
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]This class is used to obtain AuthConfigProvider objects that can be used to obtain authentication context configuration objects, i.e., ClientAuthConfig and ServerAuthConfig objects.

Authentication context configuration objects are used to obtain authentication context objects. Authentication context objects, that is, ClientAuthContext and ServerAuthContex objects, encapsulate authentication modules. Authentication modules are pluggable components that perform security-related processing of request and response messages.

Callers do not operate on modules directly. Instead they rely on an authentication context to manage the invocation of modules. A caller obtains an authentication context by calling the getAuthContext method on a ClientAuthConfig or ServerAuthConfig obtained from an AuthConfigProvider.

The following represents a typical sequence of calls for obtaining a client authentication context, and then using it to secure a request.

  1. AuthConfigFactory factory = AuthConfigFactory.getFactory();
  2. AuthConfigProvider provider = factory.getConfigProvider(layer,appID,listener);
  3. ClientAuthConfig config = provider.getClientAuthConfig(layer,appID,cbh)
  4. String authContextID = config.getAuthContextID(messageInfo);
  5. ClientAuthContext context = config.getAuthContext(authContextID,subject,properties);
  6. context.secureRequest(messageInfo,subject);

A system-wide AuthConfigFactory implementation can be set by invoking setFactory, and retrieved via getFactory.

Every implementation of this abstract class must offer a public, zero argument constructor. This constructor must support the construction and registration (including self-registration) of AuthConfigProviders from a persistent declarative representation.

For example, a factory implementation class could interpret the contents of a file containing a sequence of configuration entries, with one entry per AuthConfigProvider, with each entry representing:

  • The fully qualified name of the provider implementation class (or null)
  • The list of the provider initialization properties (which could be empty)

Any provider initialization properties must be specified in a form that can be passed to the provider constructor within a Map of key, value pairs, and where all keys and values within the Map are of type String.

The entry syntax must also provide for the optional inclusion of information sufficient to define a RegistrationContext. This information would only be present when the factory will register the provider. For example, each entry could provide for the inclusion of one or more RegistrationContext objects of the following form:

  • The message layer name (or null)
  • The application context identifier (or null)
  • The registration description (or null)

When a RegistrationContext is not included, the factory must make it convenient for the provider to self-register with the factory during the provider construction (see registerConfigProvider(AuthConfigProvider provider, ...)).

An AuthConfigFactory implementation is free to choose is own persistent declarative syntax as long as it conforms to the requirements defined by this class.
如果未包含RegistrationContext,则工厂必须使提供程序在构造提供程序期间能够方便地向工厂进行自注册(请参阅registerConfigProvider(AuthConfigProvider provider,…)。


代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

 * <p>
 * JASPIC 1.1 specification: if there is an {@code AuthConfigProvider} for the {@code HttpServlet} layer and
 * application context, then @{@code login} must throw a {@code ServletException} which may convey that the
 * exception was caused by an incompatibility between the {@code login} method and the configured authentication
 * mechanism. If there is no such provider, then the container must proceed with the regular {@code login} processing.
 * </p>
 * @param username The username
 * @param password The password
 * @return <code>true</code> if the login succeeded, false otherwise
 * @throws SecurityException if login is called when JASPIC is enabled for application context and layer.
public boolean login(final String username, final String password) {
  // if there is an AuthConfigProvider for the HttpServlet layer and appContext, this method must throw an exception.
  String appContext = this.buildAppContext();
  AuthConfigProvider provider = AuthConfigFactory.getFactory().getConfigProvider(layer, appContext, null);
  if (provider != null) {
    ServletException se = new ServletException("login is not supported by the JASPIC mechanism");
    throw new SecurityException(se);
  return super.login(username, password);

代码示例来源:origin: javaee-samples/javaee7-samples

 * Registers the given SAM using the standard JASPIC {@link AuthConfigFactory} but using a small set of wrappers that just
 * pass the calls through to the SAM.
 * @param serverAuthModule
public static void registerSAM(ServletContext context, ServerAuthModule serverAuthModule) {
  AuthConfigFactory.getFactory().registerConfigProvider(new TestAuthConfigProvider(serverAuthModule), "HttpServlet",
    getAppContextID(context), "Test authentication config provider");

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public boolean removeRegistration(String registrationID) {
  return elytronAuthConfigFactory.removeRegistration(registrationID) || backupAuthConfigFactory.removeRegistration(registrationID);

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

 * Register the assembled configuration against the system wide {@link AuthConfigFactory}.
 * @return The registration ID returned by the factory on registration.
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the configuration has already been registered.
public String register() {
  return register(AuthConfigFactory.getFactory());

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.soteria/

public Boolean run() {
    return AuthConfigFactory.getFactory().removeRegistration(registrationId);

代码示例来源:origin: javaee-samples/javaee7-samples

 * Constructor with signature and implementation that's required by API.
 * @param properties
 * @param factory
public TestAuthConfigProvider(Map<String, String> properties, AuthConfigFactory factory) {
  this.providerProperties = properties;
  // API requires self registration if factory is provided. Not clear
  // where the "layer" (2nd parameter)
  // and especially "appContext" (3rd parameter) values have to come from
  // at this place.
  if (factory != null) {
    factory.registerConfigProvider(this, null, null, "Auto registration");

