
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: redfish64/TinyTravelTracker

public ASN1SetParser getDigestAlgorithms()
  throws IOException
  Object o = _seq.readObject();
  if (o instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)o).parser();
  return (ASN1SetParser)o;

代码示例来源:origin: org.bouncycastle/bcprov-debug-jdk15on

public ASN1SetParser getDigestAlgorithms()
  throws IOException
  Object o = _seq.readObject();
  if (o instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)o).parser();
  return (ASN1SetParser)o;

代码示例来源:origin: redfish64/TinyTravelTracker

public ASN1Encodable readObject() throws IOException
  if (index == max)
    return null;
  ASN1Encodable obj = getObjectAt(index++);
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)
    return ((ASN1Sequence)obj).parser();
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)obj).parser();
  return obj;

代码示例来源:origin: org.bouncycastle/bcprov-debug-jdk15on

public ASN1Encodable readObject() throws IOException
  if (index == max)
    return null;
  ASN1Encodable obj = getObjectAt(index++);
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)
    return ((ASN1Sequence)obj).parser();
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)obj).parser();
  return obj;

代码示例来源:origin: org.bouncycastle/bcprov-debug-jdk15on

public ASN1Encodable readObject() throws IOException
  if (index == max)
    return null;
  ASN1Encodable obj = getObjectAt(index++);
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)
    return ((ASN1Sequence)obj).parser();
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)obj).parser();
  return obj;

代码示例来源:origin: redfish64/TinyTravelTracker

public ASN1Encodable readObject() throws IOException
  if (index == max)
    return null;
  ASN1Encodable obj = getObjectAt(index++);
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)
    return ((ASN1Sequence)obj).parser();
  if (obj instanceof ASN1Set)
    return ((ASN1Set)obj).parser();
  return obj;

代码示例来源:origin: redfish64/TinyTravelTracker

 * Return the object held in this tagged object as a parser assuming it has
 * the type of the passed in tag. If the object doesn't have a parser
 * associated with it, the base object is returned.
public ASN1Encodable getObjectParser(
  int     tag,
  boolean isExplicit)
  switch (tag)
  case BERTags.SET:
    return ASN1Set.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
  case BERTags.SEQUENCE:
    return ASN1Sequence.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
    return ASN1OctetString.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
  if (isExplicit)
    return getObject();
  throw new RuntimeException("implicit tagging not implemented for tag: " + tag);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bouncycastle/bcprov-debug-jdk15on

 * Return the object held in this tagged object as a parser assuming it has
 * the type of the passed in tag. If the object doesn't have a parser
 * associated with it, the base object is returned.
public ASN1Encodable getObjectParser(
  int     tag,
  boolean isExplicit)
  throws IOException
  switch (tag)
  case BERTags.SET:
    return ASN1Set.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
  case BERTags.SEQUENCE:
    return ASN1Sequence.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
    return ASN1OctetString.getInstance(this, isExplicit).parser();
  if (isExplicit)
    return getObject();
  throw new ASN1Exception("implicit tagging not implemented for tag: " + tag);
