echarts multi dataset render line series bug

3pmvbmvn  于 2022-11-02  发布在  Echarts



Steps to reproduce

  1. multiple datasets, one dataset has null value on it's first datapoint.
  2. xAxis type set to 'category'
option = {
  "tooltip": { "trigger": "axis" },
  "xAxis": { "type": "category" },
  "yAxis": { "type": "value" },
  "dataset": [
      "dimensions": ["time", "IN", "OUT"],
      "source": [
        ["2021-08-24T05:04:00Z", null, null],
        ["2021-08-24T05:05:00Z", 25557.8585, 42295.94875],
        ["2021-08-24T05:06:00Z", 26529.061500000003, 27959.30075],
        ["2021-08-24T05:07:00Z", 26442.935, 15044.221000000001],
        ["2021-08-24T05:08:00Z", 25808.200249999998, 14797.9265],
        ["2021-08-24T05:09:00Z", 24926.94025, 36655.6425],
        ["2021-08-24T05:10:00Z", 24289.542, 63481.05500000001],
        ["2021-08-24T05:11:00Z", 26898.6045, 32675.925],
        ["2021-08-24T05:12:00Z", 26527.185250000002, 15077.23475],
        ["2021-08-24T05:13:00Z", 25744.94675, 14864.382249999999],
        ["2021-08-24T05:14:00Z", 25193.262333333332, 14608.087],
        ["2021-08-24T05:15:00Z", 24820.80025, 42864.026249999995],
        ["2021-08-24T05:16:00Z", 25146.29525, 21076.957749999998],
        ["2021-08-24T05:17:00Z", 25005.54675, 14490.284249999999],
        ["2021-08-24T05:18:00Z", 25071.7565, 14490.57375],
        ["2021-08-24T05:19:00Z", 24427.50625, 41984.9355],
        ["2021-08-24T05:20:00Z", 23729.506999999998, 60567.432],
        ["2021-08-24T05:21:00Z", 25223.235, 29637.791999999998],
        ["2021-08-24T05:22:00Z", 24792.1, 14282.797250000001],
        ["2021-08-24T05:23:00Z", 24533.36525, 14319.3435],
        ["2021-08-24T05:24:00Z", 24495.62075, 14196.408500000001],
        ["2021-08-24T05:25:00Z", 23870.25475, 44089.1765],
        ["2021-08-24T05:26:00Z", 24630.16375, 16366.382249999999],
        ["2021-08-24T05:27:00Z", 24388.373, 14218.3335],
        ["2021-08-24T05:28:00Z", 25147.289, 14520.3385],
        ["2021-08-24T05:29:00Z", 25123.4625, 14506.615],
        ["2021-08-24T05:30:00Z", 25837.9415, 45363.348000000005],
        ["2021-08-24T05:31:00Z", 26354.3375, 50252.17450000001],
        ["2021-08-24T05:32:00Z", 27914.812250000003, 33720.994999999995],
        ["2021-08-24T05:33:00Z", 27877.28925, 16954.4435],
        ["2021-08-24T05:34:00Z", 27277.665333333334, 17351.160666666667]
      "dimensions": ["time", "IN", "OUT"],
      "source": [
        ["2021-08-24T05:04:00Z", 27518.162, 16452.748],
        ["2021-08-24T05:05:00Z", 25979.75425, 43106.11975],
        ["2021-08-24T05:06:00Z", 26665.370000000003, 29175.97475],
        ["2021-08-24T05:07:00Z", 26644.34975, 15997.3635],
        ["2021-08-24T05:08:00Z", 26104.9375, 15689.89025],
        ["2021-08-24T05:09:00Z", 25330.236749999996, 39925.95025],
        ["2021-08-24T05:10:00Z", 24264.00425, 61915.24675],
        ["2021-08-24T05:11:00Z", 26828.632749999997, 34729.508],
        ["2021-08-24T05:12:00Z", 26673.35275, 16058.94975],
        ["2021-08-24T05:13:00Z", 25779.692750000002, 15466.92325],
        ["2021-08-24T05:14:00Z", 24997.98175, 15082.0015],
        ["2021-08-24T05:15:00Z", 24783.283, 43216.87225],
        ["2021-08-24T05:16:00Z", 25155.3295, 23744.5925],
        ["2021-08-24T05:17:00Z", 25076.751500000002, 15237.652],
        ["2021-08-24T05:18:00Z", 25104.77075, 15190.83025],
        ["2021-08-24T05:19:00Z", 24137.982, 41627.73825],
        ["2021-08-24T05:20:00Z", 24144.43925, 60619.045999999995],
        ["2021-08-24T05:21:00Z", 25247.81575, 29033.1525],
        ["2021-08-24T05:22:00Z", 25193.64725, 15171.083499999999],
        ["2021-08-24T05:23:00Z", 25124.8475, 15063.4315],
        ["2021-08-24T05:24:00Z", 24759.575750000004, 14919.28875],
        ["2021-08-24T05:25:00Z", 24006.89725, 46510.463],
        ["2021-08-24T05:26:00Z", 24709.84225, 17752.4765],
        ["2021-08-24T05:27:00Z", 24450.4805, 14826.1185],
        ["2021-08-24T05:28:00Z", 24836.6025, 14904.04575],
        ["2021-08-24T05:29:00Z", 24954.8775, 15127.2],
        ["2021-08-24T05:30:00Z", 25502.4375, 47163.848],
        ["2021-08-24T05:31:00Z", 25982.8915, 50109.585],
        ["2021-08-24T05:32:00Z", 27837.845, 35179.441],
        ["2021-08-24T05:33:00Z", 28008.90133333333, 17928.766333333333],
        ["2021-08-24T05:34:00Z", 27308.515333333333, 16269.045666666667]
  "series": [
      "type": "line",
      "name": "IN {device: deviceA, host: hostA}",
      "encode": { "x": "time", "y": "IN" },
      "datasetIndex": 0,
      "smooth": true,
      "type": "line",
      "name": "OUT {device: deviceA, host: hostA}",
      "encode": { "x": "time", "y": "OUT" },
      "datasetIndex": 0,
      "smooth": true,
      "type": "line",
      "name": "IN {device: deviceB, host: hostB}",
      "encode": { "x": "time", "y": "IN" },
      "datasetIndex": 1,
      "smooth": true,
      "type": "line",
      "name": "OUT {device: deviceB, host: hostB}",
      "encode": { "x": "time", "y": "OUT" },
      "datasetIndex": 1,
      "smooth": true,
      "showSymbol": false

What is expected?

just ignore null value.

What is actually happening?

there is a addition straight line cross the chart.

Chart will render correct if set xAxis type to 'time'. But time axis labels will overlap when reduce page width. category axis will auto adjust label interval. That why i use category axis here.
(用time轴是可以正常显示的, 但是time轴的label在缩小页面的时候label不会自动调整,



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  • A minimum reproducible demo* should contain as little data and components as possible but can still illustrate your problem. This is the best way for us to reproduce it and solve the problem faster.

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