haskell 如何有效地添加存在类型的安全货币值?

camsedfj  于 8个月前  发布在  其他


data Currency = CHF | EUR | PLN | USD
  deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)

data CurrencyWitness (c :: Currency) where
  CHFWitness :: CurrencyWitness CHF
  EURWitness :: CurrencyWitness EUR
  PLNWitness :: CurrencyWitness PLN
  USDWitness :: CurrencyWitness USD

deriving stock instance Eq (CurrencyWitness c)
deriving stock instance Show (CurrencyWitness c)

data Money (currency :: Currency) representation = Money
  { moneyCurrency :: !(CurrencyWitness currency)
  , moneyAmount :: !representation
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)

add :: (Num r) => Money c r -> Money c r -> Money c r
add (Money witness1 amount1) (Money _ amount2) =
  Money witness1 (amount1 + amount2)

data SomeMoney r where
  SomeMoney :: Money c r -> SomeMoney r

现在我如何编写addSomeMoney :: (Num r) => SomeMoney r -> SomeMoney r -> Maybe (SomeMoney r),只有当它们是相同的货币时才能安全地添加货币?你可以想象,在用户提供货币参数的情况下,这可能是需要的,所以我们不能在编译时检查他们的货币。

addSomeMoney (SomeMoney m@(Money c _)) (SomeMoney m'@(Money c' _)) = case (c, c') of
  (CHFWitness, CHFWitness) -> Just . SomeMoney $ add m m'
  (PLNWitness, PLNWitness) -> Just . SomeMoney $ add m m'
  -- ...
  (_, _) -> Nothing


addSomeMoney (SomeMoney m@(Money c _)) (SomeMoney m'@(Money c _)) = _

不工作。GHC抱怨重复的cConlicting definitions of 'c'



我们从OP的代码开始,大部分是逐字的,我们只添加了一些扩展,启用警告(应该在其他地方更合适,但让我们保持简单)和import Data.Typeable

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DerivingStrategies, KindSignatures,
    StandaloneDeriving, DataKinds, RankNTypes, 
    TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
import Data.Typeable

data Currency = CHF | EUR | PLN | USD
  deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)

data CurrencyWitness (c :: Currency) where
  CHFWitness :: CurrencyWitness 'CHF
  EURWitness :: CurrencyWitness 'EUR
  PLNWitness :: CurrencyWitness 'PLN
  USDWitness :: CurrencyWitness 'USD

deriving stock instance Eq (CurrencyWitness c)
deriving stock instance Show (CurrencyWitness c)

data Money (currency :: Currency) representation = Money
  { moneyCurrency :: !(CurrencyWitness currency)
  , moneyAmount :: !representation
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)

add :: (Num r) => Money c r -> Money c r -> Money c r
add (Money witness1 amount1) (Money _ amount2) =
  Money witness1 (amount1 + amount2)

data SomeMoney r where
  SomeMoney :: Money c r -> SomeMoney r


withTypeableCurrency :: CurrencyWitness c -> (Typeable c => a) -> a
withTypeableCurrency CHFWitness x = x
withTypeableCurrency EURWitness x = x
withTypeableCurrency PLNWitness x = x
withTypeableCurrency USDWitness x = x


addSomeMoney :: (Num r) => SomeMoney r -> SomeMoney r -> Maybe (SomeMoney r)
addSomeMoney (SomeMoney (m1@(Money (c1 :: CurrencyWitness tc1) _)))
             (SomeMoney (m2@(Money (c2 :: CurrencyWitness tc2) _))) =
  withTypeableCurrency c1 $
  withTypeableCurrency c2 $
  case eqT @tc1 @tc2 of
    Just Refl -> Just . SomeMoney $ add m1 m2
    Nothing   -> Nothing  -- not the same type of currency

更新:一些样板可以利用singletons包和一些Template Haskell删除。

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DerivingStrategies, KindSignatures,
    StandaloneDeriving, DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeApplications,
    ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, EmptyCase, TypeFamilies,
    UndecidableInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, InstanceSigs #-}

import Data.Singletons.Decide
import Data.Singletons.TH

$(singletons [d|
  data Currency = CHF | EUR | PLN | USD
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Bounded)
-- This automatically creates the equivalent of
--    data SCurrency :: Currency -> Type where
--       SCHF :: SCurrency 'CHF
--       SEUR :: SCurrency 'EUR
--       SPLN :: SCurrency 'PLN
--       SUSD :: SCurrency 'USD
-- and some helper stuff.

-- singletons does not like deriving Enum, so we move it here.
deriving stock instance Enum Currency

-- singletons does not create this for some reason.
deriving stock instance Eq (SCurrency c)

data Money (currency :: Currency) representation = Money
  { moneyCurrency :: !(SCurrency currency)
  , moneyAmount :: !representation
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)

add :: (Num r) => Money c r -> Money c r -> Money c r
add (Money witness1 amount1) (Money _ amount2) =
  Money witness1 (amount1 + amount2)

data SomeMoney r where
  SomeMoney :: Money c r -> SomeMoney r


addSomeMoney :: (Num r) => SomeMoney r -> SomeMoney r -> Maybe (SomeMoney r)
addSomeMoney (SomeMoney m1@(Money c1 _))
             (SomeMoney m2@(Money c2 _)) =
  -- Check for singleton equality.
  case c1 %~ c2 of
    Proved    Refl -> Just . SomeMoney $ add m1 m2
    Disproved _    -> Nothing




demoteCurrencyWitness :: CurrencyWitness c -> Currency
demoteCurrencyWitness CHFWitness = CHF


addSomeMoney (SomeMoney (Money c amount)) (SomeMoney (Money c' amount'))
 | demoteCurrencyWitness c == demoteCurrencyWitness c'
              = Just . SomeMoney . Money c $ amount+amount'
 | otherwise  = Nothing

