Sentinel Support for appending a single rule in the rule manager

nlejzf6q  于 2022-10-19  发布在  其他

Issue Description

Type: feature request

Describe what happened (or what feature you want)

FlowRuleManager & DegradeRuleManager provide configUpdate() method to update Rules by implements PropertyListener. But, configUpdate() like configLoad() , both of them clear() ConcurrentHashMap first, then putAll() Rules. Why dont provide a method to support add a new Rule into Map? This is necessary in the scenario where rule need to be added dynamically.

Describe what you expected to happen

provide a method like: (eg. in DegradeRuleManager)

public static boolean addRule(DegradeRule rule) {
        if  (null ==rule ) {
            return false;
        return degradeRules.put(rule.getResource(), rule);

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

Tell us your environment

Anything else we need to know?



Because the rules are full updated actually.
When add,update or delete a flow rule from dashboard, it push all flow rules to application side, and use FlowRuleManager#loadRules and configUpdate to update all flow rules.

If only push a new rule, boolean addRule(FlowRule) is indeed needed. This may be a good suggestion.



In my usage scenario, Rules are not controlled and updated by using Sentinel dashboard, I initialize it and update it by code.
So, I have to add a new Rule only like below:

synchronized (SentinelInitializr.class) {
            List<DegradeRule> rules = DegradeRuleManager.getRules();

but It may also cause concurrency problem.

I will push a PR about this.



Is there any progress?
