echarts Superimpose the histogram. Use 'diamond' and pictorialbar at the top. When you click the second segment of data of the first column, the obtained names do not match

vcirk6k6  于 2022-11-02  发布在  Echarts



Steps to reproduce

1、When clicking the second section of the first column, the obtained name should be the name of the x-axis corresponding to the first column. Now the obtained name does not match;

2、When the click event of the legend at the top of echats is disabled, the next two legends cannot be clicked, which is normal; However, the first two legend can be clicked; Triggered the click event of echart;

3、Changing the Z value of pictorialbar can solve the click problem; However, it can not meet the existing effect of histogram

4、For the specific project code, see the reproduction link

What is expected?

  1. When you click the second section of the first column, you can get the correct name corresponding to the X axis;
  2. When legend is disabled, click events cannot be clicked;

What is actually happening?

When clicking the second section of the first column, the obtained name should be the name of the x-axis corresponding to the first column. Now the obtained name does not match;

When the click event of the legend at the top of echats is disabled, the next two legends cannot be clicked, which is normal; However, the first two legend can be clicked; Triggered the click event of echart;



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I didn't get what's wrong here. Can you make an image to better illustrate which part is wrong?
And do you mean "hovering" when you said "clicking"?
