echarts Map label set position / offset , no take effect

iqxoj9l9  于 2022-11-03  发布在  Echarts



Steps to reproduce

series: [{
                    name: '香港18区人口密度',
                    type: 'map',
                    mapType: 'HK', // 自定义扩展图表类型
                    label: {
                        position: [10, 100], // no take effect
                        offset: [50,10]  // no take effect
                   data: [
                            name: '中西区',
                            value: 20057.34,
                            label: {
                                position: [20,20],  // no take effect
                                offset: [30,40]  // no take effect

What is expected?

map label position , offset can take effect

What is actually happening?

no take effect



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