mysql SQL ...插入语句时出现问题[重复]

c3frrgcw  于 4个月前  发布在  Mysql


When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL(13个回答)

CREATE TABLE easy_drinks(drink_name VARCHAR(20), main VARCHAR(10),amount1 DEC(3,1),second VARCHAR(25), amount2 DEC(3,2),directions VARCHAR(255)); 
INSERT INTO easy_drinks
(drink_name,main,amount1,second, amount2,directions) 
(‘Black thorn’,’tonicwater’,1.5 ,’pineapple_juice’,1 ,’stir with ice,strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist’), 
(‘BlueMoon’,’soda’,1.5,’blueberry_juice’,0.75, ‘strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist),
 (Ohmygosh’,’peach_nectar’,1,’pineapple_juice’,1,’stir with ice’,’strain into shot glass’),
 (‘Lime_fizz’,’sprite’,1.5,’lime_juice’,0.75,’stir with ice,strain into a cocktail glass), 
(‘kiss on lips’,’cherry juice’,2,’apricot nector’,7,’serve over ice with straw’), 
(‘hot gold’,’peach nectar’,3,’orange juice’,6,’pour hot orange juice in mug and peach nectar’), (‘lone tree,’soda’,1.5,’cherry juice’,0.75,’stir with ice,strain into cocktail glass), (‘greyhound’,’soda’,1.5,’grapefruit juice’,5,’serve with ice,stir well’), (‘indian summer’,’apple juice’,2,’hot tea’,6,’add juice to mug and topoff with hot tea’), (‘bullfrog’,’iced tea’,1.5,’lemonade’,5,’serve over ice with lime slice’), (‘soda and it’,’soda’,2,’grape juice’,1,’shake in cocktail glass,no ice’);

您的SQL语法中有一个错误;请检查与您的MySQL服务器版本对应的手册,以了解在第4行的'thorn','tonicwater',1.5,'pineapple_juice',1,'stir with ice,strain '附近使用的正确语法




CREATE TABLE easy_drinks (
    drink_name VARCHAR(20),
    main VARCHAR(10),
    amount1 DEC(3,1),
    second VARCHAR(25),
    amount2 DEC(3,2),
    directions VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO easy_drinks (drink_name, main, amount1, second, amount2, directions) VALUES
('Black thorn', 'tonicwater', 1.5, 'pineapple_juice', 1, 'stir with ice, strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist'),
('BlueMoon', 'soda', 1.5, 'blueberry_juice', 0.75, 'strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist'),
('Ohmygosh', 'peach_nectar', 1, 'pineapple_juice', 1, 'stir with ice, strain into shot glass'),
('Lime_fizz', 'sprite', 1.5, 'lime_juice', 0.75, 'stir with ice, strain into a cocktail glass'),
('kiss on lips', 'cherry juice', 2, 'apricot nector', 7, 'serve over ice with straw'),
('hot gold', 'peach nectar', 3, 'orange juice', 6, 'pour hot orange juice in mug and peach nectar'),
('lone tree', 'soda', 1.5, 'cherry juice', 0.75, 'stir with ice, strain into cocktail glass'),
('greyhound', 'soda', 1.5, 'grapefruit juice', 5, 'serve with ice, stir well'),
('indian summer', 'apple juice', 2, 'hot tea', 6, 'add juice to mug and top off with hot tea'),
('bullfrog', 'iced tea', 1.5, 'lemonade', 5, 'serve over ice with lime slice'),
('soda and it', 'soda', 2, 'grape juice', 1, 'shake in cocktail glass, no ice');

