(Word<I> word) {
  int idx = word.length();
  int crb = 0;
  int lastZero = idx;
  while (idx > 0) {
    final I sym = word.getSymbol(--idx);
    switch (getSymbolType(sym)) {
      case CALL:
        if (crb > 0) {
          break outer;
      case RETURN:
    if (crb == 0) {
      lastZero = idx;
  return word.subWord(lastZero);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public Spliterator<I> spliterator() {
  return Spliterators.spliterator(iterator(),
                  Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public boolean isSuffixOf(Word<?> other) {
  return !other.isEmpty() && Objects.equals(letter, other.lastSymbol());

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-lstar-generic

public static <I> List<Word<I>> ensureSuffixCompliancy(List<Word<I>> suffixes, Alphabet<I> alphabet,
    boolean needsConsistencyCheck) {
  List<Word<I>> compSuffixes = new ArrayList<Word<I>>();
  if(needsConsistencyCheck) {
    for(int i = 0; i < alphabet.size(); i++)
  for(Word<I> w : suffixes) {
    if(needsConsistencyCheck && w.length() == 1)
  return compSuffixes;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public void writeToArray(int offset, Object[] array, int tgtOffset, int length) {
  int idx = offset, arrayIdx = tgtOffset;
  for (int i = length; i > 0; i--) {
    array[arrayIdx++] = getSymbol(idx++);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

protected D computeEffect(int index) {
  Word<I> prefix = this.suffix.prefix(index);
  Word<I> suffix = this.suffix.subWord(index);
  Word<I> asPrefix = asTransform.apply(prefix);
  return oracle.answerQuery(asPrefix, suffix);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

 * Creates a word from a list of symbols.
 * @param symbolList
 *         the list of symbols
 * @return the resulting word
public static <I> Word<I> fromList(List<? extends I> symbolList) {
  int siz = symbolList.size();
  if (siz == 0) {
    return epsilon();
  if (siz == 1) {
    return Word.fromLetter(symbolList.get(0));
  return new SharedWord<>(symbolList);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-lstar

public static <I> List<Word<I>> ensureSuffixCompliancy(List<Word<I>> suffixes) {
    List<Word<I>> compSuffixes = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Word<I> suff : suffixes) {
      if (!suff.isEmpty()) {

    return compSuffixes;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

public boolean isPrefixOf(Word<?> other) {
  return !other.isEmpty() && Objects.equals(letter, other.getSymbol(0));