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public AuthConfigProvider getConfigProvider(String layer, String appContext, RegistrationListener listener) {
  AuthConfigProvider authConfigProvider = elytronAuthConfigFactory.getConfigProvider(layer, appContext, listener);
  if (authConfigProvider != null || elytronAuthConfigFactory.matchesRegistration(layer, appContext) || !delegationAllowed.get()) {
    return authConfigProvider;
  return backupAuthConfigFactory.getConfigProvider(layer, appContext, listener);


HashSet<String> toBeUnregistered = new HashSet<String>();
String[] regID = getFactory().getRegistrationIDs(this);
for (String i : regID) {
  if (selfRegistered.contains(i)) {
    RegistrationContext c = getFactory().getRegistrationContext(i);
    if (c != null && !c.isPersistent()) {
  RegistrationContext r = getFactory().getRegistrationContext(i);
  for (int j = 0; j < contexts.length; j++) {
    if (contextsAreEqual(contexts[j], r)) {
  String id = getFactory().registerConfigProvider(this,
      r.getMessageLayer(), r.getAppContext(),


 * Check if there is a provider register for a given layer and appCtxt.
protected boolean hasExactMatchAuthProvider() {
  boolean exactMatch = false;
  // XXX this may need to be optimized
  AuthConfigProvider p = 
      factory.getConfigProvider(layer, appCtxt, null);
  if (p != null) {
    String[] IDs = factory.getRegistrationIDs(p);
    for (String i : IDs) {
      RegistrationContext c = factory.getRegistrationContext(i);
      if (layer.equals(c.getMessageLayer()) && 
          appCtxt.equals(c.getAppContext())) {
        exactMatch = true;
  return exactMatch;

代码示例来源:origin: org.fabric3/fabric3-binding-ws-metro

public Object run() {
    /*String defaultFactory = Security.getProperty(AuthConfigFactory.DEFAULT_FACTORY_SECURITY_PROPERTY);
    if (defaultFactory == null || !(JMACAuthConfigFactory.class.getName().equals(defaultFactory))) {
    AuthConfigFactory factory = AuthConfigFactory.getFactory();
    if (factory == null || !(factory instanceof JMACAuthConfigFactory)) {
      AuthConfigFactory.setFactory(new JMACAuthConfigFactory(loader));
    return null; // nothing to return


if (!layerSet.contains(layer)) {
  String regisID = layerDefaultRegisIDMap.remove(layer);
  String regisID = aFactory.registerConfigProvider
  (aProvider, layer, null,
"GFServerConfigProvider: self registration");


 * to be called by refresh on provider subclass, and after subclass impl.
 * has reloaded its underlying configuration system.
 * Note: Spec is silent as to whether self-registrations should be reprocessed.
public void oldRefresh() {
  if (getFactory() != null) {
    String[] regID = getFactory().getRegistrationIDs(this);
    for (String i : regID) {
      if (selfRegistered.contains(i)) {
        RegistrationContext c = getFactory().getRegistrationContext(i);
        if (c != null && !c.isPersistent()) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomcat/tomcat-jaspic-api

public static synchronized void setFactory(AuthConfigFactory factory) {
  AuthConfigFactory.factory = factory;


public void disable() {
      try {
      } finally {
        data = null;
      if (factory != null) {
        String[] ids = factory.detachListener(this.listener,layer,appCtxt);
//                if (ids != null) {
//                    for (int i=0; i < ids.length; i++) {
//                        factory.removeRegistration(ids[i]);
//                    }
//                }
        if (getJmacProviderRegisID() != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public RegistrationContext getRegistrationContext(String registrationID) {
  RegistrationContext registrationContext = elytronAuthConfigFactory.getRegistrationContext(registrationID);
  if (registrationContext == null) {
    registrationContext = backupAuthConfigFactory.getRegistrationContext(registrationID);
  return registrationContext;

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public String[] getRegistrationIDs(AuthConfigProvider provider) {
  String[] elytronRegistrationIds = elytronAuthConfigFactory.getRegistrationIDs(provider);
  String[] backupRegistrationIds = backupAuthConfigFactory.getRegistrationIDs(provider);
  return combine(elytronRegistrationIds, backupRegistrationIds);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomcat/tomcat-jaspic-api

public static AuthConfigFactory getFactory() {
  if (factory != null) {
    return factory;
      final String className = getFactoryClassName();
      try {
        factory = AccessController.doPrivileged(


private static AuthConfigFactory getAuthConfigFactory() {
  try {
    // TODO - PermissionCheck
    return AuthConfigFactory.getFactory();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // Logged at TRACE as this will be per request.
    log.trace("Unable to get AuthConfigFactory", e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/security-soteria

public Boolean run() {
    return AuthConfigFactory.getFactory().removeRegistration(registrationId);

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

 * Register the assembled configuration against the supplied {@link AuthConfigFactory}.
 * @param authConfigFactory the {@link AuthConfigFactory} to register the configuration against.
 * @return The registration ID returned by the factory on registration.
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the configuration has already been registered.
public String register(AuthConfigFactory authConfigFactory) {
  registered = true;
  return authConfigFactory.registerConfigProvider(
      new ElytronAuthConfigProvider(messageLayer, applicationContext, serverAuthModules),
      messageLayer, applicationContext, description);
